A Smaller and stockier horse with a specific conformation and temperament, the pony was probably not the best mount for a person of large stature, but was ideal for a Hobbit or a Dwarf. There were many different breeds of ponies. Compared to horses, ponies often exhibited thicker manes, tails and overall coat, as well as proportionally shorter legs, wider barrels, heavier bone, thicker necks, and shorter heads with broader foreheads.In Middle-Earth ponies for example were bred by the Dwarves and Hobbits.
Known Breeds[]
- Wild Ponies
- Daen-Horses
- Eriadoran Ponies
- Algraig Ponies
- Angmareans
- Breelanders
- Dunland Ponies
- Tinker Ponies
- marsh ponies or Peroch-I-lin
- Mountain Ponies of Rohan
- Eriadoran Ponies
- Dwarven Ponies
- Hollin Ponies
- Hobbit Ponies
- Shire-Packhorses
- Hollin Ponies
- Easterling Ponies
- Easterling Shorthorses or Drebah and Gahz
- Urda-Ponies
- Forest Ponies
- Tundra Horses
- Daen-Horses
Ponies of Note[]
Angus Aria Azalea Bertha Bill the Pony Briar Rose Brunella Bumpkin Bungo Charlie Chestnut Daisy Delilah Eleanor Finola Florian Hazelnut Lightfoot Lumpkin Minty Myrtle Sharp-ears Strider Stybba Swish-tail White-Socks Wise-nose
- Retrieved from [Realms of Arda]; original reference: [ICE MERP 2012]