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The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Pelnimloth , Master of Calenros

Pelnimloth was the founder of the Calenros community and a

scholar of the natural world. Plants and animals as they existed in the wilds, undisturbed by the influences of civilization, comprised the core of his studies. He and several companions of like mind decided to live apart from both Lindon and Mithlond to enjoy the beauty of Endor free of the aesthetic manipulation exerted by the Eldar over their lands. Pelinimloth did, however, maintain contact with Cirdan the Shipwright to cooperate politically with the Elves of the Grey Havens.

The Seer grew quite worried when an animated corpse was found outside of Galenros. He attemped some auguries to discover the nature of the trouble, but saw merely inky darkness. While alarming, the vision was anything but directly informative. Something very wrong was happening. For the first time since the founding of Galenros at the end of the Second Age, Pelnimloth felt insecure and feared the unknown. Several of the Elves of Galenros ha mentioned returning to Mithlond and possibly sailing to the West. As a Silvan Elf, Pelinimloth was reluctant to leave his beloved haven and hoped his friends would remain with him.

Pelinimloth was a rustic looking member of the Eldar. He was average in height at 6'4", but had a slender build. He carried a long slender staff with a Mithril/Gold cap in the form of a perched eagle . Around his neck hung a pendant with a large, clearly polished crystal which enabled him to read any manuscript, regardless of the language. He favored a loose, blue tunic, paired with white trousers and a dark blue cloak bearing an embroidered edge.


  • MERP:Rogues of the Borderlands