Beffraen society was strictly segregated by sex, but they recognized that on rare occasions persons were born into a "wrong" body. Such was the case with Sherl who demonstrated strong visionary powers from a young age. After testing by the Sages, Sherl was thereafter raised as a male child, and was treated as a man in all instances, though that was obviously not the case. The False Cennaigh was the only Jawl-y-er to have met Sherl, and having seen no advantage in the information, this fact was unknown to outsiders. Among the Beffraen this was not considered to be notable in any way, though it could create confusion among his/her rescuers.
Sherl was but 4' tall, somewhat short for a Beffraen woman, and quite short for a male. She dressed,like Maelgym, and to a Beffraen her special status was denoted by her red tattoos on her face and upper arms. A powerful magician despite her limited repertory of Spells, Sherl eschewed the use of weapons. She carried a bundle of six wands, those of the previous Oracles and one of her own.
- MERP:the Lost Realm of Cardolan
- MERP:Northwestern Middle-earth Campaign Atlas
- MERP:Northwestern Middle-earth Gazetteer
- MERP:Raiders of Cardolan