The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Pothek (Ma. "?"), Chief of Modune: The leader of Modune was an aging Lom'chyan warrior. He gained his position through tribal elections following the death of the previous chief. During his thirty-year rule, Modune had maintained a stable system of life. Pothek only allowed his army to defend their own land – he never consented to attacking for independent reasons. Because of his home-oriented politics, Pothek had gained rivals who wished Modune to conquer and expand. When he died, elections may bring such a rival to power. Therefore, Pothek had a powerful group of elite guards.
His home was humble compared to most ruler's, but his land rich and fruitful. Pothek was generally liked by his people.
Pothek was 60 years old at the time. His hair was still mostly brown, his skin was fair, and his eyes were hazel. He stood 5'11" tall and weighed 155lbs.

