Amon Sûl and the Three Fool's Stone

three fools' Stone area and surroundings
Seroneldeon Tarma (Q. "Threefriends' Pillar") was an old monolith, marking the junction of the divided Dunadan kingdoms of Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur after the division of Arnor. The forces of Angmar had pulled it down in T.A. 1409, but left the broken stone lying within sight of the road. By then it had already acquired its permanent nickname; the merchants who braved the dangers of the Menatar Romen in those dangerous years called it the "Three-fools' Stone."
- Naerost
In the 2012 version of his article Population and Urbanization in Eriador, Thomas Morwinsky applied the name "Minas Malloth" to the location identified in MERP as the Seroneldeon Tarma.The location named as "Minas Malloth" in the older version he did not rename (published in Other Minds Magazine #13).
In LOTRO this might be the same location as "Naerost", however in the game an old arnorian ruin.
- MERP:Arnor