The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

The Priests-Arnak were a group of Individuals possessed and steered by the unlife.They were split into a number of disunited, competing orders, seeking to infiltrate and corrupt the various realms of the world.However, while they tempted their followers with false gods, Cults or religions, promises of wealth, power, privileges and lust, they themselves were tainted in spirit towards a degree of nihilism and madness in which they sought only downfall, annihilation and finally the ending of all life and the world herself.The organisation divided itself in the true priests and the "Iron Messengers", but both served the Iron Wind.

The true meaning of "Arnak" was a mystery and not revealed to outsiders, but those few who actually had studied the Priests-Arnak believed that it meant literally "Nothing".

Many Priest-Arnak were Dyari.



The Priests Arnak originally are from Loremaster (ICE Series), where they represent willingless tentacles of the mysterious and impersonal Iron Wind and are main antagonists within later Shadow World, though they originally first appeared in a Middle-Earth based setting.
