Robe refers to a loose-fitting outer garment often like a cloak, often a court dress or dress of etiquette such as worn by officials, Nobles, or Scholars, and other learned men. The High-Elves wore a robe-like garment they called Vaima or Lapa, the Dúnedain had adapted a similar piece of clothing known as the Akallin. Also other mannish cultures wore robe-like clothes, the Hillmen knew a short robe or cloak known as the Kalloda while the Far-Haradrim wore a kaftan-like robe known as Frangaubi.
Robes or Note[]
- Adept's Robe
- Blue Robes of the Ithryn Luin
- Cloak of the Abyss
- Cloak of the Heavens
- Honnin Priest Robe
- Many-coloured Robes
- Noldatan's robes
- Orophin's Robe
- Ringlin's Robe
- Robe of Agonar
- Robes of Aman
- Robe of Ardaron
- Robe of Gaurhir
- Robe of Khelekar
- Robe of Manwe
- Robe of Mornaur
- Robe of the Mouth of the Witch-king
- Robe of Námo
- Robes of Olyas
- Robe of Parnelion Sey
- Robe of the Silent Ones
- Robe of Suljati Sey
- Robe of Valandor
- Robe of the White Wizard
- Sauronite Robe
- Starvar's Robe
- Waetan's Robe
- Witch-Priests's Robes
- Saruman's Robes