Wandering Sandmen

Domains of the Sandmen
The term Sand Men (or Aranian) referred to the enigmatic tribes of the deep desertlands of Harad who were subject to no rulers and tended to stay away from their urbanized brethren.
Tribes who were sometimes counted to the Sand-Men:
- Aukuag (in Bellakar)
- Ayten (in An-Balukkhôr, Tulwang and Sîrayn)
- Clan Bulgan
- Cynari in Cynar
- Covshek-Pûst (in the Rây and the Mirror of Fire)
- Gettaniyan Tribesmen
- Gusar (near the Briy-Miyeséc in Far-Harad)
- Ielut (around Umbar)
- Kindilár (in the Bôzisha-Mîraz)
- Kóanoze (the Inhabitants of the Koanoz-Oasis inmidst the great desert)
- Lushek-Pust (North of the Rây)
- Clan Másra
- Minhare (descendants of the inhabitants of Minas Harad)
- Narakshi (south of Umbar)
- Pontil Nar (near the eastern Edge of the Gái)
- Póa (partially urbanized in Tûl Póac)
- Qarsag (central Harad)