Long-settled yet full of wild shores, dark woods, and rugged mountains, south-western Middle-earth was often referred to as the Dominions of the Seven (Ad: "Thâni-Hazâd"). It was a place of riches and wonder, of fiercely independent oligarchies challenged by the might of the Storm King and the terror engendered by the Lord of the Rings.[1]
The Seven Lands included (in alphabetical order):
- Anbalukkhôr (Ciryatandor)
- Drel
- Elorna (or Gimilthâni)
- Kharadûnê (Hyarn)
- Pel
- Tulwang
- Zimrathâni (Mîredor)
Other names[]
- Hyarmenúrë
- Southern Heat
- Southwestern Peninsula
The Lands of the Thâni-Hazad[]
Regions and Bodies of Water[]
Aden Prists Araden Aronyar River Arthrazoc Batân an-Zimrathâni Bay of Angwi Bay of Drel Blue Lake Blue Lake Crossing Bragolsîr Central Maldor Cleft of Goats Cupiga Witu Dor Alagothrim Drel Basin Elornan Cut Elornan Shore Elornan Swamp Elornan Wetlands Falas Belegaer Misty Hills Ethir Aronyar Fields of Maldor Goldplains Gubu Rungi Hills of Elor Hills of Wûm Hyarnustar Coast Kurryian Bay Maldor Malinelanta Metharn Miriant Onpu Aeluin Onpu Mispír Pel Bight Pel Hills Pel Stairs Phazâtthâni Plain of Araden Seregul Silent Hills Silent River Snakehills Silverbridge Silverbridge Pass Sîresham Snake Inlet Kôr Bawiba Suriva Tathom Tiur Cili Tontauri Thunder Low Tôl Turgul Urîd Pharazânî Usíra River Mighty Green Mighty Green Bight
Settlements and Points of Interest[]
Aingalad Alsarias Arig's Tomb Arpel (Katerre) Arvarien's Maze Bar Araphor Serpent Tower Blackflame Black Spire (Mornetildë) Kar Mitharmin Castle Youngaxe Cave of Clouds Cor Minyadhras Derei's Tunnels Elornan Cut Ereg Eiren Eregos Esupel's Tomb Fal Carth Gobel Metharn Hall of Alûva Hall of Malkôra House of the Black Hand Jocadogo Snake Fortress Karasalas Karas Metharn Karas Nul Khorsâj Kondu Manara Lair of the Black Dogs Lair of Esupel Lair of the Rain-Drake Lightning Head Lighthouse at the Bay of Octopuses Kadar an-Kharadûn (Caras Hyarn) Lond Hallacar Lond Hithir Malmerion Marath Kharadûne Cloud Citadel Hargrog's Tower Malezar’s Tower Mount Unicorn Mispír Mor Tarain Naragûl Nirlann-dôl Nísilokë Norjadar Orp Angwi Orp Mava Orp Muva Gimileth Reshani Ró-molló Ruins of Unulló Seregul Keep Sighing Springs Sondru Spire of the Flame Tathorn Three Sisters Trenth Trenth Walk Twin-gap Umseder Ûrulôni Warch at Unulló Yellow Break Young-Axe
Cave-Way Drel Way Elorion Highway Fuina Trail Marshway Men Miredor Pel Road Trenth Road
Elves: Cuind (Fuinar)
Black Men: Adena, Drel, Elornans, Magri, Pel, Sederi, Tuladan
High Men: Black Númenóreans (Gimilthânians, Kharadûnians, Zimrathânians)
Drûghu: Chaialla
Army of the Southern Dragon Black Hand Carashirs Court of Ardor Cult of the Dark Overlord Desert Screamers Divine Speakers Masters of the Golden Eye Monks of Ereg Eiren Monks of Mor Tarain Order of the Southern Dragon the Real Fire Society of Derei Southern Slayers Valdacli Warders of the Night
Kelvar & Olvar[]
Black Dogs Cielimba Dubanari Cliff Lions Curin Pelevag Oliphaunt-Dogs Fell-turtles Grey apes Lion Hounds Mûmakil Nomikons Ormakûla Sheep Slow-fangs Trusavi
Plants and Fungi[]
Akbutege Alambas Balaak Bamboo Black Cypress Curfalaka Ebony (Usamiti) Goldwood Hearty Redwood Gort Hemlock Mahagony (Cainimiti) Niasi Rhododendron Rosewood (Shadamabo) Slird Tarnas Teak (Gurmamiti) Welwal Witav Yellow Hemlock
People of Note[]
Ainur: Elenala Tredeinos Xarbanisan
Dwarves: Fror Hain Vafnir
Elves: Curugond Elor Erocil Marwë Ruindel Terilaen Ufëa the Laugher Ulcamer Uromiel Vaal Gark
- Black Men: Agoth Arcil Arig Calin Wip Cluth Daroc Derei Epef Es-amu Esfur Eshapar Geel Hembur Smep Hylee Hyris Ikûr Karaag Ló-desmic Lomiran Lomkuran Loris Malezar Ne-baraca Ne-eslem Ne-ula Ne-wull Orcir Ricenaris Sancalis Slûcrac Ulcathur Ulfacs Ulrith Ulugu Umbin Swê Urlaca Uthmag Wimbur
- Black Númenóreans: Acuturion Akhôrahil Akhôraphil Araphor Arcastur Ardukhôr Ardulion Arkhahil Arolic Arthrazoc Arvarien Camëar Ciryamir Ciryatir Elorion the Elf-friend Er-Imrazor Erarnil Esgaphor Herundil Imralion Imrazôr I of Zimrathâni Imrazôr II of Zimrathâni Imrazôr I of the Valdacli Imrazôr II of the Valdacli Imrazor III of the Valdacli Lôkhazôr Mirion Olorakhor Phorakôn Sakarphor Seregul Talagani Tar-Raumoher Ûndaphel Wyatan
- Drûghu: Om-ura-Om
Trolls: Hargrog
Other: Durnan Malezar Mûagar Orfarfor
Second Age[]
- S.A. 1-10: Pushed westwards by the threat of movements of Men through the Ered Harmal, the ancestors of the Chaialla leave their traditional homeland of Khailûza and journey to Tulwang.
- c. S.A. 20: Apysaic-speaking peoples cross the Khy Passes and settle in Far Harad. Afraid, the later Chaialla move southward and resettle in Norpûza ("Araden", later Kharadûne)
- c. S.A. 50: The ancestors of the Adena, a large confederation of Apysaic peoples, migrate across the Norpûl and into Kharadûne. Proto-Chaialla groups take refuge in the rugged Hills of Wum.
- S.A. 353: Sea-faring ancedtors of the later Ûsakani peoples land on the shores of the great bay that will bear their name.
- c. S.A. 650: A second confederation of Apysaic peoples, the ancedtors of the Drêl, push into Kharadûne and come into conflict with their proto-Aden predecessors.
- c. S.A. 680: The proto-Adena force the proto-Drêl to resettle in the rugged wooded country south of the later Bay of Drêl.
- c. S.A. 700: Númenórean envoys establish permanent embassies in later Tulwang to the north.
- S.A. 703 - 707: Four proto-Drêl clans move eastwards across the low gaps in the Yellow Mountains and settle along the southern coast of Middle-earth; they will become known as the Pél.
- S.A. 820: The ancestors of the Sedêre and Ûsakani strike westward through the Cleft of Goats. They struggle with highland pre-Adena and are driven back into later Ûsakan after their defeat in the Battle of the Sighing Springs.
- S.A. 1100 - 1220: proto-Sedêre tribes gradually migrate into Araden (Kharadûne), displacing many of the later Aden tribes.
- S.A. 1251: Ardulion establishes a Númenórean colony at Lond Anárion (Kadar an-Kharadûn) on the upstream side of the river Norpûl.
- S.A. 1251-1300: Colonists from Lond Anárion settle in Araden, the grassy region to the south of the Norpûl. They dominate the quarreling and often disunified ancestors of the Aden and Sedêre peoples indigenous to the area. Araden is thus known as Hyarnnúmë (Kharadûne).
- S.A. 1300: In spite of proto-Ûsakani resistance, the Númenórean colony of Lond Hallacar (later Tantûrak) is founded alongside the jungle-infested eastern coast of the Bay of Ûsakan.
- S.A. 1666: An insane mystic known as Arvarien proclaims the realm of Mirënórë (Zimrathâni) at her citadel atop a high islet overlooking the south-central coast of the later Bay of Drêl. Her dream fails when her own son Imrazôr puts her down and has her drowned. However, Arvarien's fortified fief becomes a dominant center for the extreme south-east of Middle-earth.
- S.A. 1750: Sauron's agents enter later Mûmakan and begin influencing the Conjurer-lords of the Land of the Mûmakil.
- S.A. 1869 - 2029: Under Tar-Ciryatan, Númenor begins to militarily exact concessions from the people of Middle-earth. The colony of Lond Hallacar (Tantûrak) grows rapidly, and ships once bound for later Kôrlan begin docking in the Aden port of later Sarûl. Warships start frequenting the bay, and governor Indûr perceives a threat to his people's independence.
- S.A. 1888 - The Fifth of the Nazgûl is born to a lord named Ciryamir, friend to Tar-Ciryatan's brother Ciryatir.
- S.A. 1903 - Lord Ciryamir is granted permission to create and administer a realm under Númenor.
- S.A. 1904 - Ciryamir's family sails to Kharadûne, landing at Midyears. They journey to the newly built citadel of Marto Carnëandúnë (Mârath Kharadûnê) where the kingdom of Ciryatannórë is founded among the northern flank of the Ered Laranor.
- S.A. 1906 - 1918: Khôrahil revels in the absolute power that his father wields over their domain. Like most of the Númenórean followers of Ciryamir, he grows proud of his own name. However, his thirst for wealth and power leads him to covet his father's throne.
- S.A. 1918: Khôrahil signs a perverse pact with an aged Haradan Priest, exchanging his eyes for the great gems known as the Eyes of the Well. This allows him to become the most powerful Sorcerer in the realm. He takes control of his father's mind, and instills such despair that Ciryamir takes his own life.
- S.A. 1919: On the first day of the year, Khôrahil ascends to his father's throne, and proclaims himself the Storm King. He marries his sister Khôraphil, and levies a huge tax to please his overlords on Númenor and deter them from quashing him.
- S.A. 1929: Khôrahil unleashes his new army and sends it into the neighboring lands along the southern edge of Far Harad. Cénnacatt falls by year's end.
- S.A. 1933: Khôrahil's warlord Wyatan leads his armies to subjugate Îsra.
- S.A. 1955: Birth of Jí Indûr in the city of Kôrlan.
- S.A. 1975: Indûr lobbies for the creation of a central government of later Kôronânde so that they might hope to oppose Númenor.
- S.A. 1976-1977: Indûr's proposals gain support across the republic. Elves in the area seem to want to oppose Númenor, given the rise of the King's Men who despise their kind.
- S.A. 1977: With support of many of his own people and Elven allies, Indûr seizes control of the assembly of later Kôronânde.
- S.A. 1978: The republican assembly of later Kôronânde disbands. An advisory council of oligarchs replaces the assembly, and they elect Indûr as the first King of later Kôrlan.
- S.A. 1979-2000: Hundreds of ancestors of the Kîrani who loved their old government system resist the elevation of Indûr as him merely wanting to seize power for himself, and civil rebellion wrecks the realm.
- S.A. 1979: The tribes of later Kîrm Lesra submit to Khôrahil after agents from An-Balkûmagân incite a series of coups that lead to strife.
- S.A. 1999: Fall of later Harshandatt. Númenor lays claim to the wide shores of the Bay of Ormal.
- c. S.A. 2000: A "Magician" appears in Tantûrak. Indûr is ousted when the public cheers for Governor Lôran-Klîen proposing a return to republican rule. Indûr flees east to later Mûmakan, where Sauron's agents allow him to find refuge. Indûr accepts a Ring of Power. At the same time, sagely emissaries journey fourth from Mordor, promising great knowledge and mastery of Morgul-sorcery to Khôrahil, as well as a promise of immortality. He also accepts one of the Rings of Power.
- c. S.A. 2001-2250: The realm notices the erratic behavior of Khôrahil, and his wife and children flee the realm for later Elorna. A purge takes place, and new governors assume control of An-Balkûmagân's five provinces. Wary of revealing his true allegiances, he ensures that tribute flows back to Númenor, and bans all official communication with Mordor for 250 years.
- S.A. 2001: Indûr captures the throne of later Mûmakan, crowned as Amâv II, believed to be the return of a legendary god-king of the region. Ruling from Amarû (City), he unites the semi-nomadic tribes and lays plans for further conquest. He rules for 1261 years, and the ancestors of the Mûmakani become corrupted. They subjugate later Gân, eastern pre-Dûshera and most of the great southern archipelago.
- S.A. 2029-2221: Tar-Atanamir orders Umbar strengthened and expanded, making it the greatest city and citadel in all Harad.
- S.A. 2221: Tar-Ancalimon comes to the throne of Númenor. After restructuring internal affairs, he begins to turn his attentions to the colonies.
- S.A. 2250: Khôrahil realizes that Tar-Ancalimon is viewing his lands with extreme suspicion and is no less expansionist or greedy than his recent forebears when a special envoy arrives at his realm. He imprisons the envoy and formally secedes from Númenor, with An-Balkûmagân becoming an official ally of Mordor.
- S.A. 2251: Tar-Ancalimon ransoms his messenger and plans a great reconquest of the Storm King's lands.
- S.A. 2280: A Númenórean fleet arrives in later Tûlwang, two hundred miles to the northwest of Khôrahil's citadel. The Ringwraith sends a great army, but they arrive too late. They are defeated in arid lowlands, and An-Balkûmagân's western lands are occupied by Númenóreans. Khôrahil realizes he has lost, and flees to Mordor before his capital can be razed to the ground.
- S.A. 2281-3262: Khôrahil oversees Núrn, the slave-state and breadbasket of Mordor.
- S.A. 3000: the predecessor of Mûmakan attempts to expand westward, but is unsuccessful due to the strength of the ancestors of the Kîrani, southern Elves, and Númenor. The Fourth Ringwraith thus allies with the Magician of later Tantûrak, and thus later Tantûrak formally becomes an independent realm.
- S.A. 3001-3042: Ar-Zimrathôn fails to crush the secessionists in later Tantûrak. A few months later, pre-Tantûrak and the predecessor of Kôronânde abdicate a treaty of peace, leaving the realm surrounded by hostile neighbors. The land is exploited, but the growing jealousies between later Tantûrak and the predecessor of Mûmakan prevent outright conquest.
- S.A. 3213-3215: A civil war takes place in Zimrathâni. Er-Imrazôr's fourteen children struggle for control of the Dominions. The seven youngest children form an alliance called the Balân-lâi and defeat the others. Their alliance wins the war at Onpu Mispír.
- S.A. 3215: Founding of the divided Dominions of the Seven in the territory once encompassed by the principality of Zimrathâni.
- S.A. 3261: Númenor invades Middle-earth to destroy Sauron. Knowing that he cannot defeat the Númenóreans with arms alone, he journeys out of Mordor, allowing the Ringwraiths to flee. He is taken prisoner and brought to Númenor.
- S.A. 3262: With the forces of the Shadow weak, Ar-Pharazôn takes the opportunity to crush the independent state of Tantûrak and invade Mûmakan. Númenor now gains almost all of its historical colonies, and shatters Mûmakan's empire, making it a subject state of Númenor.
- S.A. 3263: Ar-Pharazôn exacts a heavy tribute from the Dominions of the Seven in order to offset the "cost of defending" the Principality of Zimrathâni.
- S.A. 3319: The Downfall of Númenor occurs after Ar-Pharazôn sails west to attack Valinor. Middle-earth is affected by the devestation, but the Seven Lands are not devastated.
- S.A. 3320: With the reappearance of the Dark Lord in Middle-earth, Khôrahil returns to his citadel of Luglûrak in Núrn. The Third of the Ringwraiths resides in Barad-dûr, and the Seventh directs the forces of the Shadow in Harondor and Near Harad.
- S.A. 3429: Khôrahil leads the host of Núrn to assail Ithilien, with the Seventh commanding the southern flank. Ôervîk-Drâl is crowned in Lôkhas Drûs.
- S.A. 3441: The Second Age comes to a close when Barad-dûr is broken and Sauron is overthrown. The Ringwraiths pass into the shadows.
Third Age[]
- T.A. 77: Founding of the city of Mispír at the mouth of the Onpu Mispír. It is built at the border of later Elorna and Zimrathâni and situated north of the two Númenórean fortresses.
- T.A. 349: The Drêl lord Hembur Smep establishes the port city of Ro-molló on an island in the Mighty Green Bight. The town rises over the ruins of a monastic community founded by Arvarien, the founder of Zimrathâni. The monastery Unulló had been sacked by Ar-Pharazôn's raiders in S.A. 3263.
- T.A. 663-66: The tragic reign of Imrazôr II of the Dominions. He defeats the Mag at the Battle of Emyn Hith in 664 and subjugates the Tûmag later the same year. But in 666, his own mother Sakarphor orders his assassination before he can consolidate his gains.
- T.A. 984: With the aid of the Fuinar, the elf-friend Elorion rebuilds the Dúnadan port city of Ostelor at the mouth of the river Celiant, at the border of Zimrathâni and Drêl.
- T.A. 1015: King Ciryandil of Gondor is slain by the Haradrim. A Black Númenórean army led by Erakhôr of Dûsalan besieges Umbar.
- T.A. 1022: The city of Alsarias is erected on the coast of central Zimrathâni.
- T.A. 1050: Gondor reaches its height when King Ciryaher (Hyarmendacil I) completes the conquest of Harad.
- T.A. 1051: The Nazgûl reawaken and appear beside Sauron in Dol Guldur in Rhovanion. Khôrahil takes form in Middle-earth once more, and goes to the Far South, where he resides at Ny Cénnacatt in the northern cliffs of the Yellow Mountains.
- T.A. 1051-1250: Indûr consolidates his strength on the isle of E-Sôrul Sâre. His influence in Mûmakan grows slowly, but by T.A. 1250 his servants have maneuvered the disarrayed tribes into a coalition commanded by his lieutenants. This loose union once again stirs the warlike Mûmak-riders into an aggressive policy of expansion.
- T.A. 1111: The Mablâd, a tribe of Dwarves, appears in the Yellow Mountains. They found the city of Naragûldûm (Blackflame).
- T.A. 1203: The Pél city of Arpel ("Katerre") is established at the mouth of the Usíra River on the bay known as Pel Bight.
- T.A. 1264: Sauron orders Indûr to fly to the citadel of Irdori and seek an alliance with the Elves, but a rivalry for control in the Far South persists. Stalled by the evil group in Ardinâk, the Ringwraith considers the meeting an affront, and counsels the Dark Lord to avenge the rebuke. Sauron prefers to wait, as he does not have the Ruling Ring, so his strength is taking a long time to gain. Indûr's rivals maintain an uneasy peace that never sits well with him.
- T.A. 1264-1640: Indûr Dawndeath reigns as King of Mûmakan for the second time, and is known as Yî-Amâv III.
- T.A. 1365: Under the sway of "The Magician", Tantûrak declares war on Kôronânde. The conflict rages for seven years.
- T.A. 1366: Ildanien of Bôzisha-Dâr becomes the first victim of the cruel Garks, the accursed Desert Screamers.
- T.A. 1372: The Kîrani appear to be on the verge of collapse when they sign a treaty with Tantûrak. Indûr's intervention saves them from defeat, but it begins an era of Mûmakani influence.
- T.A. 1373-1640: This period is marked by the spate of ritualistic nocturnal assassinations that give birth to Indûr's association with murder. Time after time, his enemies perish in their sleep, to be found brutally executed at dawn.
- T.A. 1399: Led by the warlord Uthcu, Khôrahil's minions assail Tûlwang in the first recorded campaign involving the Army of the Southern Dragon.
- T.A. 1414: The Gark Nargalen discovers that the Half-troll Hargrog is responsible for the reign of murder in Ûsakan and Mûmakan.
- T.A. 1432-1437: The Kin-strife rages in Gondor. Castamir the Usurper reigns the South Kingdom from T.A. 1437 until 1447.
- T.A. 1448: The survivors of Castamir's rebellious host seize the Gondorian Fleet at Pelargir and sail south, landing at Umbar. They are known thereafter as the Corsairs.
- T.A. 1449-50: Arcastur of Pél reveals the Speakings of the Fire, the dualistic tome incorporating the Words of Alûva and the Book of Malkôra. Arcasta becomes the first Prophets of the Servants of the Real Fire.
- T.A. 1540: King Aldamir of Gondor is slain while fighting a combined forces of Corsairs and Haradrim.
- T.A. 1551: King Vinyarion of Gondor reconquers Harad, and is thus known as Hyarmendacil II.
- T.A. 1616: After renouncing his leadership over the Knifeless Ones, Malezar is corrupted by The Seventh of the Nazgûl, thus becoming a vampire.
- T.A. 1633: The Half-troll Hargrog forms the Slayers.
- T.A. 1634: Corsair raiders slay the Minardil, the Gondorian King.
- T.A. 1635-1637: The Great Plague.
- T.A. 1640: The Ringwraiths return to Mordor. Khôrahil goes to Nurn.
- T.A. 1705: Eclipse over the Shân-ta-Rhôn.
- T.A. 1810: Prince Telumehtar of Gondor reconquers Umbar, controlling the city only briefly, but managing to drive out the Corsairs.
- T.A. 1975: Khôrahil receives a visit from the Witch-King.
- T.A. 2000: The rise of the Aûdrat Vâtra in Far Harad. Later, the Ringwraiths strike against Minas Ithil.
- T.A. 2002: Khôrahil stays in Mordor for the rest of the Age after Minas Morgul falls into the hands of Mordor.
- T.A. 2178: The sacred well at Tresti fails. The city is abandoned, and the worship of the Moon in Far Harad begins to decline.
- T.A. 2194: Pon Ifta is crowned King in Bôzisha-Dâr. His reign marks the inception of the cruel Sun Lord dynasty in Far Harad.
- T.A. 2460-2941: Beginning of the reign of Yî-Amâv IV after Indûr Dawndeath returns to Kôrlan and begins his third reign as King of Mûmakan.
- T.A. 2838: Elenna Chy gives birth to Jenna Chy, son of the Mûmakan lord Apyssan.
- T.A. 2857: Jenna Chy leads a Sare army against the city of Harshandatt, takes the great port, and announces his war on the Gan.
- T.A. 2859: Jenna Chy's Campaign of the Five Marches results in the conquest of Gan, Mûmakan, Tûktan, Geshân and Dûshera. Hathor, Kôronânde and the Kingdoms of the Ûsakan sue for peace and become subject states of E-Sôrul Sâre.
- T.A. 2865-2875: The Island Wars result in the apogee of E-Chy. Mûlambur, Llikh, Amirakh, Kirakh, Cevra and Arth all fall to the marine forces of the Sare.
- T.A. 2879: Jenna Chy dies of Es-keppa, a water-borne disease.
- T.A. 2850-90: The Servants of the Real Fire seize control of the Mag and Tûmag lands.
- T.A. 2941: Sauron's Ringwraiths gather beside him at the Dark Tower.
- T.A. 3018-3019: The War of the Ring. Sauron and the Ringwraiths perish when the One Ring is destroyed at the Cracks of Doom in the struggle between Gollum and Frodo Baggins.
- T.A. 3021: The Third Age comes to a close when Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Elrond Half-elven, Galadriel and Gandalf sail west from the Grey Havens.
Fourth Age[]
- Fo.A. 1: Naromod the mighty overthrows the Servants of the Real Fire in one day.
- MERP: Shadow in the South