The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Plains Trolls or Steppe Trolls (Or. "Dallogi"; BS "Rafshatolog") were creatures of eastern Troll-kind native to the wide grassplains of Palisor in Central Middle-earth.They were shorter and more stocky than many other Troll-creatures and usually loners.Like most Trolls they turned to stone when touched by Daylight, why they slept in their lairs during bright day, usually flat earth-holes in the ground , steppe-caves which they used to dig out by themselves.

The Steppe Easterlings knew them as "Dherrâ" (Pl. "Stompers"), a common palisorian term for Troll in general (they rarely met any Trolls that were of one of the other subspecies).
