A variety of large bat, the Rimprusc (S. "Winged Fox"; Q. "ruscor ramaiter") made its home amid brambles or in the tops of dense, partially-submerged trees of the coastal wetlands. They were most common in the marshes and scrublands of the East, although a few smaller varieties made their homes in Near Rhûn and one group lived in southern Eriador.
Unlike most bats, the rimpruscath throve in daylight, having good eyesight and a refined sense of smell. Using its long snout, it hunted rodents in the scrub and bit wild berries which might elude its more flatfaced cousins.
The Rimprusc was considered synonymous with evil magic in many areas of eastern Middle-earth.
Megabats may once have been home to parts of Europe but no known genus of flying foxes.It's closest equivalent in the real world would probably be the nilotic or egyptian fruit bat which can be found in the eastern mediterranean and near east.
- Retrieved from [Realms of Arda]; original reference: [ICE MERP 2012]