A Seer of Arthedain
A Seer, Soothsayer, or Prophet (Q."Tír") was a person gifted with Foresight. It might also refer to an Astrologer, who watched the Stars to find out about the future or a Necromancer who called upon the Spirits of the Dead to obtain informations from them. Seers could be seen as some sort of Magicians. The Adûnaic term for Seer was Sapthan.
Seers of Renown[]
- Agaldor
- Amnon
- Elrond Half-elven
- Galadriel
- Glirhuin of Brethil
- Glorfindel of the House of the Golden Flower
- Ivorwen of Taurdal
- Huor of Dor-lómin
- Malbeth the Seer
- Mandos
- Marreth
- Melian of Doriath
- Núneth of Andustar
- Tar-Meneldur
- Tar-Palantir
The Seer is a playable profession in Rolemaster. Similar Professions are the Astral Traveller, Astrologer, Chrystal Mage, Dream Lord, Geomancer (see:Earth Reader), Mentalist, Necromancer, Seeker, Tarot Mage.
Seer may also refer to:
- a wandering Fortune-teller
- the Gildain or Astrologers
- the Meneldili or Astronomers
- the Nol-Mogg or Nandor Seers
- the Seers of Arnor
- the Seers of Mirkwood
- the High Seers or Council of Seers in Gondor
- the seers of truth or Priestesses of Kesht
- the Twilight-walkers of the exiled men
- the Urdharkonur or Wyrdtellers and wyrdwomen of the Northrons
The Dwarven Earth-Readers could also be considered a class of Seers similar to Geomancers.