A Rogue
A Rogue is an outcast, outlaw or vagrant. A person without land, master and trade. A Rogue may also be a Drifter, Ruffian, Ragger, Gambler, Stroller, Thug, Scoundrel, Tramp, Beggar, Vagabond, a Wild Hobbit, Rascal, Bandit or Brigand. Many Rogues become Thieves and Burglars.
Famous bands of Outcasts were the Gaurwaith, or "Wolf-Men", whom Turin Turambar joined, Barahir's Outlaw Band, the Outcasts of Rhovanion and Sharkey´s men.
Rogues or Outlaws of renown[]
- Andróg of Dor-lómin
- Barahir of Ladros
- Beren Ercharmion
- Bill Ferny
- Forweg the Outlaw
- Long Tom
- Grima Wormtongue
- Meriadoc Brandybuck
- Peregrin Took
- Ragnir the Outlaw
- Saruman
- Sauron
- the sly southerner
- Trotter
- Tuor Eladar
- Turin Turambar
In MERP, Rolemaster and LOTRRPG the Rogue is a playable profession or order.Rolemaster also has a magical profession called Rogue Elementalist, No Profession and the Gypsy profession.Related or more specialized Classes are: Charlatan, Free Thinker, Indurate, Montebanc, Romantic, Ronin, Tinker and Venturer.
Examples for Rogues[]
- One of the Amrog-dorn
- An urban man con-artist
- A Black Númenórean Coxcomb
- A dispossessed Dwarf
- A Dorwinron Nutan
- A Dunlending Outcast
- An Easterling Rebel
- An Elf of the Wandering Companies
- An Eriadorian Brigand
- A Gondorian Strayer
- A Half-Orc spy
- A Haradrim dishonored
- A Hobbit Rascal
- A Lossoth loner
- A Northron Outlaw
- An Orc brute
- Outcast of Udûn
- Quickstring of Rhovanion
- A member of the Tinker-Folk
- A Wild Hobbit
- A Wold-man of Rohan