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The New Notion Club Archives

Rangers of the North

Also known as the "Gol a Toronath Forfaroth" or "Faroth Formen", the Rangers of the North (or "Grey-hillers" in Saerlann and Enedhwaith) were an armed company, skilled to fight in the wilds, among the Dúnedain of the North. Their tribe was recruited among the last decendants of the Dúnedain of Arnor. They were traditionally led by the Chieftains of the Dúnedain.

Known members of the Dúnedain of the North and their Rangers[]

Adadhrond Amarion Amarthiúl Ambadanir Amdir Amin Amlan Amrúnir Andreg Anglaer Angwedh Annúdhrod Arador Aragorn Aranhir Arathorn Aravir Arbarad Areneth Arfirion Argirion Arithir Astelni Astiul Badhordam Balchelos Banfuir Banganir Baradir Baranor Beretar Boffo Took Braigiar Brangil Bregadil Brogdagnir Brunfair Brungos Calatherdir Caldanath Calenglad Calithil Candaith Cannasgam Cannuion Celairant Celegdes Celenath Corunir Culang Culith Daerdan Daervunn Dagoras Dalaneth Dalanor Dannasmeth Demur Dirhaborn Dirhael Dolbarad Dunhammad Dunhir Duvengris Elboron Elegost Elladrien Encalion Eradan Erandir Erebgon Faelbenn Faeron Fainneleg Fanuira Ferrif Ferrod Fimdir Firingal Forchon Forendur Galiana Squibb Gemniphred Gernad Gilbarad Gilmith Gilraen Glangilith Golodir Gurhebnir Hador Halbarad Halbaron Haldalam Haldorn Halros Handarod Harthadril Himeinior Himeldir Hithlim Hodhon Húriel Iárion Idhrenfair Idhrien Ilthorn Iorecthel Langlas Legrindavor Lenglinn Linnor Loborchron Lorniel Lothrandir Maedhrusc Maerchiniath Malvegil Mandan Margil Meneldir Mincham Mindambeth Mithrendan Mordalin Nadfaron Naeglanc Naethmunn Nestadron Nethraw Nidgyl Nirtathar Orchalwe Orchith Orilwen Orthonn Pelegorn Pelisor Prestadir Radanir Rosselloth Saeradan Sirandreth of the Knife Sôriandrand Techeron Thalion Timedhruith Torchirion Tordoron Trinidui Trotter Tudang Tugonn Turin the Ranger Uirod Yorath

Known Settlements and Camps[]

See also[]
