The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Major languages in the later Sinking Plain and surrounding lands

The Sinking Plain (Th."Ungu'tlar") was a region of over 30.000 square miles in the Far North of Central Endor close to the Northern Seas. It was dominated by the nine rivers Silubr, Faerie River, Turtle River, Bruun, Tarpie, Niloti, River Nighthawk, Skopco, and Blach; it was also home to the rival City-states of Oriz and Zetta.


Ainur: Demons; Fairies; Mermaids

Dwarves: Eastern Dwarves

Elves: Avari (Hisildi, Hwendi, Kindi, Yimâni)

Men: Orizians; Zettans

Orcs: Goblins; Orcs; Ogres

Trolls: Civilized Trolls; Wild Trolls

Settlements and Points of Interest[]

  • Enbach
  • Garrothold
  • Keep of D'mallo
  • Oriz
  • Shade's Keep
  • Shadow Hall
  • Siresver
  • Zetta



Aaron Aluap Amnâkh Arndre W'Ricke Ash'val Bohlman the Mad C'ha K'aun t'ze Danel Silens D'Breh M'Loy D'mallo Darkholme Buck Eridor Estaban Estus Fitzlau Harkmar Ida Karyn of Iardan Lito Extempler Lothrax Lucio Luther Millidexter P'Trich al Maalon Nicoli Nimanril Omar Orvid R'ossah Selachii Sêt The Shade Smiley Smitty S'sorr Tyoh Y'Rage


Albatrosses small amphibians Ape-Eagle Hlákreget Northern Apes Babbali Gwathileu Bears Bees Steppe Bisons Northern Constrictors Camels Cave Hyaenas Hweley Deer Dolphins Dragons Eagles Elk Forbliss Giant Crabs Giant Dragon-Flies Giant Warrior Ants Cave Lions Kelkolosro Horses small insects Lion-Ape Lion-Eagle Lion-Spiders small mammals Great Moose Bloodflies Orodrav Nokupug Tooth-fish Poisonous snake small reptiles Rocs Scorpions sea-birds Slugs Snakes Snapping Turtles Spider-Ape Spider-Eagle Swamp Kraken Steppe Turtles Faerych Wild Boar Wild Horses Wolf Spiders Wolves Guayparhi


Acâna Asp Nettles Khazâd Bamboo ferns marsh-grass snake-like plants Strangler Vines Zaganzar



Possible locations of the later Sinking Plain

The Sinking Plain was originally the setting of Shade of the Sinking Plain, a module of ICE's early Loremaster Series. In contrast to the Series' other three books, the setting was never integrated into ICE's Shadow World Scenario and the Continent of Jaiman; the geography of the area also rather resembles some of the northern bays of Pete Fenlon's Middle-earth map especially lands of the great Northern Peninsula.

