Rhovanion, or Wilderland, was home to Thranduil's Wood-elves, the Dwarves of the Iron Hills, and various Northmen groups of the mountains, woods, and plains. It was a rugged region untamed by any dominant civilization.
The Land[]
- Type: Steppe-land Plains; Mixed Forests
- Area: 187.500 square miles.
- Elevation: average: 930 feet; lowest point: Nindalf (S. "Wetwang", lit. "Wet Flatland") 380 feet; highest point: Erebor (S. "Lonely Mountain") 7,182 feet.
- Climate: average annual precipitation: 20-40 inches; mean annual temperature: 45°-55°F; average low: Ninui -15°F; average high: Urui 75°F
- Composition: Sedimentary layers, primarily limestone and chalk, made up most of the Rhovanion plains. In places, folding and erosion had produced downs, long ridges of exposed rock which cut across the prairie. A few sites revealed some igneous activity, particularly Erebor. which was made up of granite and basalt. Few topographic features of note otherwise disturbed the landscape, which undulated in gently rolling hills for mile after mile. If there was any mineral wealth in the region, the Northmen did not exploit it, content to import their metals from the Dwarves, the Dunedain, and the Men of the East.
- Notes: The name Rhovanion usually referred to the entire region bordered by the Hithaeglir, the Ered Mithrin, the Anduin, the Ered Lithui, and the Sea of Rhun, encompassing Mirkwood and the Anduin Vales. Tall grasses predominated south of Mirkwood, while shorter ones were more common farther north. Some small copses of elm and maple grew where there was shelter from the winds, which exceeded 40 mph on a regular basis.
Rhovanion in TA 1650[]
- Political Organization: Martial Lordship.
- Rulers: Marhcara, Reiks of the Aivathiuda; Atagavia, Reiks of the Waldandungs; Wurdireik, Reiks of the Withras.
- Administrative Organization: Clan-based, leaders usually hereditary, but sometimes elected by male warriors, Aivathiuda divided among six tribes, Gramias among four; land held by family groups.
- Population: ca.160.000 Northmen and Easterlings
- Military: 6.000 Aivathiuda Cavalry; 2.000 Aivathiudan Levy Cavalry; 2.000 Grama Warriors; 6000 Grama Levy Warriors.
- Products: Cram, horses, mercenaries.
- Symbol: Aivathiuda: White Horse on a Green Field; Grama: A Golden Sheaf of Grain on an Amber Field.
The Northmen who inhabited the plains of Rhovanion east of Mirkwood formed two distinct groups. The semi-nomadic Aivathiuda were by far the largest, but their primitive existence followed their herds of horses and cattle diminished their stature in the eyes of the Gondorians and the more urban Northmen from Dale and Esgaroth. The Grama had adopted a more settled agricultural life, tilling their fields in Mirkwood's eastern Bight with crude implements. A collection of small towns and villages formed the core of Grama society, and regular trade had grown between the communities and with Gondor. The Aivathiuda, on the other hand, remained suspicious of outsiders, and their culture was still very much a warrior society. The Aivathiuda traded only with their Grama kinsfolk, for their differing lifestyles had not yet disturbed the bonds of kinship and common heritage. Gondor eagerly maintained ties with these Northmen for the sake of her cavalry. The horses raised on the Rhovanian plains surpassed any native to Middle-earth. Furthermore, Aivathiudan auxiliaries had won several key victories in the wars for Gondor's borders. The Grama acted as intermediaries in this exchange, and all parties involved benefited to their satisfaction. The Grama produced grain, but their methods were still too crude to produce an exportable surplus. Instead, they relied upon the bounty of their herds for goods to exchange with Gondor and Esgaroth, and to a lesser extent the Men of Dorwinion and the primitive folk who lived within Mirkwood. The Northmen regarded the forest with fear and awe. the home of the baneful magics of Elves and the Necromancer. To their horror, the wood appeared to be growing, engulfing several villages since the Great Plague. Trade with the South had brought many innovations to the Northmen. Steel items now complemented the iron ones forged by Northman smiths. Improved agricultural techniques increase the Grama's yield each year, and the Thanes hoped to export grain to a hungry Gondorian nation within a decade. The sudden advancement had left both Grama and Aivathiuda in shock. Their isolated and primitive existence was suddenly interrupted by pressures to trade on an international market. The Aivathiuda found their warlike attitudes obsolete among the merchants of distant lands, so they kept their distance from outsiders, occasionally offering to strike against the tribes of wandering Easterlings who had recently begun to move into Rhovanion in force. The Plague wrought untold devastation among the Northmen, who were first to receive its wrath. Many earlier advances made with the help of Gondor were lost, and contact with the Dúnedain diminished. The Northmen remained a loose collection of tribes, more loyal to their kinsfolk than to any broader concept of nationhood. Only once before had a man succeeded in uniting the scattered tribes. Four hundred years before the Plague, a Reik of the Waldandungs named Vidugavia united the Northmen in an alliance to aid Gondor defeat an army of Easterlings. His government, however, was based solely on his personal charisma, and his descendants failed to hold his coalition together. In T . A . 1640, the Waldungs were still the most powerful tribe, and each Thane hoped one day to reproduce the success of Vidugavia. Most of the Grama tribes owed allegiance to the Waldungs, which they confirmed each year with the offering of gifts of tribute and friendship. The Aivathiuda kept their distance from any thoughts of coalition. Though they recognized a Thane as a "first among equals," they proudly maintained their tradition of small, independent clans.
Ainur: The Necromancer Maún Radagast the Brown Slyardach
Dwarves: Ai Azaghal Redhammer Balfor Barin Greycloak Bori Dain Ironfoot Frár the Beardless Fulla Firehammer Ginar Grór Hanar Hón daughter of Hanar Móna Nár Thrór Tindri Vali
Elves: Arien Camthalion of Mirkwood Ellaras Huinen the Seer Itaril of Mirkwood Lianna Legolas II Greenleaf Ohtar of Celebannon Oropher Ringlin of Ceber Fanuin Tauriel Thranduil
- Dúnedain: Aicawë Lhachglin
- Easterlings: Bôm Dâsakûn Gorovod of Dol Guldur Huz of Amov Kajus Kav-Makôw of Gathod Meonid Ito the Assassin Rof Paku the Spy
- Northrons:Alduna Alfrith Alaric Atagavia Attawulf of the Paidareiks Beadula Bain of Dale Bard the Bowman Bard Dwarf-friend Berubaur Bernebrun Benevacer Beruvacar Beorn the Skinchanger Barca Burgo Barnbinevia Brunebeno Brand Brander Berga Brindal Bryni Corwin Dorbeorn Durtheniel Edric Aivadiuria Egil Eradan the dark Ranger Ergweth Erik Erland Erna Fejjil Goldhair Fflewdur Fflam Fram Framson Garrick Girion of Dale Girion Bainsson Kiusawulf Gisolph Grell Grimarr Grimbeorn Gundramma Hakon Hugin Jarnsmid Gauthafrithulein Bladorthin Koldana Korsca Kynodin Lubogild Loore Marhcara Marcatio the red Mage Meriag Montieff the Storyteller Nurgan Wodgavia Odovacar Ottar Sara Sarbor Svelte Swiftawulf Thiudamari of the Alciswardias Turkelin Uirdiks Ulfang Wacho the Bold Waurdclavia Wiglaf Wulfila of Vidubaurg Olphilo
Orcs: Azog I Azog II Bolg I of Gundabad Bolg II of Dol Guldur Drurgandra Druzhag the Beastcaller Great goblin Rugash Sark Urdug
Trolls: Louis Morris Rupert Skessa Stuart Tiny Wodurishak
Other: Dagnir the Dragon Drokstaz Enna San Sarab Gwaewar the Eagle Gwaihir Korun Meneldor the Eagle Landroval the Eagle Steed of the Moon Smaug Warg-king Wilyador
- Orcs of the Ered Mithrin:
- Orcs of Goblin-Gate:
- Orcs of Gundabad:
- Orcs of Dol Guldur:
- Blogrum-Hai
- Bûrzthrâng
- Durbúrz-stazg
- Dushmau
- Frûmhon
- Gorbakh
- Hîs-Urdan
- Hîshtgropor
- Maukglob
- Mirk-eaves orcs
- Mor-Hai
- Shirkag
- Taughâsh
- Ûngund
- Uruk-Harnak
- Uruk-Thang
- Uruk-Torg
- Other Misty Mountain Orcs:
- Bollug
- Brafulug
- Shapat-Hai
- Moria Goblins
- Cult of the Long Night
- Scouts of the Southern Wilds
- the Úsanya
- Alancynn
Settlements and Points of interest[]

Placenames in Rhovanion
1650 TA: Achnod Iaun Aerdicsbern Agistath Aldburh Alduringard Althrith Amon Angened Amon Bauglir Amon Lanc Amon Tamró Amon Thyryn Antharsbaurg Anvilmount Anwuning Arhaim Ashkadurl Ashkandar Ashkirir Athrad Sirros Avar Tombs Azanulinbar-dum Bairalasbaurg Bar-en-Bairanax Barak-shathur Baraldrin's Gate Bat Dome Beacon Tower Beornan's Home Beorninghús Beroacra Bizar-atrad Black Knob Black Tarn Blómgard Brugath Traim Burgan Stath Burh Gram Burh Thaunyol Camlan's Refuge Caradsurga Caras Amarth Caras Gwindor Carrock Carvarad Cave of the Bulor-Ilg Ceber Fanuifuin Celebannon Cirith Auris Cirith Gondmaeglorn Cirith Himninond Cirith Mithlin Cor Angaladh Cor Taurmallor Crundel Dádhrik's Gap Dain's Halls Dale Dallarandil Darnibaurg Deep Chasm Deneral Dîn Lhûg Dol Guldur Dolentir Dollantir Dor Lhingvar Dor Naurhach Drinbar Ducias Medvo Dundok Dungirith Durkandar Dúrond Guroth Dying Glacier Eagduru Eithel Celebrin Eldrast Elrungagard Eolburg Erchan-Steini Erebor Ermanareiksbaurg Eryn Dolen Eryn Rhunen Esgaroth Far Bank Fenbridge Castle Fenburg Felagsgard Flahoz-Blogrûm Foldbold Forodim Forest Gate Forodrain Fradûrag's Cave Framsburg Furuk-mekhem Gadrauhtsbaurg Galbrethin Galgorin Gallor's Keep Gamolberg Gelebrin Glandir Goat Mountain Gobbleswell Gondmaeglorn Grasgarda The Grotto Gulch Hill Guldur Moathouse Gundabad Hafborg Haradruin Harnrain Haudh Haudh-en-Aiganaur Haudh-en-Mormaethyr Hawrim-Taigh Hatherbold heart-plant cave High Hill Hleibaurg Hollow Dwellings Iach Celduin Iath Iaur Ilanin Ilmaryen Ire-rock Kaerst Kala Dularkurth Kardavan Karfas Kaupobaurg Kurvasagh Killindrow Kirikhgathol Kleinibreusta Klófnakot Klyaxar's Lair Kotstow Lag-auris Lag-Dagûr Lag-Hundur Lag-lhach Lag-orod Lag-thrugrim Lag-Ûlurikon Lair of Nimanaur Lar-Huil Lar-Hûz Lar-sagra Leodholt Leovidukas Lindil Londaroth Lonely Hill Lonely Hill Cave Long Marish Long Peak Long-spring House Lugdûm Lughâsh Mael Marhungibaurg Melburg Maltir Mekeilaist Meonid's Watch Mere of Roots Morwatha's Tower Mount Udûnanca Myrrborg Nahald Kûdan Naquath Hlain Nôr-Dûm Oinsbridge Old Forest Hold Ost-in-Geil Ost-in-Ery Paidareiksbaurg Pardfan Penstow Refugee Medvos Rhosgobel Rof's Wood-Cave Rómenost Sairthiuda Sant Annui Sarn Goriwing Sarn Lothduin Sarnen Thuringwath Sauthbaurg Seleburg Setborg Shab Arch Shathur-munzu Silver-pit Shirklunamat Silverplunge Skalkibaurg Skarháld Skattabaurg Skauril's lair Skepuholc Skessasholur Smalug Sorrow-well Sorrowdrop Spider's Lair Stanbalk Steelfall Steinholl Stillwalk Smial Stone Bridge Stoor Harbor Strayhold Sunnagadal Surgax Taur Philinn Tel Belarin Tel Verenaer Thingastathbaurg Thistledow Thollakar Thornholt Thorontir Thorsigsborg Thranduil's Halls Thrumfall Thundercleft Thuringwathost Tirith Anduin Tirith Ethraid Tirith Ingon Tirith Nimmen Tirith Nindor Tol Malbor Tower of the Wolf-friend Triugardabaurg Tumsarn Tun Melen Tuwurdrog Tyrant's Hill Udrabax Ugulai Uldonavan Ulgerstat Udrabax Ursh Lanna Uruk-Torg Uthrael Béoac Vargurat Végard Vidus Vidusbaurg Viduwaed Voshatraum Vraciabaurg Wagunhalla Waitania's Lodge Waldmarhbaurg Wanbuil Warfinger Wayhidstede Weld Wessun's Farm Whiterock Creek Widlingholt Wíthibord Wolf Flat Wood Mere Wodareiks Duna Zagh Kala
3019 TA: Abandoned Ruins Abandoned Village Agistath Agshar-mazal Ainhard's homestead Aldburh Amon Angened Amon Gastal Amon Lhaw Amon Tamró Anduin Passage Ânghum-maudhûl Annâk-khurfu Ânug-stazg The Anvil Anvilmount Anvil of Winterstith Arhaim Ashúrz Maufulug Askâd-mazal Audaghaim Avabárg Azanulinbar-dûm Bandit Lair Barad Angol Barak-Shathûr Bare Hilltop Barrows of the Northmen Bat Dome Beacon Tower Beinharn Bendburn Beorn's House Beorning Watchpost Beorninghus Bitter Scar Bizar-atrâd Black Knob Blomgard Bridgethorp Brafulug Bones of Smaug Breitedegan's farm Burgûl-stazg Burneburg Burnwater house Bûrzkala Cabed Rhimdath Camp-site Câr Bronach Caras Amarth Caras Tilion Carrock Castle Orlmond Cave of the marsh-ogre Cave of the Urdharkonur Caves of Ulund Celebannon Chasm of the Great Vampire Chill and windsweft Grave Cirith Auris Cirith Gondmaeglorn Cirith Himninond Cirith Mithlin Cold-drake Burrows Contested Depths Cor Angaladh Côs Braen Crossings of Celduin Crumbling Cavern Crundel Crystal tunnels Cursed Tower Dádhrik's Gap Dain's Halls Dáinlik Dale Dancing Spire Dannenglor Dark Tunnel Deep Cleft Den of the Hol-budlan Dîn Lhûg Dolni Keep Dôm Goru Dúnabrygg Durbúrz-stazg Dwarf-statue Dying Glacier Eagle's Eyrie Echad Glamodúd Echad Mothelen Echad Sirion Edric's Town Egvárth Eldby Endless Caverns Enesgaroth Eolburg Erebor Eryn Dolen Esgaroth Esgaroth-of-old Estolad Mernael Fállug Fara Fasthálla Felegoth Fennas Guldur Fil Sulmog Fireheart Mine Forest Barrow Forest Clearing Forest Gate Forgotten Crypt Frightful Den Furuk-mekhem Galford Gálhyrst Gaol of Sauron Garmadh-maudhûl Garthness Gath Ulunn Gâthlata Giant Web Gilvamyr Glad Thaw Glade of Webs Gladden Gladden-falls Glándir Glimmerdeep Goat Mountain Goblin-watchtowers Gold Hill Gondmaeglorn Gostannon Grazadh-gropor Great Stone Cairn Grey Wrack Grimarr's Hall Grimbeorn's Halls the Grotto Grytgate Gudule's homestead Gulch Hill Guldur Bridge Gundabad Gwígar Gyogorasag Sanctuary Hadhodiant Hall of Ghosts Halls of MemoryHammerstead Haudh-en-Aiganaur Haudh-en-Mormaethyr Haunted Inn Helethir Hengi's Leap Hlíthseld Hoarwell Hoary Mountain Hodver's homestead Hongoi Howling pit Hrogar's Hill Hultvis Iach Celduin Iavassúl's Watch Ifbar-athrâkh Imnagath Impassable Chasm Irerock Ironthorpe Isenholt Jarnfast Karazgar's lair Keep of Tharrazhâr Kér Bréin Khîl's home Kidzul-kâlah Kingstone Kravod Krul Lugu Kúfuzg Lagúrz Lug Lightless Grotto Limlók Lindil Linduin-falls Loeglond Longpeak Lonsdale Lugdúmp Lúlstrok Lumrog Lunn Doring Lyndelby Mack's Well Málvang Markway Maudhûl-ulur Mere of Roots Mesem-azhâr Minas Raug Mithechad Mirkwood Maze Mount Udûnanca Mountain Hall Nabgûn-mazaru Naur-hoit Necromancer's Pass New-lodes of Narathâk Nóri's home North Stair Óinsbridge Old Ford Old Forest Hold Old side door Olin's forge Orlane Oropher's Rest Ost Galadh Ost-in-gil Ovir Hollow Parliament of Spiders Plinth Prin Pultavod Radagast's Cottage Radagasts's Gardens Raiderhold Redhall Reflecting pool Refugee Camps Reikfoss of Greylin Rhosgobel Rhovanost Riverrun Riverstead Roaring Falls Ruins of the Refuge Rushgate Sâd Doldúr Sâd Gúlnir Sâd Morangol Sarn Goriwing Sarnen Thuringwath Sauron's Graveyard Sauron's Harrow Scraper's Clough Secret lair Sentinel Oak Shab Arch Shathur-munzu Shulgmokh Skald's drop Skarháld Skerabrygg Skoghús Sorrowdrop Sorrow-well Spider's Glade Spiders' Ring Steel Fall Stormwall Stramvárth StánbalkStrandburg Stranding Sucking Mire Sundergrót Svínholg Tay Yoldash Temple of Araw Tham Aeldes Tham Aeldir Tham Taerdol Thangúlhad Thikil-gundu Thokvist Tholkát Thornholt Thoronburg Thranduil's Halls Tithroz Toft Trader's Isle Thrumfall Thunder-cleft Thunderdwelling Tirnhirion Tol Send Torech Emel Tower of the Wolf-friend Tríubad Tumnu-dûm Tûn melen Twainmantle Twilight Hall Ûdar-zahari Ujâk-fulug Undermountain Seals Urûshoba Utterby Vegbar Veithhól Veluk-Zamok Wadling Waldfast Wardman's way Warg-clearing Warlock's Hold Watchman's Well Watchtower Westoft White Mare Whiterock Creek Wind Throne Winterstith Wolf Flat Wolf-glade Woodland Hall Woodman's Clearing Woodmen-Town Wood Mere Wood-troll dens Wormcove Wuduseld Wyrmgap Ylgraf Zirakinbar
It's main regions include:
the Barding Reach: Aelinann Annen Carnen Forest Dale Lands Desolation of Smaug Erebor Fields of Celduin Lang Marish Long Marshes Nan Annen Nan Carnen Nan Celduin Netherwood Nethermarches Oak Savannah Pentstow-Wood Upper Marches Vidu Marish
Emyn Muil: Amon Hen Amon Lanc Nen Hithoel Outer Ridge Rauros Falls Tindrock
Plains of Rhovanion: Athorn Vale Braids brown lands Dor Rhûnen East central plain Grey Moorland High Hand Hills of Wilderland Hunshahadvuld Emyn Muil Gramavuld Horseman's Gap Lonely Lands Talath Harroch Thistledell
Ered Mithrin: Cirith Auris Cirith Feadin Cirith Himinand Cirith Mithlin Dragon-Gap East-Gap East of the Wall the Grey Mountains Fells Gondmaeglom Grey Mountains Narrow Lower Forks Nan Lóke Sarth nia Linquelíe Talath Oiohelka Thornholt Upper Forks Uthrael Beoge West-Gap Western Heights
the Iron Hills: Azanulinbar Barak-Shathûr Nan Morsereg Valley of Azan
Mirkwood: Accursed Forest Amon Lanc Ashenlades Aur Esgalbar Corpse-Woods Deadly Bogs East Bight eastern eaves of Mirkwood Eaves of Mirkwood Elfwood Emyn Duir Emyn Guldur Emyn-i-Thang Emyn Lum Emynen Esgalbar Finger Lakes Forest Bower Forest Gate Forest of Great Fear Galbrethin Vale Gathburz Girdle of Radagast Great Clearing Haunted Hills Heart of Mirkwood Hollow Laerlad Lower Depths Mere of Roots Middle-mirkwood Mirk-eaves Mountains of Mirkwood Mountains of Mirkwood pass Nan lanc Nan Taurduin Narrows of Mirkwood Nen Emyn Nivrim Northern Mirkwood Oak-wood Grove Old Avar Stream Realm of the Necromancer Rhúlórien Scuttledells Southern Mirkwood Taur Morvith Tauraelin Torech Emel Underground Lake Vale of the Golden Tree Western Mirkwood Woodland Realm Woodman's Glade Woodmere Woodsedge
Misty Mountains: Far Vales Foothill Forests Goblin Gate Great Pass Lone Fells Misty Mountain Foothills Mount Gundabad Northern Fells Old Pass Redhorn Fells Wargs' Glade Wolf-denes
the Upper Anduin Vales: Anduin Deeps Bee Pastures Beorninglands Carrock Ford Carrock Vale Dourstocks Drownhold Duskenvales East Nether Vales of Anduin Eothéod Floodfells Gladden fields Glennen Gobbleswell Gundalok Isle of Bears Langwell Nan Limlight Linduin Lorréna Meadhollow Misthallow Nan Lothanduin Parth Celebrant Rónen-in-Anduin Sharkey's Slough Singing waters Sirros Sizzling hills Thórlorien Tol send Undeeps Warg-clearing Warnelanth Wells of Langflood Willow lands

Rhovanion roads
- Beorn's Path
- Elf-road
- Gladden Path
- Hidden Path
- Lonely Mountain Road
- Men-i-Araw
- Men Burzum
- Men Celduin
- Men Dorwinion
- Men-i-Erebor
- Men-i-Mithrin
- Men-i-Naugrim (Old Dwarf Road)
- Men Rhûnen
- Men Rómen
- Men Uruk
- Mere Walk
- Old Forest Road
- Orc Road
- Râd Angálaladh
- Râd Annon
- South-hill Footpath
- Strider's Path
- Woodman Trail
- Angren
- Ardruiga (Aizadraka)
- Athorn
- Carnen
- Celduin
- Celebrant
- Dark Stream
- Dínen
- Donu
- Dry Watercourse
- Emynen
- Enchanted River
- Fiskastaiga
- Fola Szem
- Forest River
- Gladden River
- Glorsiril
- Gobbleswell
- Greylin
- Limlaith
- Langwell
- Marakai
- Mardrill
- Nimrodel
- Ninglor
- Sirros
- Sorna
- Uldona
- Ulurikon
- Warwater (Othnen)
Animals: Andaelion Anduin Lizards Angusaiweli Ants Atenla Aurochs Badger Bass Bats Bears Beavers Beetles Bejabar Bees Bitterns Black Bats Black bears Black boar Black Forest Bats black foxes Black Mink black squirrels Black Vulture Blackbird Blackflies Blue-grey Flies Blue Otter Blue pigeon Bluebird Brown Bears Buntings Butterflies Caru Cave-bears Chamber birds Char Chats Chatmoig Chickadee Chipmunks Cliff buzzards Coireali Coots Crakes Crayfish Crebain Crows Cuckoo Culcarnix Dark Bats Deer Dire wolves Ducks Dumbledores dusky-coloured lynx Dwarf Hummingbird Eagles Easterling sheep Egil's Vipers Elk Ennerlings of Mirkwood Eyes of the Forest Fell-beasts Fen boars Fenrais Fiara Finch Fireflies Fishing Cat Fintonarki Fleas Forest Spiders Freshwater Lamprey Frogs Galungol Garter Giant Eel Giant martens Giant rats Glutani Goats Golden Eagles Golodos Goose Gorcrows Grass Hawk Grass Snake Great bears Great Elk great river trout Great Spiders Great Bats Great eagles great falcons of Mirkwood Great Lizards Great Serpents Great Swans Great vampire Bats Grebe Green headed Ducks Green Pheasant Green-winged crows Grey Hawks Grey Maggots Grey wolves Grim Hawks Grosbeak Ground bees Gull Hawks Hedgehog Highland Lynx Hognose Hornets Horseflies Hounds Jatewoones Jay Kirinki Lake Trout Large Droning Beetles Lark Leeches Long-eared Foxes Longhorn Sheep Loon Marmots Marsh Cat Marsh mastiffs Marsh ponies Mearas Merisc Tyka Merlins Mice Mirkwood Bats Mirkwood Boars Mirkwood Crows Mole Moose Mosquitos Moths of Mirkwood Mountain goats Mountain lions Mountain Sheep Muck Adders Mules Mungos Muskrats Nethairin erdyr Neekerbreekers Nethraich Newt Nimfiara Northern bears Nuthatch Opossum Otter Oxen Panfish Partridge Perch Peregrine Falcons Pickerel Pied Swans Pikes Pine Marten Pit vipers Plovr Pond Bats Prairie Falcons Praying Mantis Purple Emperors Quail Rabbits Raccoons Rats Ravens of the north Red head Woodpecker Redhorn Sheep Reindeer Ringneck River Mink Robin Rough leg Hawks Salamanders Salmon Sheep-hound Short-eared owls silkworms Skunks Slign Small Falcons Small Spiders Snow lions Sparrow Sparrow-Hawks Spotted Lions Spotted Panther Squirrels Starling Stoat Storks Sturgeon Swallow Swift Thrushes Ticks Toads Turtles Undarlaif Vault shrikes War-wolves Wargs Weasle Wels White foxes White Wolves Wild boar Wild goats Wild horses Wild Kine Wild kine of Araw Wildcats Wildhorses of Rhovanion Wolves Woodchucks Woodcock Woodmen Sheep Wren
Other: Awakened trees Cave Drakes Cavern Guardians Cold Drakes Fire-Drakes Ghosts Guardian Constructs Huorns Lesser Giants Mewlips Skeletons Swampstars Water drakes Werewolves Wights
Anduin moss Beckberries Baranas Bursthelas Carefree Mustard Carnestad Chap Beech Dagmather Dîn Fuinen Finhereg Flood-broom Furry Oak Galathrían Gemberry Grapeleaf Lichen Gloriosa marshrush Milk-white Trumpet Oroluin Rewk river reeds Rose Trees Spirit Fire Thûrl Truffles Yews
- MERP: Brigands of Mirkwood
- MERP: Campaign and Adventure Guidebook
- MERP: Dol Guldur
- MERP: Goblin-gate and Eagle’s Eyrie
- MERP: The Grey Mountains
- MERP: Halls of the Elven-king
- MERP: Lake-town
- MERP: Middle-earth Adventure Guidebook II
- MERP: Mirkwood
- MERP: Mirkwood - The Wilds of Rhovanion
- MERP: Mount Gundabad
- MERP: The Necromancer’s Lieutenant
- MERP: Northern Mirkwood - the Wood-Elves Realm
- MERP: Northwestern Middle-earth Campaign Atlas
- MERP: Palantir Quest
- MERP: Southern Mirkwood - Haunt of the Necromancer
- merp.com wiki