The Second Northern War was a key historical event leading to the founding of the Shire.In T.A. 1409, the Witch-king's forces inflicted a devastating defeat on the armies of Arthedain and Cardolan in a battle east and south of Bree, slaying the rulers of both kingdoms.While the focus of the war shifted northward toward Fornost, the Arthadan capital, all of southern Arthedain was "scourged" by the Angmarrim.The peoples of these lands were slaughtered or driven away, while their towns and farms were sacked and burned.Wolves and goblins swept into Sîrgala, killing Elves and Men and destroying the old village structure.King Araphor of Arthedain, with help from the Elves of Lindon, drove the Angmarrim out of his country in T.A. 1410, but Sîragala never recovered from the scourging.Hobbits were allowed to found the Shire on the ruins of the old province in the hopes that they would make it safe and productive as in older times.