Mace of Anárion
The Sceptre of Gondor (Ad. "Zadan an-Gundor" or "Zadan Aran an-Gundor") also known as the Mace of Anárion, was a revered heirloom of the Kings of Gondor. This ceremonial mace was crafted from mithril-inlaid eog and topped with an inset aquamarine. The gem possessed the ability to glow upon the wielder's mental command, emitting a bright beam that could shine afar, depending on the level of concentration. Originally, this mace served as a slaying weapon against sea creatures such as Sea-drakes, Kraken, or Fell-turtles, before being repurposed as the Sceptre of Gondor.
The Sceptre was among the principal items inherited by the Kings of Gondor, symbolizing their authority and lineage. Unfortunately, along with other royal regalia (except for the Helm of Elendil), it was lost following the disappearance of King Eärnur in T.A. 2050.