The Realm of Rycolis
Rykholiz (Ah."Near Land") was a tribal land in the northeastern part of the central Talathrant basin. A cool area characterized by lush grasslands and a large, mixed-wood forest, it was occupied by the Rykholi, Aharin-speaking farmers.
Places of Note[]
Abandoned Campsite Ancient ritual place Ára-alík Bare Hill Bee-keeper's home Bûriúk Dalgob-Fhagoi Elif-bôga Felbuzad Forgotten ritual site Giant Head Great Well Grove of gnarled trees Holy grove Labyrinth of thorns Large Tree Lodge of the Hunter-Spirit Logger's settlement Misty glen Nialpâ's village Old fortress ruin Old quarry or mine Pâdu-átu Pool of brackish water Forsaken Quarry Save Cave Secluded glade Skeleton Rock Small stone monolith Small lake valley Small waterfall Stand of dead trees Tall Tower Timber storage Traveller' s lodge Tree-cutter's Camp
Kibâruv Plains Kirgai Forest Small steppe stream
Black Wanderers The Dead of Bûriúk Dead men of the Forest Snakúr's tribe Wandering Shonügôli-huntsmen
Alakû Bolranth Gôbeyanyû Gûnah Gyônyü Kêrdu Kiökhe Mhubârikh Nialpâ Nûnyulûg Nyônye Óbakh Ôlandêr Snakúr Ukhlar Ziabâ
Brownfox Feral dogs Heelgrabber Well-monster Wild Kine
Original form in MERP: Rycolis = Rykholiz
Rycolis could, geographically, roughly correspond to the territory of the antique Issedones, Wusun or northern Xiognu.
- The Wild Lands South and East, Gazetteer by Pete Fenlon (archived, latest available)