normal Rats and a Giant-Rat
Rats (Q. Nimeano) (BS. raav) - animals that were inhabiting Middle-earth for ages beginning from 1st age. In 6th age humans classified them to the rodents together for example with squirrels. History of rats in Ambar isn't well described in chronicles, poems, tales and songs, although when Kingdom of Bellakar was at its golden age it was written Book of Rats by Kâtakor Humiken (from Bellakrian (Blk.) kâtah - curly and akor - translator Humiken in Blk. means scholar). Original manuscript didn't survived to the modern times because of sandstorm of 2576 T.A. that completely destroyed Khârada Workshop that was working on development of science in the region.
From mentioned source we have information that rats are creation of Melkor. In his intention rats should be pests that would dwell in homes of Children of Illuvatar and would eat fruits of their work. Additionally when Morgoth created various lethal diseases he said that rodents would spread it causing harm of all beings living in the Middle Earth. Nonetheless rats, unlike orcs were only animals and soon begin to serve also Oromë and evolved creating various species of rats through all of the Middle-earth.
Generally[1] rats are common animals in vast parts of Ambar. Rats usually are living in urban areas or inside of cottages but their natural environment of some subspecies is forest, marshy terrain or meadows. Mentioned rodents are most common in Gondor and Mordor but we can ofen meet rats in the dark forests of Mirkwood and in the lower parts of Misty Mountains or Iron Hills. Little bit less populous but still not rare population of this animals can be found throughout Rhuň, Bellakar and other temperate and not desert nor isolated lands. Exception from that rule are lands dwelled by elves which killed or in other way dealt with all the rats. These animals are living in groups counting from 10 to above 15 000 rats[2]and move rarely or in case of rats living in the wild are migrating very frequently.
Physical description[]
Rats are usually small animals from 5 cm width from end of the tail to nose in case of field rats to 50 cm in case of Giant rats. These animals have small head with long nose, relatively large corpse and long skinny tail.
Cultural and Historical significance[]
As mentioned earlier, rats were spreading plagues and were major reason of Great Morgoth Disease of 2635 T. A. that haunted western parts of Gondor and killed around 60 000 humans. Rats were causing many minor outbreaks before and after the Grand Plague that caused their infamy. Rats also were main reason why people started possessing cats in their homes. Rat was in long time identified with evil, craven and weakness so naming someone a rat was huge offense and being nicknamed like that standed for miserability of ruler and his tyranny. In the Second Era was created job of Rat catcher that was exterminating rats in the town. After this profession was called Ratcatcher hut in Rohan.
Species of rats[]
- Barrow-Rats
- Black rats
- Brown rats
- Corpse-Rats
- Field rats
- Giant rats
- Harbour-rats
- Large jungle Rats
- Lautan
- Long-eared rats
- Marsh-Rats
- Morgulrats
- Plague-rats
- Wold-Rats
- Prairie Rats
- Shadow-Rats