The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
2019-03-19 21.44

The Sâre (Sa. "Kinsmen") were a seafaring, warrior-trading culture inhabiting the vast Southern Archipelago, a network of islands spanning the Bay of Ormal and extending toward the Ivory Peninsula, particularly the great island of E-Sôrul Sâre, one of the largest isles off the coast of Endor. They were distant kinsmen of the Tûktani, an ancient people of the Utter South, and spoke Akanli, a language of the Tûktanin linguistic family. The Sâre were skilled in hunting, fishing, and spice-growing, thriving amidst the steep mountains and dense jungle that covered much of their U-shaped homeland. They were the most powerful faction among the numerous culturally diverse island tribes, maintaining dominance over smaller communities through their naval strength, trade networks, and warrior traditions.
