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Reunited Kingdom




The Reunited Kingdom, subjected Provinces and tributary Realms
(See below)

The Reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor (W. "Ârûthân Tantâyata" or "Ârûthân Sattasâma"), known formally as the Great Kingdom of the West (S. "Adûn Belaranarth", W. "Tûcârûthân Adûn"), was the realm and empire founded by High-King Elessar in the Fourth Age. The Reunited Kingdom was a reorganization and reunion of the ancient territories of Gondor and Arnor, expanded to include their former provinces of Angmar, Enedhwaith, Harondor, Near-Harad, Umbar and Dorwinion, and to annex the lands of Mordor, Núrn, Southern Rhovanion, Haradwaith, Far-Harad, and Rhûn as far as the Far fields of the East and Menelothriand in the east and the ends of the Harad road in the south. It was founded with the victory of the War of the Ring, and within it the Dúnedan culture of old was revived and the Westlands were predominantly united under a sole and centralized power.

The Great Kingdom was divided into four chief quarters, in turn divided into numerous provinces; these still bore their local names as a rule, save for those who were renamed in extraordinary circumstances. There were the Northern Provinces (W. "Aphôrothân", later also known as "Adûngrad", "Western Provinces"); this encompassed the entirety of the former realm of Arnor, and acted as the core provinces and capital regions of the realm into the latter ages; the Southern Provinces (W. "Ahârathân", later also known as "Tôlegrad" or "Entêgrad", "Middle Provinces"); these were Gondor, Harondor and adjacent lands, in which the ancient realm of the Dúnedain was historically centered, and which still functioned as the economic and infrastructural center of the realm; the Eastern Provinces (W. "Azûlgradi") were named of old Dor Rhúnen and Mordor, and despite the status of these lands as former enemy territory, they were pacified and ordered well under Dúnedain suzerainty, although their people remained largely nomadic; and at last the Southern Provinces (W. "Ahâragradi"); those lands were Umbar and Haradwaith, vast and thinly populated, and under the Great Kingdom they became vast economic centers, as well as a hub of contact with the previously-wild lands of the South.

Under the wise and firm rule, skilled and well-ordered, of the King Elessar and his immediate successors, the Great Kingdom was the dominant power in the Westlands for the entirety of the Fourth Age. Immediately, the Great King overhauled the infrastructure of all his realm, renovating its roads, fortifying its cities and towns, and overseeing the repopulation of empty regions. In turn, the economy of the vast realm was reinvigorated with renewed infrastructure; and with advanced economy came a swelling population. A reorganized government oversaw the vast realm; an ordered bureaucracy of governors and nobles, enforced by the renovated Dunedain Military, occupying and patrolling every province; and at the head of this vast government sat the King Elessar, who, having demonstrated his skill in governance, military, and as the father and figurehead of his people, ruled unquestioned as an absolute monarch; and his successors, beginning with his noble and active son Eldarion I Telcontar, did likewise, ruling the absolute monarchy of the Great Kingdom with wisdom and gentle hand. All the powers of the Westlands acknowledged the rule of the High-King and aided his people; the kingdoms of Rhovanion were its eternal allies (both by tradition and by alliance), chief-most its military ally in Rohan. The realms of Rhûn acknowledged the King's authority and paid him tribute; even the far-off Emperor of Ôn arranged for the development of a great trading road to the Courts of the White Tree before the Great King's throne. The brother-races of Men were the friends and allies of the Dûnedan Realm; the Hobbits were its subjects, the Eldar its dear counselors and visitors, and the Dwarves its trading partners. In but fifty years of the Fourth Age, by the birth of the Crown Prince Eldarion, the memory in men's minds of a divided kingdom without a monarch had faded to mere legend, and the Reunited Kingdom was formally reorganized and retitled as the High-Kingdom (or empire) of Annûndor (W. "Adûthanni") and popularly known as the Twin-Kingdom (S. "Aranarth-Gwanûr, W. "Satta-Ârûthâni").

Yet, despite the victorious War of the Ring, and the ingenious rule of Great King Elessar and his successors, there remained in the world powers hostile to the authority of the Reunited Kingdom. The powers of Rhûn which had once paid tribute to Sauron were generally pacified, and yet there remained the "Collusion of the Ûsrievar," a fell union of nomadic barbarian-peoples, formed by Vacros and Itana Ovon and later led by Brûdhan and Khôragan, on the Eastern Borders, threatening trade with those lands; and they were aided by the remnants of the Orcs, fled from Mordor and become wily and nomadic, banding as the fell folk under the Snaga-Lords. In Harad, former puppet-kings of Sauron found themselves as hermit-lords in the vast wastes, and between themselves sought each to form empires of their own; and the aggressive realms of Azranû, Caiode, Felês, Sorthog and Selâth posed a threat to travel southwards. Finally, from the exiled remnants of Mordor and its peoples, underground organizations and infernal cults arose, those of the Adûnabâr, Derngorgor, the Black Cartel, the Pirates of Belfalas and the Cult of Herumor as well as the hidden works of the mysterious and sorcerous siblings Ûrmog and Mûri who called themselves "the Children of the Nameless" and these posed perhaps the greatest threat to the Great King and his subjects, inflicting war and terrorism on those whom they could. It was the task of King Elessar, of his allies in Rohan and among the other Speaking Peoples, and of his son the Crown Prince, to combat these foes, until they could be converted and annexed, or conquered, and at last the Western Men could dwell in peace, in their quiet and fortified villages and great citadels and towers, with no worry save to adhere to Royal Law.

Major Provinces[]

Reunited Kingdom by enanoakd

Reunited Kingdom by 120 FA. by enanoakd

The old traditional Sindarin names of the royal fiefs were still used in official documents; in everyday life however the Westron names were common.

  • Ahârôndoan (W. "region of southern rock"): Harondor
  • Thânwinian (W. "region of wine") or Rouavald: Dorwinion
  • Angûlrânu (W. "iron-home"): Angmar
  • Azrazûl (W. "eastern-sea"): Rhûnaer
  • Drûmaura (W. "Wild Rest"): Rhudaur
  • Entêlai (W. "middle-folk"): Enedhwaith
  • Ektaian (W. "holly-region"): Eregion
  • Gradadâna or Tarkilmâr (W. "realm of men" or "province of high-scions"): Arthedain
  • Karândôlan (W. "land of redheads"): Cardolan
  • Mûrathân (W. "black land"): Mordor
  • Nanahârê (W. "close south"): Near-Harad
  • Ôndothân or Belazargrad (W. "stoneland" or "march of the sea of powers"): Gondor
  • Phalahârê (W. "wide south"): Far-Harad
  • Radalanian (W. "land of wilderness"): Rhovanion
  • Tundulan (W. "hill-land"): Dunland
  • Umargrad or Ummaura (W. "march of the great Um" or "rest of the home of Um"): Umbar

Rohan (W. "Lôgrad"), the Northern Anduin Vales (W. "Phôringulin-Tûkahûrushian"), Lórien (W. "Lûranu") and the Great Greenwood (W. "Kalentazai"), East-Bight (W. "Dûbazûl"), Lindon (W. "Linthônan" or "Nimruthân"), the Barding Lands (W. "Zagarulgrad" or "Turgulgradin"), Brown Lands (W. "Barandalanin"), Isengard (W. "Angûlpand"), Fangorn (W. "Tazaturg"), Núrn (W. "Nûrgrad"), Drúadan Forest (W. "Tawri-Drûadânaian"), Drúwaith Iaur (W. "Zaradrûlai") and even Khand (W. "Variagmâr") and the Shire (W. "Yôbanakilian", "Gift to the Halflings", or "Payasûzakudukian", W. "Independent Region of the Hobbits") were never officially parts of the Reunited Kingdom but were seen as "Allied Realms" and "Independent Regions".

Major Settlements[]

  • Bawabundu (W. "Storm-Head") (Amon Sûl)
  • Bas-Ananras (W. "Settlement of the long Cape") (Andrast)
  • Anaratha (W. "long climb") (Andrath)
  • Ingul-Anansakal (W. "long-coast valley") (Anfalas)
  • Bennaes (W. "Angle") (Angle (Rhudaur))
  • Adûmînath (W. "Western Fortress") (Annúminas)
  • Hlothin-Barandanîn (W. "Brown-river Settlement") (Baranduin)
  • Brekadar (W. "Hill-City") (Bree)
  • Tud-Barandalân (W. "Brown-Land Watch") (Brown Lands)
  • Hât-Waruînian (W. "ridge on the Loudwater") (Bruinen)
  • Bulkananrôth (W. "Ship of long-foam") (Cair Andros)
  • Namakangûlin (W. "Iron Jaw") (Carach Angren)
  • Karânduban (W. "red deep") (Carn Dûm)
  • Karânînpan (W. "Place by the redwater") (Carnen)
  • Kelenînpan (W. "place by the running-river") (Celduin)
  • Tud-Gimilranta (W. "silver-run Watch") (Celebrant)
  • Lobalkris or Lobzara (W. "Spider-Pass" or "Old Spider") (Cirith Ungol)
  • Erurîngipan (W. "Place in the cold waste") (Coldfells)
  • Tud-Azgapan (W. "Battlefield Watch") (Dagorlad)
  • Tôlananrôth (W. "Island of long Foam") (Dol Amroth)
  • Tûranwinân (W. "Wine-Lord's Height") (Dorwinion)
  • Mînath-Tunduian (W. "Fortress of the Hills") (Dunland)
  • Dûrasânda (W. "Dour Shield") (Durthang)
  • Gimiltudian (W. "Watch of the Stars") (Elostirion)
  • Ingul-Arinabundu (W. "royal hill vale") (Emyn Arnen)
  • Phurumuilê (W. "Drear Mines") (Emyn Muil)
  • Pandadulgin (W. "Shadow-fence") (Ephel Duath)
  • Nanerec (W. "Holly vale") (Erech)
  • Phurulîthorn (W. "Ash-mountain mine") (Ered Lithui)
  • Urdlunepan (W. "Place of the blue Mountain") (Ered Luin)
  • Lôni-Tazamûri (W. "Blackwood Harbor")' (Eryn Vorn)
  • Kar-Ugrulûrê (W. "Evendim settlement") (Evendim)
  • Khibiladorn (W. "flat-river well") (Frecasburg)
  • Pathawaruîan (W. "Ford of loius noise) (Fords of Bruinen)
  • Pathangûlian (W. "Iron ford") (Fords of Isen)
  • Aphôrokadar Ârûian (W. "northern royal city) (Fornost Erain)
  • Tud-Aphôrokilki (W. "northern-ice Watch") (Forochel)
  • Ranu-Dalfhurush (W. "home by the old river") (Greyflood)
  • Tud-Ahâralai (W. "South-folk Watch") (Haradwaith)
  • Ahârôndo (W. "Southern Rock") (Harondor)
  • Hât-Erkên (W. "Holly Ridge") (Hollin Comb)
  • Tram-Neg (W. "last bridge") (Iant Methed)
  • Rana-Tundangûl (W. "ironhill Settlement") (Iron Hills)
  • Ranu-Angûladian (W. "iron-river settlement") (Isen)
  • Lunelôni (W. "deepwater-harbor") (Lhun)
  • Linsîrian (W. "river of song") (Linhir)
  • Litpanzadain (W. "Ash-plainnsettlement") (Lithlad)
  • Gabilôni (W. "large harbor") (Lond Daer)
  • Mînath-Tazanîm or Mînath-Tudnas (W. "Tower of the white tree") (Minas Tirith (Gondor))
  • Iminsîreth (W. "City between the rivers") (Minhiriath)
  • Nargalkris (W. "Dwarf-pass") (High Pass)
  • Urdalf (W. "Old Mountain") (Misty Mountains)
  • Tarn-Mûra or Ethi-Karkinian (W. "Black Gate" or "Fortresses of the teeth") (Morannon)
  • Tud-Ahâraian (W. "Watch of the South") (Near Harad)
  • Tud-Aphôrolai (W. "Watch ofbthe Northern-folk") (Northern Waste)
  • Tûr-Aphôrona (W. "Head of the Northdowns") (North Downs)
  • Gimileth (W. "Star-City") (Osgiliath)
  • Zaranimireth (W. "Old Elven-city") (Ost-in-Edhil)
  • Pandarbalûk (W. "Garth of rayal ships") (Pelargir)
  • Kalenkîn (W. "green Height") (Pinnath Gelin)
  • Tud-Brandarôth (W. "Border-river Watch") (Poros)
  • Tud-Arawarôth (W. "Roaring-river Watch") (Rauros)
  • Mînath-Radaian (W. "Fortress of the Wild") (Rhovanion)
  • Borpatha (W. "Stone-ford") (Sarnford)
  • Lôni-Azûlazran (W. "Eastern-sea haven") (Sea of Rhun)
  • Tûr-Ahârana (W. "Head of the Southdowns") (South Downs)
  • Sarurâd (W. "crossing-path") (Tharbad)
  • Halatôl (W. "Island Watch") (Tolfalas)
  • Torogtaza (W. "Trolltree") (Troll-Wood)
  • Tûr-Aganpan (W. "death-place Watch") (Tyrn Gorthad)
  • Ummauralôni orUmarkadar (W. "haven of the rest of Um" or "City of the great Um") (Umbar)
  • Hala-Bawaburud (W. "Ward of the Storm-hills") (Weatherhills)

Major Fortresses[]

Minas Ciriol Minas Eldari

Kings of the Reunited Kingdom[]

Telcontari Dynasty[]

Elessar Telcontar
Eldarion Telcontar ("Nimirêd")
Elessar II Telcontar ("Nimirbor")
Elendil Telcontar ("Nimirbêl")
Isildur Telcontar ("Nilbêor")
Anárion Telcontar ("Urûrêd")
Arathorn III Telcontar ("Tûranark") 
Hyarmendacil III ("Avalnar Akhâragast") 
Eärnil Telcontar ("Azarbêl") 
Telumehtar Telcontar ("Delgubatânard") and Eärnur Telcontar ("Azrubêor") 
Arvedui Telcontar ("Tûranneg") 
Eärendur Telcontar ("Azarbêor") and Targon Telcontar ("Tûranbor")


Population in F.A. 200 ~26.000.000 men, ~10.000 dwarves, ~150 elves
Population in F.A. 120 ~17.000.000 men, ~15.000 dwarves,  ~250 elves
Population in F.A. 50 ~10.000.000 men, ~17.000 dwarves,  ~ 500 elves

Characters of Renown[]

Adelbard Tuckborough Alatar Alphros Amlaith Telcontar Anárion Telcontar Aragorn Elessar Arathorn Telcontar Arvedui Telcontar Arwen Evenstar Barahir of Ithilien Bard Dwarf-friend Barfka Beleg Telcontar Beorn II Berelach Beretar Badlands Bergil Berúthien Bilbo Gamgee Borlas Brago Tuckborough Caiode Carnil Celandur Da´n Daisy Gamgee II Darien Deneldír Diamond Took Druin the Proud Durbuhuk Dúrin the Deathless Eärendur Telcontar Eärnil Telcontar Elanor Gamgee Eldarion Elendil Telcontar Elerior Elessar II Telcontar Elfstan Fairbairn Elfwine Elphir Encalion Éomer Éadig Éowyn Éomund's daughter Faqir Faramir of Ithilien Faramir Took Fastred of Greenholm Findegil Firiel Fairbairn Frodo Gardner Gargush Gimli son of Glóin Goldilocks Took Gorron Harding Gardner Herumor Huntan Hyarmendacil III Ikgor Isildur Telcontar Itana Ovon Kadak Kur-Tuk Kôma Lîgrash Lindenar Linuile Lothíriel Lurd Meriadoc Gamgee Mahtûn Mirag Moran Morelen Mozgog Múldec Namu the Rain-man Nandar Narkga Nurl Onree Ordelred Tuckborough Othrondir Pallando Peregrin Gamgee Peregrin Took Puil Randae Terisonen Rask Rekka Rhamûn Rose Gamgee II Saelon Samwise Gamgee Saradoc Brandybuck Sen Kay Sérëdhiel, daughter of Elrohir St'e Swinky Taladhan Targon Telcontar Telumehtar Telcontar Thelor Thórin Stonehelm Thulin Tobold Goodburrow Tol-Tuk Tolman Cotton I Tolman Cotton II Tolman Gamgee T'revor Arain Ulwarth II Urfa Úri Urmek Utsar Uunk Valamir the Younger Valros Volog Vôrn Waren Wilcome Whitfoot


  • The Fourth Age was an era in which old knowledge and elven-lore became forgotten. Therefore most names are given in (Neo)-Westron forms instead of the older Sindarin. This "Neo-Westron" however is intended to represent the speech of the Ôndothâni-Lôgrâdi (Gondorian/Rohirric) upper- and learned classes. Normal "common speech" should at best be represented by archaic English instead.