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The First Lord of Gundabad

Orcish (Northern Orcish; Nalt-Gûjâb; Mordor-Orcish); Black Speech; Melkian; Westron
Time Period
S.A. ca. 1650 - S.A. 1930
Mukarg(N)  ; Unknown
Urgubal, Bralg the Insane
Brok of Gundabad, Burguk, Urzog The Impaler (possibly): probably distant grandchild, Zalg the Repaer (N) (N) = non-canon

"But Ogslap was not Sauron's sole favourite, for there was another even more bloodthirsty... Skorg. He was the conqueror of Gundabad who cowed that once magnificent city before the feet of the Dark Throne and so became the stronghold's first wicked ruler. It is of Skorg's line that the more renowned Azog and his spawn, Bolg, came."
Elrond Peredhel

Skorg (Or. "Marred One") was a vicious, ruthless and sly Boldog General of Barad-dûr of the progeny of Mukarg who distinguished himself in Eriador as one of the Dark Lord Sauron's most trusted commanders, the first Lord of Gundabad and the prime Ashdurbúk, as well as the forefather of a long bloodline of Orc-kings some of which also followed on his footsteps and exercised overall regent control in the North.


Paver of the Dark Lord's northern expansion[]

"Of the seed of Mukarg, Skorg was disgruntled at the untimely shameful demise of his progenitor during the failed conquest of Gundabad and so purposed to accomplish what his forebear could not. In Sauron he found the way to his fated destiny, dedicating his life to serving him as much as to seeing his own vision through, rising as one of his most ferocious, apt and most trusted generals. He was bidden by his Master back into the North that spat him out to order his kinsmen into a weapon worthy of Mordor."
― Elrond Peredhel

Originating from the frozen wastes in Far North once dominated by the rebel Vala Morgoth, Skorg was a fearsome and clever Boldog empowered by a heritage traced to the demonic Orc-general Mukarg of Angband. His black heart was purposed by his wanting to avenge the shameful demise of his sire and succeed where he could not: the conquest of the ancestral halls of the Dwarves in Gundabad.The growing presence of the subversive Maia Sauron felt as a resonating call in all corners where foul things brooded attracted Skorg, among others of his northern stock, to the black barren land of Mordor, which the Second Dark Lord was fashioning into his home realm.

As one of Sauron's highest servants, an elevated status owing to his inherited Umaia prowess and traits, Skorg held the rank of a General of Barad-dûr, commanded a large host and bent the knee only to the Dark Throne itself, an honor among Orc-kind reserved only for their more autonomous demonic chiefs. The commander rewarded this appreciation with his undivided loyalty, furthered by the belief that his Master would guide him on the path to his fated destiny. The Dark Lord sent him with his hordes to take and secure strategically important northern passes of the Misty Mountains, both the bar the ways between Westlands and the East for the Free Peoples and to exert better control over the disparate Orc-tribes still living in those caverns. Skorg had a difficult time organizing the rabble he had left behind into an army worthy of Sauron, the accomplishing of his task requiring much show of brutal force to discipline Orcs that had become so hardened by the harsh conditions of the North. At long last, the General fulfilled his labours, having raised several armouries and small garrisons across the gaps through the mountains and having secured the allegiance of an important spy (the name of this informant was cursed among the Naugrim and not known to other races) among the Dwarves of Gundabad, providing the Dark Lord's cohorts with knowledge of the fortress' secrets and of the network of underground tunnels connected to it

Conqueror of Gundabad[]

"Every Dwarf knows the tale. After a long campaign in which much blood was shed by our peoples to hold off the Orc-host, we were betrayed by one of our own kin. Cursed be the turncoat' name! Since early in the war he had fed the Dark Lord with all knowledge he could gather, while the latter mustered his forces to crush us. By means of one of the secret passages, Skorg's army assaulted the city of mighty Gundabad and brought it on its knees before Sauron. No one was spared the Orc-king's wrath: man, woman and child young or old were all put to the butcher's sword. "
Thórin Stonehelm

In the War of Sauron and the Elves, the General was sanctioned by his Master to assault Gundabad; having superior numbers and the maps written by the spy, plans were made for the battle to take place both underground and above, to harass the Dwarves wherever they were, isolate them from the outside world and cut off their escape. While campaigning with a small recon force in the vicinity of Mukarg's last refuge, Skorg was attracted by the Ulûkai and after some search seized the evil gem, before swiftly sending a courier bearing news of its finding to Sauron. Upon his return to the main host he found it in confusion and disarray - as it was the custom of Orcs lacking their chieftain. The power of the Ulûkai combined with a few Dush dispatched by his pleased Master soon gave the General control again and formed the mass of barbaric warriors into a quite capable and effective fighting machine. The relative vicinity of the Dark Lord wearing the One Ring further motivated the Orcs to an unheard-of discipline.

Seeing the strength of the Northman cavalry after the first engagement Skorg requested that Sauron to provide him with mounted troops as well. The latter had mustered their forces as well and met their foes in the field rather than waiting for them to come and forsaking the initiative.The first year of the General's campaign saw only a few minor clashes while both sides tried to outmaneuver the other. The only major engagement was inconclusive and didn't change the tactical situation. Skorg had recognized eventually the importance of intelligence other than the Dwarven turncoat and sent out his own scouts to prepare for the great assault he knew would come. The whole year passed with the preparations. Soon Sauron was able to decisively breach the elven defense in Eriador: Eregion was laid waste while Khazad-dûm laid under siege and the Dwarves were therefore forced to thin out their forces in the North. Skorg perceived his chance and attacked with great strength, clashing blades with his adversaries on the front line himself and thus inspiring his soldiery to acts of extreme savagery. Because of his thorough planning, treachery and sheer numbers he was able to overwhelm the defenders in a great battle at the Narrows between Greenwood and the Grey Mountains. The remaining Dwarves retreated to the main citadel at Mount Gundabad with the remnants of their allies' forces while the remaining Northmen were scattered throughout the land.

As Sauron's main legions advanced into Eriador, he bid Skorg to begin the latter's much-yearned-for siege Gundabad. Rather than charge upfront, the General was able to gain access into the city by means of one of the secret passage revealed by the Dwarf traitor. Overran by the immeasurable Orc-host, the valiant defenders were slain to the last. But the holy halls of the Naugrim were so well protected by enchantments and clever craftsmanship that the clumsy invaders were unable to enter them. These protective measures were undertaken for just this worst case ever since the war began. Though much of the original architecture was retained, Skorg left his mark on Gundabad by reforging it with a signature Orcish style, refining edges into sharp razors, adorning walls with skulls and bones, constructing wooden towers, ramparts, bridges and other machines and fashioning himself and his bloodline a massive awe-inspiring crypt; he became the first Lord of Gundabad - a small overlord who reigned over the denizens with the blessing of and in the virtual name of the greater suzerain, Sauron. Finally, Skorg had accomplished his dream.He also purged all remnants of neighbouring Northmen, ravaging their settlements for rich plunder and for slaves - who were either tortured in the most gruesome ways to his amusement, worked to death in the mines or sent as tributary thralls to tile the plains of Núrn in Mordor. The Orc king's achievements which granted the Dark Lord a firmer grip over the northern lands earned him the latter's much sought favour and the joint regency over the Orcs of the region with Ogslap of Goblin-Town.

Reign of Skorg[]

"After keeping Sauron's seat in Gundabad warm and enjoying a lasting despotic rule over the North, Skorg was finally laid to rest, the only overlord of those lands not to perish on the field of battle. Orc traditions say he was buried in a Crypt, though the Dwarves themselves have found no such chamber in their consecutive retakings of Gundabad. Folk tales also claim that his wraith still wanders the stronghold's halls and slays the unwary, doing fell deeds that would please his Master even in death. "
― Elrond Peredhel

The Battle of the Gwathló shook Sauron's hold over Middle-earth, especially in the North and the Weslands, though Skorg was able to ward off all dwarven counterattacks and maintain rulership of his realm. The reason behind this was simple: Mount Gundabad, being the only conquest save Goblin-Town not lost after the Dark Lord's defeat in Eriador, was strengthened by the latter with what forces were left at his disposal. The ancient dwarven alliance with the Northmen was gone beyond revival, a conclusion ensured by Skorg's previous annihilation of nearby Mannish settlements. In spite of this, the Dwarves constantly plotted for revenge against the Orcs, so they started reconnaissance missions instead of fruitless assaults. Though they suffered dire casualities the Dwarves were able to establish communication with Skorg's oppressed slaves which gave them a quite good picture of the situation in Mount Gundabad.

As a show of open defiance to both the victors of the Gwathló and the Dwarves, Skorg ordered the building of a new gate as the main entrance into Mount Gundabad. This was later known as the Drake Gate. The old dwarven entrance was entirely abandoned, a symbol of the discarding of the stronghold's old owners and the start of a new era under Orcish yoke. For his unyielding iron-willed allegiance, Skorg was bestowed upon the title of Ashdurbúk by Sauron's and taken into his confidence as part of his Black Council - his circle of chief agents who aided him closely in his aim to suborn the majority of Arda. In the aftermath of a long reign as a petty tyrannical regent of Sauron, Skorg passed away. He was the only evil ruler of Mount Gundabad to die non-violently.


"Skorg's actions ensured his dynasty's constant occupation of the mantle of Sole Ruler in the North, a claim maintained by their adherence to Sauron's wishes in open or in secret. Gundabad would since be subject only to the authority of Barad-dûr. Even when the threat of Angmar loomed over Middle-earth, Gundabad partially entered the war as a quasi-equal ally of Carn Dûm not its vassal, while the scions of Skorg were left to govern their own affairs. Only a few of these Orc-kings, however, were ever near to rivalling the reputation of their ancestor. Grimtok was possibly the closest, while Azog the Slayer, Azog the Defiler and Bolg went as far as to surpass him. "
― Elrond Peredhel

After his death, he was entombed in his Crypt with the Ulûkai clutched in his hands. Power struggles ensued over his succession weakening the Orcs' strength, and ultimatelly allowing the Dwarves reclaim Gundabad though the Crypt of Skorg remained undetected and their reoccupation did not last long. Retaken, the fortress became the capital of the Orcs of the North in the Third Age after the crumbling of its ally Angmar, with only Goblin-Town acting autonomous under the Dark Throne's demand. The descendants of Skorg continued to uphold the same beliefs as their progenitor in both their Master's and their very own supremacy, thus keeping the bloodline's right to the position of Ashdurbúk.

The Crypt of Skorg[]

The Crypt of Skorg lay well hidden within deeps of Gundabad, newly excavated by the Orcs. He was buried with the accursed gem known as the Ulûkai, his dread and bodyless wraith being incarcerated in his own magically concealed grave according to legend. The Dwarves and Orcs alike claim that his Unbodied spirit does the bidding of the Enemy still by haunting the stronghold and slaying the residents it deems weak - and it may indeed be so, for who knows what enchantment lies over the Orc-king's withered bones and the art of necromancy is counted by loremasters among the known practices of the Dark Powers.
