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The Trollshaws and the Angle


The Kingdom of Rhudaur (MERP)
Arnor (Rhudaur)
Junior of the three divisions of Arnor
destroyed T.A. 1974

Easternmost of the three sections of Arnor, Rhudaur (S. “Troll-shaw”; Hi. “Red Sky”) was the wildest, most rugged, and least populated region in the North Kingdom. When Arnor was sundered in T.A. 861, Rhudaur became an independent realm. It was a culturally diverse and politically volatile territory with a relatively small Dúnadan population. Hillmen (Hi. Noi Trevan) and later, migrating Dunmen, formed the majority of its populace. Its sparse Dúnadan aristocracy lost control of the kingdom in T.A. 1349; in the following year Rhudaur went to war with Cardolan and Arthedain. Rhudaur was subject to the Witch-king of Angmar for the last sixty years of its existence as a distinct state, until T.A. 1409. Thereafter Kings of Rhudaur were Angmarean puppets, ruling only the area around the capital at Cromm Bráighe.

Rhudaur in TA 1640-1650[]


Rhudaur in T.A. 1640-1650:

  • Political Organization: Tribal confederation.
  • Rulers: King Broccach.
  • Administrative Organization: King by self-proclamation and use of force, Broccach holds the thirteen Hillman tribes together through sheer personal charisma. He appoints family members to most positions of responsibility, distrustful of any others. Tribal leaders retained their legal rights when they swore fealty to Broccach, but they surrendered any claim to land ownership to him.
  • Population: 217.800 Rhudaurians.
  • Military: 4,500 Warriors and Eastern Mercenaries, usually grouped according to tribe.
  • Products: Hides, timber, copper, mercenaries.
  • Symbol: Tribal Knot.

The Kingdom of Rhudaur did not last under Dúnadan rule for long after the sundering of Arnor in T.A. 861. The region had always been remote and far from the influence of Annúminas. Few Dúnedain lived in Rhudaur, ruling their subjects from within their strongholds and ever-fearful of revolt. Under the influence of the Witch-king of Angmar, the indigenous Hillmen finally succeeded in overthrowing their Dúnadan masters in the winter of T.A. 1350. A series of Hillman chieftains subsequently set themselves up as kings, though none could stabilize relations between the highly competitive tribal factions for long enough to establish a dynasty. Even with the aid of Angmar, the Hillman kings were forced to rely upon brute force to enact their will. The best known King, Broccach, ruled his own Hillman people and a large population of Dunnish refugees forced north by the Plague.

Broccach held the promise of stability for his realm for the first time in centuries. Unfortunately, he had to call upon a good deal of assistance from the Witch-king to establish his control. Broccach was no dear friend of Angmar and held the interests of his people first in his heart. He would have been satisfied to establish relations with the men of Cardolan and Arthedain if that relationship could have proven profitable to his people. Faced with the internal problem of disunity, Broccach sought only peace to give his realm a chance to develop to the level of its Dúnadan neighbors. Sadly, the military threat of Angmar's Orcs and the guile of Angmarean agents in his midst made Broccach more often than not a puppet of the Witch-king. The agents of Angmar in his court played off the Hillmen's ancient strife with the Dúnedain to keep the enmity between Rhudaur and its former siblings burning.

The Hillmen were closely related to the Dunmen of the South, but they held enough differences with their Dunnish brethren to warrant a separate classification. They spoke their own language, and had developed their own unique lifestyle while adapting to the rigors of the rough and unfriendly lands of Rhudaur. They organized themselves mainly along kinship lines. Each clan was ruled by a chief, with the King acting as a high chief over all the tribes, the symbolic patriarch of his country. Hunters among the Hillmen were honored, with the most prized prey being the mighty horned Losrandir.

Most of the Hillmen lived in semi-permanent camps north of the Trollshaws, ready to follow the migrating herds that formed the basis for their lifestyle. Only a few lived in towns or in the remains of Dúnadan strongholds. The Dunmen who made up an increasingly large portion of the population were more inclined to take up an urban lifestyle. They lived along and south of the Great East Road, exacting heavy tolls for their new Hillman king and themselves. Their tolls made little difference to the common wanderer, however, for the road through Rhudaur was pitted and eroded in many places, and bandits continued to plague travellers.

Despite the untamed frontier nature of Rhudaur, there were efforts being made to bring the land up to the standards of its neighbors. Though Broccach faced a seemingly insurmountable task, he had managed to open a few regular trade routes through his land. The most profitable and least desirable of these was the road which led to Angmar. The Witch-king sent regular caravans laden with finished metal weapons in exchange for the hides, timber, and copper Rhudaur had to offer. On a smaller scale, a few bold merchants from Tharbad had made mercantile contracts with King Broccach. The result of this trade had been little more than a few southern luxury items in Broccach's court, but the King saw it as a promising start to gain respect for his realm.

Later Years[]

In T.A. 1975, with the destruction of the Angmarean army, the Trolls surviving in Rhudaur ravaged the last of the settled countryside. A winter of abject horror followed, and only strenuous efforts by refugees from the war to the west kept the remaining Rhudaurean fortresses in mannish hands. With the succeeding spring came the terrible “Women's March” of refugees from Angmar – the Trolls and wild Orcs returned with a vengeance to slay and carry off the virtually defenseless families of lost Angmarean soldiers. In the midst of the carnage, the chiefs leading the Trolls and Orcs suffered a wave of violent and mysterious deaths. The bán flaith, “White Fiends”, from Rivendell made spot-appearances around the refugee camps. The mercenary ruffians who held Cromm Bráighe also tried to enslave the refugees; they, too, died for their pains. Into this chaos rode the Gondorian Cánotaran of Tharbad, with a handful of soldiers, scattering the ruffians and chasing the remaining Trolls into the hills. The refugees escaped to the south and east; by the time Gondorian engineers arrived from Bree-land, Cromm Bráighe had fallen to the Cánotaran; the work of destroying its fortifications began. Without Cromm Bráighe and the other fortresses, Rhudaur could not be defended against the Trolls. Under Grulag, the last of the Witch-king's Ologs, a Troll-empire was founded in the late 1990s. Thanks to the organizational skill of a mad Arthadan renegade named Cebermoth Night-shadow, the Troll-realm lasted for almost a century. It further depopulated the country as far south as Fennas Drunin. After Cebermoth's death, Grulag grew careless, and Elladan of Imladris caught and slew him in his bed. This set a pattern that held for the next thousand and more years. Attempts to organize the evil creatures of northeastern Eriador occured periodically, but the ambitious would-be tyrant – whether Troll, Man, Orc, or Wraith – always made the same elementary mistake of letting the Rangers and Elves get wind of his location. The error eventually led to his death and the demise of his empire.

Regions and Rivers[]

Amrothar Anghiril the Angle Arador's End Barnâtha Blind-Ox Vale Blogath's Vale Blooming Fens Broadcleave Brochenridge Bruinen Bruinen Gorges Burial Bog Calavir Caranduin Caranduin Vale Carest Ceredigion Coldfells Cos Riagaill Dark Hills Dimbar Dimrill-lands Dor-en-Dunhirion Drauglad Drebiwood Dún Glandagol Eastwood Eldanar Elven Fells Emyn Rhudaur Enedil Ephanial Fields Eryn Singor Ettendales Ettenglade Ettenmoors Everlasting Plain Famera-Grish Fell-land Fereic Forest of Curses Giant Valley Gladdalf Glamgil Vale Glenn Crec Gloomy Dell Granite Sea Great Moors Grimwood Forest Harnaladh High Fells Hidden Valley Highmoor Hithaeglir Forod Hithaeglir Harad Hithlad Hoardales Hoarwell Hoarwell Marches Imlad Mitheithel Last-wood Llyr Lone lands Long Fell Low Lake Maglilas Melosse Mitheithel Mithlad Móin Dúldachd Nan Siring Nan Tornaeth Northern marches North Trollshaws Ornuil Valley Pinefells Plains of Gramsfoot Pwyll Rangaza Riagall Rhudainor Rist Anghiril Riven Valleys Rómentir Scandric-grate Sîramoth Siring Sirruth Skull Wood Steps of Gram Taur Ornolf Southern Marches Sruth Bócan Stepping Fells Stone-Piles South Trollshaws Tâl Bruinen Tegwared Teregnen Tol Ascarnen Thorenhad Trollshaws Trollwood Tum Dincelon Upper Gwathló Basin Ureithel Vale of Brethil Weatherwater Whitbeamwood Wolfdale Wolf Wood Wovenvales Yfelwood


Dunen-Path Earthenway Great East Road High Pass Len Rómen Men Egladil Men Ered Men Galedhol Men Sirmorva Old Road Road to Rivendell

Settlements and Points of Interest[]


Places of note in Rhudaur

T.A. 1640-1650[]

Airedú Amon Ereb Ascarnil's Place Athilin Barad Cam Barad Galen Bar-en-Hendaer Barluin Bastuca Bennas Rhovanin Blind Ox Hold Bráighe Cuic Brochenridge Broig Brôk's Cave Brynmor Camp of the Hil Nynniau and Machu Mor Carandôr Caranduin Village Caras Teregnen Cauldeburgh Ceann Uisge Cenn Cummae Cennmóin Cerdim Cerin Iaur Cirith Fanui Coronminas Cromm Bráighe Crossriver Daenost Dinuis Dispar Dol Aglardin Dol Carak Dol Coldirith Dol Duniath Dol Elril Dol Gelin Dol Gilion Dol Hithaer Dol Mithlad Dreary Hills Drebi-Head Drebiwood Duildin Hill Dunno Earthenway Elenost Erethrin Tirin Etraim Fell Stair Fennas Drúnin Folcwine's Home Ford of Bruinen Fotureda's Farm Galadharn Gamanas Garbin Garkash Garzûgûl Gersebroc Girail Glenn Crec Glenn Rúad Glorionamar Grumbul Gûrzgawar Hag's Head Halls of Móin Dúldachd Helegnel High Fells of Rhudaur Hill of Fangs Hill of Woe Hirvar Gûlarion Hoarwell Ferry Hogben Iach-Bann Iffgûld's Keep Inn at the Last Bridge Kala Uruk-Lûgât Karmaz-Dewuk Kélathad Last Bridge Longfell Low lake cavern Low road Macc-Rúad Mael Bacraid's Tower Mag Fael Mag Tuireadh Malin's Home Men Sîramoth Mikil Razn Minas Brethil Minas Melosse Minas Suleraig Minvorn Erain Móin Dúldachd Mount Gram Mûthag Skug Neddig Nerva Tarth Net Riagaill Nordinbar Númenorean Barrows Old Copper Mine Old Trollshaw Quarry Pass of Dol Hithaer Pedol Brin Pinefells Campsite Reedhaven Rilineldor Ruined Farmhouse Rumsey Sable Tower Scandric Edge Seaton Seroneldeon Tarma Shelton Sirtathar Site of the Petty-Dwarves Smallforge Soldon's Cross Stone-Piles Taglos Gwathren Taim Loech's Cave Talamh Dairireach Tandauer Tanoth Methed Tatinhala Teregost Three goats Inn Tir-barad Tereg Tîregad Tirthon Tower of Crisgalen Trollbridge Caverns Trollwater Ford Tuin Bod Twisted Hill Uireas Bráighe Winterdown Wintersebb Wûtar-Fashat Zagoth's Tower

T.A. 2041-3018[]

Broken Keep Bruinen Caves Cairn of the Crag-King Castle Hill Old man's cottage Refuge of the Dúnedain Troll-Hole

T.A. 3018-3019[]

Airchart Amon Nendir Amon Varadh Angmar's Grave Arador's End Outpost Aramir's cottage Barachen's Camp Barad Glamgil Barad Remmellad Bar-e-Therchir Cirith Ulunn Coldfells Orc Camp Coldfells Outpost Conhuith Crumbled Cellar Dâr-gazag Deep Ravine Delossad Delving of Frór Draugroth Echad Candelleth Echad Gauradan Eerie Halls Ettendeep Forgotten Monument Garbert's cottage Gates of Imladris Ghostly Ruins Glamgil Falls Glân Vraig Gramsfoot Grimwood Lumber Camp Grothum Hithlad Outpost Hoarhallow Hoarwell Troll-Cave Hoarwell Waterfall House of Margil Hrimbarg Huggins Troll-Cave Imladris Isendeep Mine Isendeep Outpost Laenan Lavanim Lost Temple Lugazag Minas Agor Minas Ciliant Mustering Horn Nidor's Rock Nurath Ost Brandras Ost Chall Ost-din-Forod Ost Dúrgonn Ost Ringdyr Plains of Gramsfoot Outpost Rivendell River Outpost Ruined Tower (Rhudaur) Snowreap South Tol Ascarnen Bridge Steps of Gram Elf Camp Stonemere Stone-trolls' Glade Taurdal Thingroth Thondol Thorenhad Tírith Rhaw Tol Ascarnen Ruins Torech Ullug Tornhad Torogrod Tor Rétlu Trapdoor Lair Troll-Camp Troll-height Uireas Cromm Vault of Celebrían's Legacy Warrens Watch of Bruinen Weaver's Nest West Tol Ascarnen Bridge Witch-house

Early Fourth Age[]

Camp of Margil's Orcs Margil's Cave






Men (Rhudaurians)





Feredrûn Giant's Spirit Kalamire Morrigan Ridorthu


Daldin Draimmer Duildin Ibun Malin Miffli Risloe Steppin


Aitharan Aiwe Andriel Aranto Arwen Evenstar Ascarnil of Rivendell Bellindiel Lomeloth Celandur Celebrian Celebring Coibor Dan Deneldír Dorban Earwing Elladan Elrond Half-elven Korekalwen


Before TA 2940[]

Agiogais Ainhari Aldor the Addled Aldúrin Altheihilm Domia Alurin Andarra Arador the Ranger Aramath Arfanhil Arfanneth Arkish Arvil Balandan Bannie Grumm Baumyakund Bauthila Oxkiller Beregor Bhaltair Brian of the Maicc-Temair Broccach Bura Grumm Carmil Celebendil of House Melessin Cebermoth Night-Shadow Cileto Cisgid Claith of Rhudaur Cullen Daeros of the Cruaidh Maraich Dathas the Traitor of Rhudaur Dolgubâr Dumra Durkarian Edhelion of Rhudaur Eldanar the Faithful Eldanarion Elenthorn Elenuil Elegost Elosian Êlwen Ermegil of Rhudaur Faefuin Falen Forodagnir Fottred Fuilcían Furn Galadhion of Rhudaur Gerse Gleefa Grumm Goldang Gothólin Grepp Gulthbairht Halla Haren Hirgrim Hirion Hoelbandol Hûr-Gûlúk Kelai Keleag Leddon Grumm Mael Bacraid Mardrash Marendil en Hrótaiyar Menel Mey-Carfe Mirborn Mongán Finn Mynio Bach Nasiand Nidd Odelard Orash Orlteh Ornil of Angmar Orodreth of Rhudaur Pad the old Purth Rhukar Rúadcara Rubb Grumm Safin Scandoreik Seammu Selvien Soldon Surk Táirgall the Great Thahofallia Thivur Blaith Tumach Ukandar Uthour Vigalaibo Hauhkarila Viliahilm Vodareik Vulvrithona Witbert

TA ca. 2950-3018/19[]

Dirhael of Taurdal Fergus of Airchart Finnel Forendur Gun Ain Ivorwen of Taurdal Leamon Margil Meneldir the Valiant Orilwen Úasal


Athrug Barfka Garny Golfimbul Gorbla Gorgaz Gorkil Grarfim Grashûr Ikgor Krabanak Lîgrash Lûgât Malkur Nargla Núrl Oomaug Rask (Orc) Rekka Shagrad Shardakh Tharzog Thuk Tírzamikapûl Urfaz Ûrfha Urmek Utsar Únk Yarnákh


Bert Huggins Bonka Cadnuir Grulag Huggin Little Hugh Huntan Kurash Kur-Tuk Orig Tol-Tuk Tom Huggins Ûl-og Waren William Huggins Winifred Huggins


Balasimur Blogath Faithful Spirit Mehitable Naranatur Phantom of the ruined tower Skrykalian



Arlandal Armanúmas Athelas Barnaie Beeches Birch Black Oak Black Vines Blue Pine Bushbells Calenhwan Camadarch Carnihelwa Dagorthond Dúran Elbin's basket Elendil's-basket Elm Faghiu Harwëtuima Heat-heal Heblas Hiam Moss Lâtha Lawrim Liantehen Maiana Mírëtar's Crown Mossy Grass Nelthandon Orrain Pines Rúmareth Ruthin Sha Shimmer Sprig Silaren Sinblas Spearleaf Streambeard Tall Pines Úl-náza Urchar Watercress White berried Yew Witch Hasel Tall Yews Truffle


Aurochs Barn owl Barrow owl Bats Beaver Bighorn Sheep Black Bears Blackbird Black Chicken Blue-headed Ducks Blue Pigeons Boars Brown Bears Brown owl Degmurg Great Elk Cave Bears Cattmag Coneys Crows Cunara Dappled Deer Deer Ducks Dunman's Dogs Edlings Eriadorian Pony Feithan Fell Turtles Fell Wargs Fell Wolves Ferrets Field Mice Flying Foxes Frunts Gwistir Goats Golden Eagles Gophers Goral Gorcrows Great Eagles Great Owls Grey Wolves Ground Squirrels Harbdo Hawks of the Hithaeglir Hedgehog Highland Lynx Hunting Cats Ice Goose Lark Longhorned Cattle Loons Mice Misty Mountain Deer Moose Mountain Goats North Bears Opossum Otters Pigs Porcupines Rabbits Raccoons Rats Red Chicken Red Fox Red-headed ducks River fishers River Mink Rock Viper Screech owl Serganka Shaking Asp Sheep Hound Skunks Snow Hares Snow Leopards Songbirds Split-tailed duck Tree Bats Vampire Bats Wargs War-Wolves Weasles White Chicken White Foxes White Hart White Powan Wild Boar Wild Cats Wild Cattle Wild Goats Wild Sheep Wolfhound Wolverines Woodchuck

Other: Cave-trolls Forest-trolls Ghosts Great Giants Hill-trolls Lesser Giants Mewlips Small Dragons Stone-trolls Wights


  • Rhudaur is often suggested to mean “East-wood” (from S. rhûn “east” + taur “wood, forest”) or "East-league" (S. Daur "rest, pause, league"); however Tolkien himself glossed the meaning as “Troll shaw”[1] (shaw being an archaic English word for “a small wood; thicket; copse; spinney”), though this probably is a very loose translation of what seems to be Sindarin rhû-, “evil, wicked”, and daur (lenited from taur). Rhudaur was not initially an evil realm, but a large and widely savage and untamed country. On the other hand, it seems rather unlikely that the Dúnedain would have labelled one of their own lands as “evil, wicked”, though the name may have predated the Númenórean colonization and establishment of the independent kingdom or may have been the sindarization of an indigenous term
  • The nature of Rhudaur, as descibed in the canon, makes it an ideal setting for games of all types. Hence, it is not surprising that several different interpretations exist of the land and its features. While MERP is by far the most detailed, it is not authoritative. This wiki attempts to reconcile the various interpretations, but merging these different views is not always possible. In such cases, the alternative versions are all presented.


  1. Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus, by David Giraudeau, Version 1.2 (June 27, 2011)
  • LotRAG: Over the Misty Mountains Cold
  • MERP: Arnor: The Land
  • MERP: Arnor: The People
  • MERP: Campaign & Adventure Guidebook
  • MERP: Creatures of Middle-earth
  • MERP: Dark Mage of Rhudaur
  • MERP: Hillmen of the Trollshaws
  • MERP: Loons of the Long Fell
  • MERP: Lost Realm of Cardolan p.10: Table: KINGS OF THE REALMS IN EXILE After the Division of Arnor, 861 T.A.
  • MERP: Middle-earth Adventure Guidebook
  • MERP: Northwestern Middle-earth Campaign Atlas
  • MERP: Northwestern Middle-earth Gazetteer
  • MERP: Palantír Quest
  • MERP: Phantom of the Northern Marches
  • MERP: Rivendell - the House of Elrond
  • MERP: Trolls of the Misty Mountains

External links[]
