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The New Notion Club Archives

Aerial view


Location in Númenor

Rómenna (Q. "Eastwards"; Ad. Azûlada), in its earliest days called Rómelónan, was the greatest seaport of Númenor, situated on the island’s eastern coast in the province of Arandor, about 50 miles east of Armenelos, the royal capital. It stood on the southern shore of the Firth of Rómenna, which opened into the Bay of Rómenna and ultimately into the vast Belegaer.

Rómenna was the gateway between Númenor and Middle-earth, through which much of the island’s trade, exploration, and naval power flowed. The Great Road of Númenor ran westward from Rómenna, passing through Armenelos, skirting the base of Meneltarma, and continuing on to Andúnië on the western coast, linking the island’s two most important ports.

Places of note[]

  • Beacon Isle
  • Elendil's Hall
  • Great road of Númenor
  • Hallow of Erendis
  • House of Vëantur
  • Seaport
    • Seat of the Guild of Venturers
    • Shipwright's Guildhall
    • Shipyards
    • Vëantur's Quay
  • The sea-walls


  • MERP: Northwestern Middle-earth Campaign Guide
  • Read SU 268,272-3,275,279; UT 165,169,174-5.179-82.186.191-2, 195. 201, 212. For Firth of Rómenna, read UT 165. 174; for Bay of Rómenna, read UT 176.