Formerly the Gondorian province of Calenardhon, Rohan or the Riddermark was an independent Northron Kingdom from T.A. 2510, after Cirion of Gondor granted to Eorl the Young and his Éothéod people the lands as reward for their help in the war against the Balchoth.
Rohan in TA 3018-3019[]
- Political Organization: Kingdom
- Rulers: King Théoden
- Administrative Organization: Local hereditary Lords and Reeves.
- Population: 400,000-600,000 Rohirrim, Mountainmen, and Healfblodas; a few hundred Woses and a growing number of illegal Dunlending settlers in the Westfold and Westemnet.
- Military: 12,000-15,000 in Éoreds, 35,000 Yeomen, and 20,000 Wardens.
- Products: grain, horses, cattle.
Ainur: Aegif
Between 2941 and 3018[]
Men: Béowyrt Cenric Cépa Dera Drust Drustan Elfbrand Elfhild Elfthain Éofara Éofolda Éogar Éomund Esfled Fengel of Rohan Frána Fróda Gálmód the Dour Glenys Goldred Grimborn Herulf Léofold Léothere Meril Merwyn Mildryd Morwen Steelsheen Rynelda Saewara Sunnifa Swígon Thaena Thengel Théoden Ednew
Orcs: Gazhúr Three-Deaths
TA 3019[]
Men: Aldor Bregowine Ceorl Déor Déorles Déorwine Dunhere Eaoden Ecglaf Elfhelm Elfhild Eomer Eomund Éothain Eowyn Erkenbrand Fastred Folawyn Fréamund Galmod Gamling Garulf Gléowine Grima Wormtongue Grimbold Guma Guthlaf Haethen Háma Harding Hearga Heóf Herefara Herubrand Hláfwine Horn Hrethel Idis Léofric Léofwyn Léowyn Morwen Saruman Sigewulf Theoden Theodred Unferth Wealcnoth Wéland Widfara
Fourth Age[]
Dwarves: Fárin, Lord of Aglarond
Men: Ágense Éohelm King Éothain Féothan
Men: Dolcyne Grippa Tin Úleric
Settlements and Points of Interest[]

Abandoned Farm of Eorlsmead Aclea Reach Aculf's Camp Adventurer´s Tower Adornas Aglarond Alahardsdael Aldburg Aldor's Gate Aldwych Alka Reach Amal's Camp Âmbal's Den Amon Gastal Amon Hen Amon Lhaw Éodunburg Ancient Tomb Angren Argonath Ash Drub Asirac Tombs Aster Hill Atburg Awful Stair Withig Tor Bardh-dorám Barrowfield Beaconwatch Fréaham Béowyrt's Home Blackmarch Fort Bosa's Farm Bradcroft Bredford Brandingsdael Bregowine's Ruin Brockbridge Byre Tor Byrgenstow Caddabrand´s Camp Calost Caves of Hogo Tarosvan Cerdic's Camp Chamber of the Awful Stair Cliving Clothrad Cracabor Croft-watch Cuthbald's Farm Cuthstan Dagred's Grave Dark Door Dead Orc Glade Defiled Pool Derndingle Hardscadu Dinas Drust Direnfirel Dol Baran Dorr-shâtroful Drû Vádokan Dunelfendael Dunfast Dunharrow Dunlostir Dwimorberg Dwolung Hole Earthwell Easeful Mead Eastmund's Lair Eastremed Eaves of Fangorn White Hand Camp Eaworth Edsig's Farm Edoras Eilenach Glens Elthengels Entford Entgrove Enting Hollow Entwade Entwash Fishing Camp Entwash Orc-Camp Éomer's Vengeance Eorl's Hallow Eorlsmead Tower Eowcynn's Thorp Erkenbrand's Refuge Estermet Etheburg Ethelmund's Manor Everholt Faldham Fallen Watchtower Falls of Mist Falls of Rauros Fang Point Fang Tor Fangrider's warren Feldburg Fen's Edge Fenmarch Fetid Caves Fiscoth Fisherman's camp Fisherman's Home Fiskworth Flodgeheld Floodwend Fogwater Folcbur's Homestead Folcmund Foldburg Folde Farm Fords of Isen Forlaw Foul-maw's Den Fowlmere Fréaham Frecasburg Frithstan's Camp Fushaum-dorám Fushum Raus Gálmódingsdael Gapholt Gárferth's Farm Gárnoth's Farm Garsfeld Gársig's Farm Gemyndsted Gineard Glaemscrafu Gramberg Gramburg Grimburg Grimnesberg Grimslade Gris-shâtroful Gurz-shâpol Haldirith Hale-gap Halifirien Harwick Hawley Heahall Heahyrne Hermit's Hill Hidden Cave of Wildermore High Stone Hilderunsdael Hîs-urdan Hissing Pit Hornburg Hytbold Ice-spires Idmar's Camp Imdorad Imping Inn of Greys Inn of the Sixth Sense Iothete's Hideaway Irensaga Isenbardingdael Isenford Isengard Jóshkin Orda Juggler's Hall Kadar-golnauk King's Barrows Krash-Bálum Kufuzg Lag-sharak Lag-thrugrim Langhold Láthbear Den Leaflock's Mead Limlight Falls Limlight Fort Limlight Gatehouse Lind-or-Burum Lonely Height Lornsettle Lufût-mos Madh-fushaum Mansig's Encampment Mar Hogo Clan Hold Marton Mate Isernore Maustazg Mering Steps Middlemead Magla's Home Minas Rant Mistham Mor-Hai Settlement Mugash's Lair Murderous Pit Nan Mordeleb Ngwalmagrynd Nîn-stazg Nink-hai war-Camp Nona's Cave Norcrofts Trader's Outpost Norhithe North-guard North Stair camp North-torr Northwash Núrzum's Wrath Old Burrows Old Sawmill Olhgakhósh Ongushar Entford Oracle Caves Oreald Orlag Den Oserley Ost Celebrant Overwash Parphád Paths of the Dead Pendlac's Farm Picknick Hill Pool of the Mearas portage-way Camp Pothole Prospector's Shack Pûkelhyrne Quickbeam's House Randgar's Farm Rauros Red pool Rendar Tombs Rishmalog Riverwatch Robber's Roost Scada Pass Scylfig Secluded Clearing Seething Mire Shatorthum Silkenhold Snagfen Snotorn Manor South-guard South Undeep ruins Springview Estate Staging Camp Standing Stones Stangard Stangraf Stanshelf Starkhorn Steaping Steorraholm Stipel Stoke Stone of Wyrgende Stone-cross Stotfold Stonecliff Stoorwich Stowburg Sutcrofts Barricade Súth-torr Teeming Nest Tel Pelenas Thinglad Thornhope Thrug-unur Thrymm Red-beard's Camp Thrymm's Farm Tik Botokh Wegtillsweard Tilweter Tindrock Tir Anduin Tolwen's Home Tomb of Elendil Tordag's Camp Torsbury Treebeard´s Hill Thrihyrne Twickenburg Twyferry Ufum-mau Undeep crossings Undeep Watch Underharrow Under-wall Ûngund Upbourn Vacant Mill Venom-Bite Cave Wakenflood Walstow Wellinghall West Cliving Watchtower Whistlingdown White Hand encampment White Hand War-camp Wid Isernore Wildermore Fisherman's Camp Windhelm Witeberg Wódscrafen Woldberg Wold Trader's Outpost Woodhurst Writhendown's Tomb Wulf's Cleft Wulfingham Wyrmdelf Wyrmdenn Wyrthing Zúrsnaga's Hideout
Regions and Rivers[]
Adorn Aldlád Vale Anduin Balewood Black Heart of Fangorn Broadacres Burnt Forest Central Plain Clutch-ground Creeping Mud Deeping-coomb Deeping Stream Deeping Wall Desolate Crofts Dimholt Dor Haeron Dourns Down-end Easeful Mead Eastfold East Dales East-Emnet East-Fangorn Eastmarch East Wall Eastremed Forest Eaves of Fangorn Edge of Fangorn Elderwood Emyn Muil Entwash Entwash Vale Entwood Eorl's Hallow Eorlsmead Everholt Fallows Fenmarch Firien-dale Firienfeld Firienholt Firienlode Firienwood floodplain Fogwater Folde Gaestende Gáetír Gap of Isen Grassy Fields Grimslade Hale-gap Harrowdale Heahyrne Heallstrem Helm´s deep Heroth High Knolls Howling Wood Hungry Paths Isen Isendale Ishmalog Kingstead Juggler's Close Langflood Vale Limlight Limlight Glade Limlight Gorge Limlight Marshes lower Entwash Marton Farmlands Mering Stream Middlemead Mouths of the Entwash Nomad Fields Nan Curunir Norcrofts North-march Parth Celebrant Parth Galen Penmark Plains of Edoras Plains of Rohan Pûkelhyrne Raided Crofts Red Fields Rhonovan Roaring Hills Rolling Fields Rushgore Scorched Crofts Snagfen Snowbourn Snowbourn Vale South Undeep Stinging Bog Stonedeans Stream Valley Sutcrofts Sweetmead Thinglad The Vale Vale of Entwash Vale of the Undead Valley of the Láthbear Wailing Hills Westfold Westfold Vale West-Emnet Westmarch West Rohan Wetwang Whitshaws Wildermoore Wisce Wódfen Wold Wose-Wood Writhendowns
Awful Path Dunharrow Road Dunlending Path Edoras Road Great West Road High Path Highway of Old Hornroad Hungry Paths King's Road Low Path Old North Road Old West Road Road to Isengard
- Dwarves of the White Mountains
- Ents
- Men
- Drúedain
- Dunlendings
- Healfblodas
- Angrenostim
- Dale-men of Rohan
- Fishermen of the Fenmarch
- Gáesela
- Wulfingas
- Men of the Misty Mountains
- Rohirrim
- Helmingas
- Leofingas
- Men of the Wold
Barley Beeches Béowyrt Dwarf Pine Entscloak Glistershade Great Reeds Green Alder Larch Lomthond nettles Oaks Oat Pines Queenblossoms Rowan Rye Silver Fir Simbelmyne Spruce Stone Pine Summergrasses Wearywort Wheat Willows
Badgers bearded vultures Black Swans Blue Boar Buzzards Caradraug Carnivorous Fish of Calenardhon Carp Cattle Cliff-crows Common Sheep Crebain Dogs of Rohan Ducks Eagles Falcons firiengátas Fishes Frogs Geese Golden Eagles Great Carp Great Catfish Grebes Harriers Hedgehogs Herons Horses of Rohan Kestrels marmots marsh warblers Mearas Mice Mountain Goats Mountain Ponies of Rohan Mountain Wolves Mungos poisonous barbels Rabbits red deer red foxes of calenardhon Rimmon Burrowers Rohan Cardinals Shrews Small Bears Small Lizards snakes Sparrows Squirrels stoats stonegoats Storks Swallows Swifts Voles Warblers storks with black wingtips Wild Boar Wold Sheep
- MERP Fan Modules: Tales of the Westmarch.pdf
- MERP: Campaign and Adventure Guidebook
- MERP: Ents of Fangorn
- MERP: Isengard and Northern Gondor
- MERP: Middle Earth Campaign Guide
- MERP: Middle-earth Adventure Guidebook II
- MERP: Mouths of the Entwash
- MERP: Northwestern Middle-earth Campaign Atlas
- MERP: Palantir Quest
- MERP: Riders of Rohan