- Type: Inland Sea.
- Area: 15,430 square miles.
- Statistics: mean elevation: 760 feet (above mean sea level of Belegaer); depth: average 10 fathoms, deepest point: 46 fathoms; shoals and reefs: many shoals, especially along coasts in the southeastern quarter; waves and wind: average wind speed: 6-8 knots, average wave height: 1-2 feet.
- Climate: average annual rainfall: 20-35 inches; mean annual temperature: 40-50°F, average low: Ninui -5°F, average high: Urui 75°F.
- Composition: The Gaer Rhunen or Rhûnaer (S."Eastern Sea; Av."Undû-ay") was a shallow inland sea fed by many of the rivers of the plains of Rhovanion. It was large enough to experience tides (which varied about eight inches on average). The influx of several rivers created the illusion of a current which ran counter-clockwise around the Sea. The shoals in the Gaer Rhunen were invisible to inexperienced pilots, and navigation was best left to expert guides. The waters had a faintly salty taste, and despite freezing temperatures in the winter months, the Sea was always free of ice.
Dacranamel Egil Dorn Nabal Mayzri Parta Rogartha Riav Waste
Several tribes of Easterlings derived their sustenance from the Gaer Rhunen. It acted as a highway for much of the trade to the West, and it was also teeming with fish. Few Northmen or Dúnedain ever viewed the Sea, but those who had dealings with the Easterlings knew of its importance to their culture.