Acanloth rose Aykara Alfirin Amaranth Amaryllis Anemone Argsbargies Arnúminas Orrain Asphodel Black Clover Black Iris Black Roses Blind plants Bloodstone Bluedrake Blue Heather Bluebell Bluebottle Blueflower Breldiar Bright-Blue-Eyes Bright Lily Brôrkwilb Butterbur Buttercup Carnation Celandine Chrysanth Cloudberry Clove Columbine Corral Rose Cowslip Curuloth Daisy Dandelion dawn-rose Dead-marsh Flower Dusk-flower Dwarf Eyebright Easter lily Elanor Elben´s basket Elfsong Vanimella Fair Sweet Lobelia Nenlebed Fire-honey Fishfeather Flag-Lily Flame of Harad Flax Flúr ForgetmenotFúmella Gên Giant Datura Gildar-Orchid Gladdon Glistershade Golden Alfirin Golden Honeycomb golden moly Aecbalf Gorse Sírimo Grape-leaf Magnolia Cumbunaica Green Rose Hamanullas Harad Daisy Hibiscus High-bush rose Himros Aloe Hôak-fôer Hollyhocks Hûgar iavas finiril Idesbléd Iffelroses Indigo Iris Isaba isceloth Jasmine Jessamine Journeyman Flower Kaktú King's Spear Kingslock Larkspur Laurrë-Lily Lesser Celandine Lily Lily-of-the-valley Ling Heather Lissuin Little Dragon Lobelia Lodoss Losselote Loth-nu-Fuin Lothfelag Lothgalen love-in-a-mist Aechereg Lushdii Maiden's Helm Malinlóte Mallos Marigold Maywheed Meadow rue Melhith melui Merrig Mesquite milithrag Milk-white Trumpet Milkflower Mírëtar's Crown Mirkwood-Rose Moonflower Morgul-Flower Moss Campion Mossy Cyphel Saegoth Náza nelcarisce Nenuphar Niphredil Olórëlossë Orchid Periwinkle Phlox Phoroz lily Pinks Primrose Quilmufûr red aster Róringath Rose Rosecreeper Rúd-tekma Sailcha Riverweed Saffron Sarah-pokes-her-head Mornasercë Seregon Ningalen Sheep's plume Simbelmyne Thindolluin snap-dragon Tuilendil Snowdragon Southbell Spearflower Spitting Plants Splayfoot Spurge Stonelance Strawflower Sulilot Sunflower True Tarnas Tathar-lemon Teed Thembitul three-toothed Orchid Tigerlily Trefoil Vinyacuilë Ul-acanloth Úl-náza Uranil smoke-flower Vuranar Waterlily Wék-wék White Lily Wifwif Wight-Orchid Wild Onion Woad Yaran Yavanna's flowers Yavannívi Yellow Clover Yellow Iris Yellow rockroses Yuth Zagan
Amaranth Barley Black Barley Buckwheat Corn of Aman Finger Millet Flaxseed Hempseed Green Bean Groundnut ióringath Lovegrass Mustard Oat Poppyseed Rice Rye Spelt Sunflowerseed Wheat
Medicinal Plants[]
Abaas Aeglos Akbutege Alambas Alder Alfirin Allspice Anduin moss Anserke Argsbargies Armanumas Arnuminas Arrowweed Athelas Baalak Bear's Tongue Beckberry Belan Birch Bitter Galenas Bitter Stagberry Bitter Tansy Blackroot Bloodwort Bluebottle Bluegrass blushblade bog- moss Boneset Branched Asphodel Breathblossom Breldiar Bright Lily Bursthelas Bushbells Butterbur Buttercup cadairian Caj Carano caraway Cardamom carnation Carneyar caryopha cat´s claw Celandine Cembereth Cemenduril blossoms Chamomile Charbis Cheb Kuile Chickweed clotbur Cloudberry coltsfoot Conhuith coveted blue mint Craeg-Cerflun Creagach-Chnáimb Chrysanth Clove cuewhn Curfalaka curuloth Dagmather Dagnather Dayherb Daisy Dandelion Deadly Nightshade Dewleaf Din Fuin Dogfruit-Tree Draaf Dragon's blood Dragon's Breath Duindir Durad Durin's Tears Dwarfwort Dwarf Eyebright Ebur Elben´s basket Everworth Elderberry Elm Elven Hawthorn Faghiu Fair Dragonsbreath Fair Muddy foot Febfendu Feduilas Fek Fennel Fern Fiis Fiveleaf Fleabane flood-broom Foxglove Foxrose Fraw Furry-leaf Gaifas Gamwich Braid Garlic Gemberries Ginger ginseng Gnosh Goatsbeard Golden Alfirin Golden Cress Golden Honeycomb Golden Queensfan Goldwort Gorse Goyan Root Grape-leaf Magnolia GrarigGreenweed Guratu Gwathfuin-Daedelos Hare's Barnacles Harrow-weed Hart's-tongue Hauntreek Hawthorn Healer's Chamomile Healer's Charamire Healthy Mud-root hearts of palm Hegheg Hemp Himros Aloe Hith-i-girith Hithlass Hlínestad Hoak-foer Hoarhound Hops Hornblower crop Horsetail Hugar Hulwul-haraz hulwul-hurz Iaffin Indigo Iris Ironbine Jacinth Flower Jessamine Joef Juniper Kakduram Keithään Lethi Keltakukka Kelventari Kelp kibil-luwz Kingslock Laicahwan Larch Lartha Lashdir Laurrë-Lily Laurel Lavender Lemon Lengalenas Lesser Celandine Lestagil Lichen gloriosa Lily Little Dragon Lobelia lomthond Madwort Maiden's Helm Malimmente Mallos Mandrake man's wort Maresfoot Marestail marrow-root Meadowsweet Megillos Merrig Milkflower Milkpurse Milkthistle Míretári Monk's Hair Mook Mugwort Mur Nakokasri Nantarb Naza Neithlas Nemrais Nemrais Mur nettles ngaelen Nightshade Nijam-mujdu Old castleherb Olive Onionweed Orchid Oregano Orrain Oxlip Parsley Pepperglove peppermint Periwinkle Pigmint Pipeweed Plantain poison hemlock Prickly Broom Pumpkin Punasaliva Quilmufur Ragwort red lavage Rhododendron Rhubarb river reeds Ronnete Roper's Twist Rosain Rose rosehip Saerthond Sage (plant) Saffron Salvia Sandclaw Seathorn Settlegang Sha Shanku Shire Sweetleaf Silraen Sinahaud Sindoluin Sinitähti Sildoluir Silver Maple snagbane Snapcane snap-dragon spiky mugwort Splayfoot Goodwart Sorul Southlinch Crop Spindleberry Spurge Stonemace Suhantu Stag's purse Stonecrop-leaf Streambeard Summer Asphodel Summer Green-weed Suranie Sweet Galenas Sweet Mellow Tarnas Tartiella tea thyme Tighfield Choice Toad's Glove Torchwood Trollstrife trueleaf Tulavar Tulaxar Tunglewort Turid Ul-naza Uleraix Unikukka Valanar Vetchling Vinyacuilë Wanderbeard Waterlily Wearywort Wek-wek Welwal Whin White Lily Wight-Orchid Witav Withywind Wizard's fire Woad-plant wolfsbane worrywort Yaran Yarrow-root Yellow Clover Yuth
Poisonous Plants[]
Agaarth Ajkara Ancalthur Anemone Areca Nut Barag-bulum Beruthiel's Rue Betel Leaf Bitter Tansy Black Clover Bloodwort Breldiar Brorkwilb Buttercup Cauliflower Celandine Lesser Celandine Chickweed Chrysanth Clove Columbine Deadly Nightshade Draaf Durad Elben´s basket Eriadorian Ivy Fek Felmather Foxglove Fukavar Giant Datura Golden Queensfan Goldwort Gorfang Gredelnar Harrow-weed Hauntreek Hemp Hith-i-girith Hoak-foer Holly Hugar Iffelroses Iris Jessamine Joef Kaktu Karfar Lichen Gloriosa Lily Mandrake Maywheed Megillos Merrig Milk-white Trumpet Milkflower Milkweed Moss Campion Murnan Nelisse Nenuphar Old castleherb Pangwood Periwinkle poison hemlock Poison Ivy Punasaliva Quilmufur Ragwort Rhododendron Rud-tekma Sage (plant) Salvia Seregmor Silraen Sindoluin Slird Spindleberry Spurge Suranie Tarnas Tigerlily Torchwood Tulaxar Ul-acanloth Ul-naza Vuranar White Lily Withywind Yaran Yellow Clover Yuth
Abaas Agaarth Akbutege Anserke Avhail Bilberry Blackberry Bodezlist Bog-door brambles Brambles of Mordor Buckthorn Cadairian Carneyar Casamar cat´s claw coveted blue mint Curfalaka Currant Dagmather Degiik Draaf Durad Eddij Fangorn's Beard Felmather Flax Fukavar Garlic Gooseberry Gorse Greenweed Hawthorn Heather Hegheg Honeysuckle Ironclaws Joef Kalmog's Spoor Kelventari Klae Klagullu Klane Mes-yd Mook Mountain Azalea Mountainthorn Nelisse Nettle Nicotiana Oak Pea Pigmint Pilinehtar Plantain Pride of Chetwood Rhubarb Rowan Sage (plant) Shanku Shire Heather Silver Maple Sîranean Spruce Snakeroot Goldenrod Spindleberry Stabbing Thorn Sumac Sunfruit Suranie Tasab-Spruce Tears of Yavanna Telek Thistle Tulgan Tundra Evergreen Valanar Welwal White-braid Yew Witav Yucca
Allspice Anórien Herbs Cardamom cinnamon Clove coveted blue mint Cowslip Currant Garlic Ginger Green Onion Hops Laurel Marigold Marjoram Milkweed Mustard Nantarb North Downs Hops Old castleherb Oregano Pepper Puff Spice Saffron Silver Maple Sinahaud Sunflower Sweetgrass thyme Umbel Hops
Acacia Tree Aegan-Pine Alder Almond Trees Amaranth Angelica Asphodel Apple-tree Arón Úvanemeire Aspen Tree Baalak Bamboo Banana Tree Banyan Tree Baranaud Bausk-Tree Beech Tree Belan Billow-Pine Birch Bîri Black Ash Black Cypress Blue Pine brethil Boswilin Cainimiti Camphor Laurel Cathantaur Cedar Chap-Beech Cherry-Tree Chickory Cloves Cordof Cottonwood Cuivac-Wood Culumalda Culvorn Curfalaka Curly-Bark Hickory cypress Dark Oak Date Palm Tree Dír-Wood Dogfruit-Tree dragonblood tree Drel-Wood Drooping Willow Dwarf Cedar Dyr-Wood Ebony Ebur Elder Elm ereg Fek Fig Fiis Fir fumella Furry Oak Galendur Giant Cherry Giant Oak Giant Pine Giant Yew Goldwood Grarig Green Cypress Guja Wood Gurmumiti Gwingorn Gylvir-bred-Tree Hagavorl Hawthorn Hazel Hearty Redwood Helvorn Hemlock Tree Hickory Hith-i-girith Holly Horl-Wood intybath Ironwood Isran Oak Jeedic-Teak Juniper Kakduram Karfar Karnet Kasia Kasin kibil-lawaz Kilmakur Klagullu Kwell Lairelossë Larch Laurelin Lavaralda Leastwillow Lebethras Lebethron Lemon Trees Levin-Tree Lime Tree Lurakil Lurak Wood Luvak-Wood Magnolia Mahagony Maia-Fir Mallorn Maple Mango Tree Mangrove Tree Manicheel Maple Tree Marauba-Palm Mast-Pine Megillos Melinon Mesquite Mirk-Oak Mook-Juniper Mountain Cromet Mountain Pine Muilfana Pine Muna Mur Murnan Narig wood Naurorn Neldor Northern Pine Nutmeg Oak Oiolaire Olive Tree Orange Tree Orn-hevik-tree Pangwood Pargen Pecan perbrethil Persimmon Pine Pion Plum Tree Poppy Prickly Broom Pruric Oak Renor Rhododendron rimaurlos Rose-Tree Rosewood Rowan rubber tree Rurig-Wood Sak-Palm Scrub Pine Shadamabo Shanku Shire Pine Silver Fir Silver Maple Slird Smooth Oak Sorglasora Sorul Spruce Tree Suimbalmynas Tarfeg Tathar Lemon Taynaga Fir Teak Teldalion Telperion tharn Theg thfi Thistle Thonluin Torbahenna Torchwood Tuktan teak Tumarkhazâd turpentine tree Tusab-Spruce Tutlar-lemon Twisted Pine Tyvik Ukur Ulvalda Usamiti Vanilla Tree waterchestnut Weping Willow whitebeam White-bearded Yew White mountain Poppy Wizened Alder Willow Yellow Hemlock yellow rhododendron Yucca
Edible Plants[]
Alder Allspice Almond Amaranth Clover Anórien Beans Anórian Tater Apple Arrowweed Bamboo Banana Bilberry Birch Bitter Stagberry Bitter Tansy Blackberry Bluebottle Brambles Breathblossom Bright Lily Buckthorn Bush Cabbage Carrot Cattail Cauliflower Coffee Crabapple Cherry Chickweed Chrysanth Cloudberry Cloves Coconut Corn coveted blue mint Cowslip Currant Daisy Dandelion Date Degiik Dogfruit-Tree Dragon's Breath Earth-bread Elderberry Elm Elven Grape Elven Hawthorn Fern Garlic Gemberry Ginger Gooseberry Gorse Green Onion Hawthorn Hazel Nut Healer's Chamomile Healthy Hickory Hops Mud-root Hemp Holly Hornblower crop Juniper Berries Kelp lauke Lemon Lily Lime Ling Heather Mango Marigold Megillos Milkflower mint mistletoe Monk's Hair Mook Mugwort Nelisse Olive Orange Orchid Oregano Palm Wine Parsley Pea Pears Persimmon Plantain Plum Prickly Broom Primrose Pulse Pumpkin Raspberry razar Red Tea Rhubarb Rose Rowan Royal Tater Rye Sage (plant) Shanku Silver Maple Sorul Stonecrop-leaf Strawberry suithlas Sunflower Sweet Fig Sweet Mellow Sweet potato Sweetgrass Tarfeg Taters Thornberry thyme Turnips Turpentine Tree tyé Ukur Tree ulme Waterlily Whin White Lily Woolly Mint Yucca Yuth
Affodil Agaarth Agave Alambas Algae Allspice Ancalthur Angelica Arinyalasse Arrow-Reed Asmanarn Asp Nettles Autumn's lady tresses Axanar Vine Balaak Barley Barn-clove Barrow-grave Moss bay leaf Beans Bilberry Black Barley Blackberry blackheart Black Vines Blackwort Blade of Núrnen Blueberry Bluegrass Bog-land Grass Bog-Moss Bramble Brittle-leaf Bush Crabapple Cabbage Cactus Carnivorous plants Carrot Cassona Cathan catmint Cattail Cedar Cheselle Chokecherries Cinnamon Claxa Club-Moss Coffee Corm Corn Cottongrass Crabby Grass Creeping Apaysin Culan Rye Darsurion Daxa Digweed Dogwort Dragon-Grass Dripping Palm Dwarf Sycurus Eagle's Nest Earth-bread Elderberry Elven Grape Elven Hawthorn elvish harebell Eorna Eriadorian Ivy Farain-Grass Felmather Fern Field-moss Flax Flowering Moss Foxtail Grass Fragaub-Grain Frulows Spores Fukavar Fungo's Fuzzy-leaf Galasenin Gallows-Weed Gamgee Potato Garlic Giant Sundews Glowing Moss Goatsbeard Gold-fire Golden Shire Taters Golding Hops Goldwort Gooseberry Gorfang Gorsh Gort Grasses Grave-Moss Green Hill Hops Green Onion Greenweed Grey Potato Guldur Vines Guratu Harrow-weed Hart's-tongue Hawkweed Heatherberry Heblas Hiam Moss Hina Moss Hollow-berry Hop Hornblower Crop Iavas Finiril Ita Ivy Janar-Grass Kafe Kelp Ketatas-Stalks Kilmakur Klamath-weed Kloril Vine Kosarb Ky Laurel Lawrim Leach Moss Leek lengalenas Lentils Lindolvan Little Gallows Man Long Grass Lorna Loth Reed Maple Marjoram Mat-Grass Meadow Fescue melhith Mezikast-Grain Milkweed Mint-leaf Mosses Muscivir Mustard myrista myrtle Nahiraphtan Nartas Nela Leaf nellam Nengnasse Nenuphar Nestle Nettle Niphredil Nisi oakmoss Onion Orchid Parsley Pawf Peas Pear Tree Penhuji Pepper Phenilas Pitcher Plants Poa Pointing Mosses Poison Ivy Potatoes Prickly Pear Puff Spice Pulse Pumpkin Punasaliva Ragwort Raspberry red clover Red Fern Redleaf Reed Reek-weed Reglen-moss Riverweed Rosain Royal Tater Rud-tekma Rumareth-Grass running Ivy Rushlight Rye Saffron Salad Sedge Segegnar-Flower Seregmor Settlegang Shadowvine Shira Shire-Apple Shuftas-Stalk Sickleweed Silaren Sinblas snap-dragon Sorghum Southlinch Sphagan spelt Splayfoot Sprigleaf Spring Barley Stag's purse Strangler Vines Strawberry súriquessë Sweet Fig Sweet potato sweet-leaf Sweetgrass Taters Taurezin-Moss Tea Tekma Thornberry Thyme Tomatoes Touch-Grass Turnips uinia Ulustir-Bulb Umbel Hops Valquetta-i-Olvar Vandar Vinyacuilë Vrel Wanderbeard Warg-mint Water Cress Whin White-braid Yew Wild Persimmons Wild Rye Winter Barley Withered Moss Withywind Wurzels Yaran Yavin girith Yellow Onion Yellow Orange Yellow rockroses Zesti-Charbis