Pelórë was the wife to Curufin. When the Noldor rebelled and Feanor declared war against Morgoth, Curufin answered the call and swore the Oath with his father and brothers. Curufin's wife Pelórë did not join Curufin in exile. Thus this meant that she bore Celebrimbor, their son, before the First Age. What she did after Curufin left is undisclosed. To some sources she also had a daughter, Ariel, who followed her father and brother into exile.
Other names given to Curufin's wife in Fanfic/fanon:
- Apatyelpë
- Díriel
- Lalinyë
- Pelóre
- Sanindë
- Telpalma
The name of Curufin's wife/Celebrimbor's mother is not given in any official source
In SilmFilm project, Curufin's wife is named "Díriel" and did join her husband and his family in their war agains Morgoth,serving as the Feanorian camp's Besain.It was also said that, while his father and grandfather were known as difficult characters and Galadriel had rejected him, his mother embodied everything that was good in Celebrimbors life.However she later was captured and enslaved at Angband.She escaped with a few other prisoners such as Rhogrim and Annael, but secretly the Spell of bottomless dread lay on her mind.