Sharkey's Company, also called the Boss's Men or the Southern Party, was a group of outlaws in Breeland in the agency of the fallen Wizard Saruman, known to them under the guise of "Sharkey". They were mostly Southerners hailing primarily from villages of the Dunlendings and that of other tribes-men of Enedhwaith or Minhiriath, that came up the Greenway together with refugees, causing trouble for the local folk.
Not long after the last meeting of the White Council, Saruman began to send spies to observe and report all of Gandalf's movements, especially around the Shire, for he believed that something of the utmost importance must warrant the Grey Pilgrim's many visits to that land. Mimicking Gandalf's use of pipe-weed (despite mocking him openly for his smoking custom), Saruman also arranged for trade of "leaf" with Isengard and other things from the Shire through Sharkey's Shipping, which was effectively managed by the chiefs of Sharkey's Company.
Not long after, Saruman was drawn to the service of Sauron, so the Southern Party was more busier than ever, working still for the ends of their Boss as well as those of the "Biggest". Though they were in league with both Isengard and Mordor, the allegiance of many of those ill-favored fellows lay with the wizard Saruman first, and at his behest often misinformed or even misled the other more trustworthy vassals of Sauron, such as the Nine Nazgûl. As both Saruman and his Lord's interest in Eriador grew, Sharkey's Company became bolder, claiming ownership of farms, stopping carts and ambushing travellers. They soon came to fill the power vacuum left by the Blackwolds significant loss of influence. They started establishing encampments such as Brigand's Watch, while keeping Sharkey's Shipping as a legal means of pursuing nefarious activities.
Allowed more freedom once Saruman was required to play his part in the War of the Ring, the Southern Party thrived and turned to other allies to extend their reach beyond the borders of Breeland. To this end they joined with the guilible Lotho Sackville-Baggins to gain more contracts with the Shire. As demands for pipe-weed from Isengard increased, the company came to help Lotho run his affairs until they became nearly indispensable. What little remained of the weakened Blackwolds and Breeland Company was absorbed by Sharkey's Company. Warry of a growing potential autonomy, Saruman sent some of his loyal Half-orc minions to keep them in check and also to weaken the Dúnedain watch over Eriador as part of his hunt for the One Ring.
Certain of success given the apparent chance of victory for the "Biggest" (despite the apparent downfall of Saruman), Sharkey's Company planned and attacked the town of Bree, using both superior weaponry and inside men to push the locals back. However, the ruffians underestimated the patriotism of the people and found themselves sustaining grievous losses. After a bloody skirmish that inflicted some casualties among the defenders, the Southern Party was forced to retreat together with the defectors and went to the Shire to recover from the serious setback by exploiting the Hobbits's economy. They had fully returned to their state of power in Eriador by the time Saruman himself arrived and cast Lotho aside to resume his place as the Boss.
The Battle of Bywater ended with the final defeat of Sharkey's Company at the hands of the Hobbits. In the event of the skirmish, Saruman himself was killed by his oppressed servant Grima Wormtongue on the very steps of Bag End.
Members of Note[]
- Aldis Oatbearer
- Andy Idden
- Ansley Atwood
- Athelwyn
- Avice Twynam
- Bart Madgett
- Bill Ferny
- Bill Tripper
- Blake
- Brunmor
- Calder Cob
- Cole Culvert
- Cole Sickleleaf
- Cora Slimfoot
- Corugwen the Cunning
- Cosimo the ruffian
- Dabardon
- Dale Truitt
- Dirk Hawthorn
- Doeth
- Edric
- Eilert Crampbark
- Euog
- Gib Hawthorn
- Gil Goatleaf
- Graham Hinchcliffe
- Grimbosh
- Gun Ain
- Harry Goatleaf
- Harry Hinchcliffe
- Hafoc
- Hogaward
- Holt Adderson
- Idella Cryptbreaker
- Jabe Grimshaw
- Jagger Jack
- Jasper Mudbottom
- Joan Darkhand
- Lanferth
- Long Tom
- Morley the Fierce
- Muagan Yelloweye
- Ned Ashleaf
- Ned Goatleaf
- Ogden Oakes
- Oldenad
- Otis Woodman
- Otto the Brigand
- Patric Bilberry
- Percy Alroyd
- Rilgell
- Roth the Ragged
- Rowan Thistlewood
- Rycroft the Wretched
- Sargulk
- S'haara
- Sharkey the Impostor
- Sid Briarthorn
- Ted Bloom
- Thomas Idden
- Tom Greythistle
- Troshnákh
- Uchdrud
- Vance Waithman
- Walbo Slimfoot
- Will Tuffin
- Willa Bloom
- William Skunkwood
- Willie Hawthorn
- Wolf Hollowing
- Wrnach