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2019-02-17 12.40

Palisor -Globe

Palisor FA

Palisor in First Age

Palisor (Primitive Quenya:"Flat Land"; Tal."Plehesh", "Great Burn"; Av."Dur-pala") or The Great Plain was an ancient term for the vast Lands of central Middle-earth. Palisor encompassed the far Lands between the Great Greenwood in the west and the Orocarni in the east and included the vast Inland Sea of Helcar, the Mountains of the Wind with the Land Hildorien and the Murmenalda and the Lands of Cuivienen.

In the second and third Age most knowledge about eastern Middle-earth was lost and when Gondor conquered the lands surrounding the Rhûnaer they were astonished by the beauty of the Sea of Flowers in the east, why they called the unknown lands east of the Rhûnaer Menelothriand.

Palisor was believed to have been the birthplace of Elves and Men (and probably Hobbits) and the place of the Awakening of the four eastern Dwarf-Tribes.It was still inhabited by the various Easterling peoples, Orcs, Trolls and scattered remnants of Dwarves, Avari and Giants.

Lands and Realms[]


Ab-Gribyl Akhâna Aeareryn Ajami Ak-Jnab Al-Salyha Aldhad Aldûryaknar Ar-Hihn Arkensûhn Black Mountains Bleak Mountains Bûrskadekdar Darmal Cracks of Illuin Dalpygis Dalvarinan Dead Earth Dervesalend Desdûrsyton Dhâth Durvîd Mountains East-plain Eastern Gardens Elthrakh Fîmardi Forest Road Gâth hills Gâthgykarkan Gap of the Stone Giants Gênan Golden Realm Govedalend Great Plateau Heb Ârân Îbav Îbav Route Idûrak Iendiar Imaldawath Iron Forest Iskahú Jagged Ridge Jemna Kargágis Ahar Khelgardh Khey Sârt Kírgai Kûawatal Kûbor Sêd Kykûrian Kyn Kyn hills Langurian Kyn Last Desert Linimér long lost empire Lótan Lú Tyr Sû Lûrs Vorganís Lygar Krâw Manka Mastoria Menelothriand Myr Nejhe Nekakhtar Nûrad Orgothrâth Parched Plains Pontym Road Qizdar Forest Rálian Relmether Rhudel Steppe Rûbor Rykholiz Sarqi Shên Tem-dazram Tem-eska Tharsitaur Thûrlornar Treddas Mountains Ûbain ûl-daldaz Mountains Ulshy Ûster Kryl Vâg Waarwugan Wild Woods Y-Lústurangsur


Ainur: Alatar Andraax Dâwegûn Davix Fankil Galvuz Kaishnalai Kashôhăn Kól Krina Moon-horse Mourmaelgax Pallando Prûgergin Rakodsaol Tuilerwen Ûpo

Dwarves:Izin Orn Ukhlar Zôdik

Elves: Aluap Ardanien Arxdukanga Dardarian Darien Jirdfos Mormiresul Morwe Nuin Nurwe Ôlandêr Tareg Tiliwini

Men: Alafar Mem Alakû Amdûr Anrashû Arpa Reluka Atakul Sey Avas I Avas II Avas III Bolranth Bólthar Borthand II Brudhan Búlin Caníshtâl Chofang D'Breh M'loy Din Ohtar Dínu Drêxel Durban Eona Eridor Gergeli Gizik Gôbeyanyû Gour Ito Gûnah Gyônyü Halli Hinrel Hisala-Pôs Ida Inikthûl Irist Itazha Karyn Jardan Katajan Keeta-Skog Kêrdu Khagrôd Khârsh Khoragan Khurtan Kyökhe Kohsam Kokyozâz Kraez Kulshôda Kúr Kuzu Lhôi Lito Mareke Marig Mirag Mubhârikh Neida Namu the Rain-man Nandar Nántil Nechúthli Nialpâ Nôhm Niônye Nûnyulûg Obad Ôgel Ogni Ólcethôl Onree Oraishapek Ôran-îbar Ôrash-Sagra Ôrb-Makôw Orlit Osgan Páhpiân Parnelien Sey Péshtin Príclís Raesha Remli Remlis Ren the Unclean Rhukar-Hôsh Romendacil I Romendacil II Salfand Sen Kay Slovas Strider Taikhu Tóst Tyoh Ulgarin Uma Kalcuna Uvatha the Horseman Vacros Vizona Xaradra Yeshan-Sâhd Zamîkh Ziabâ

Orcs:Grazókh Murkha Snakúr

Trolls:Babûga Óbakh

Other: Gragi Sheglásh Túva


Major languages in central Middle-Earth



Ainur:Dew-folk Duck-spirits fairies fire-demons Forest spirits jackal-folk Man-bulls Man-horses Ogres Orange-fairies Serpent-men Spirits of the Hunt storm-spirits swamp-demons thunder-demons Vampires Werewolves

Dwarves: Barkashad Ironfists Zhélruka

Easterlings: Akha Adek Adekdar Ahar Aldûryakna Asrabi Axe-Easterlings Bûrskadek Chayasîr Khegra Kheyans Daldúnai Dalpygi Desdûrsya Dhilikhran Druvir Dyrians Eskam Gâthgykar Hillmen of Heb Ârân Húalnimi Ibavi Ioriags Iskahr Jangovar Iendi Kalanor Kargarim Khundolar Kúbor Kul-Ahar Kykuria Langur Lebanor Líner Lintanoi Lotani Lú Tyr Lusturangsuri Lygari Men of Vâg Milevir Myri Nargâthi Nûmahar Nûriag Orgothra Otyassi Raliani Relerin Rûbor Rycoli Sêd Sey Talataerim Tyr Ubain Urgath Ûsteri Vorgani Woodmen of Heb Ârân Yarulma Zori

Other men: Dead men of the forest Wild men (Cavewalkers long-ears), Mutants of Dansart

Elves:: Helcarim Hisildi Hwenti Kindi Kûiko People of Lôs Penni Windan

Halfling-kin: Gendhari Gnollish Grolms

Eastern Orcs: Deep-Orcs Desert-Orcs Fighting-Orcs Hill-Orcs Steppe-Orcs (Gong-Barguyat)

Other: Dragons Drowned Ones Gravestalkers Griffins Steppe Giants Plains Trolls Watercats Wereworms

Groups and Organisations[]

Blue Caste Cult of Doom Cult of the Eye Cult of the Hunt Cult of Kûor Devotees of Peoni Dragon-Knights Easterling War-priests Followers of Ûtha Lôke-egleria Nawâla Sarshen Meltek

Settlements and Points of interest[]

Abandoned Tower Adan-hold Akala-Baj Alkyad Amon Rávasta Ancient Wômaw Tower Angsars-Morthrog Ára-Alík Argalas Arjaf Arsh-Úbesh Avadzar Ayótatêph Azagharbûn Banadar Baraz-lagil Barlûg agh Morgoth Baruzdazar Barzanum Black Peak Bleak Pass Bolgund-Stroh Burskadekdar Barad Aelifuin Caladost Caves of Tû Chey Goumal Chey Hold City of Jardan Dagleyn Dale of long silence Dalghob-Fhagoi Davarzan Delik Kizil Dervgorod Dimwathbar Dôm Doors of Morning Draganrhod Elanthia Elif-bôga Elpynir Endon Eratanth Fálesh Felbuzad Ferizi Fólagul Gabiluru Gabiruru Gamil-Nâla Ganaythawun Gerlkûneshe Grass-tombs great riverway Grey Veil Ikhatpân Ilikh Ilpar-karam Isle of Sunrises Jayir Ahar Jey Ruins Kamát-Kozám Kandhil Kanwalay Keep of D'mallo Kehndral Keledhkhizdin Keyf Kharukthalad Kheled-Nâla Kheled-zaram Kemi Raumen Khurmand Ko-sang Lan-Shai Linether Lond Gondobal Lynahar Mâlthawun Manard Mayirwalay Medlóshad Mithrisars Modhaya Muathaya Murthuyul Namagalûz Naragûl Nargubraz Narindazdûm Nennûrad Niali Nibhikhund Nunahar Oasis of Pilgrims Old Ashkîr Onassa Pâdu-átu Perfumed Rose Port-on-Talathrant Prith-an-Iryst Pûrepûrla Qaaz Relerindú Relmether Town Sammath Helcar Savage Breaks Shadow Hall Shen-Ubataya Skad Springs of Fog Sufkupik Táraparsa Târum Tem Telcátepôk Thurlomar Thyamar Thyanar Tinicliath Tir-Gelion Tlámantlâk U-lyshak Ulk Chey Ama Ulk Chey Sart Ûrsh-Ata Uztarûrzahar Verzor Vexclar Vrai-Kól Warthuyal Warthuyul Wugaweg Wukabaky Xáat'l Yabgakar Yangarar Zafaraniah Zarzevar Zoltanabad Zorian ruin


Akru Arazkiz Ceplina Dead River Nâvbrukh Rheg o Ainek Talathrant Zohreh


Clademole Groundlion-newt Witch-wormlizard Underhouse-mole sufferless-tooth Narrowsnail Lizardfish Ashen Eagles Assangar fowlfish Dawnsavager badgers Whipscratcher bats Battle-cats bears Bee-eaters depht-crocodile Blackbirds Black Cormorants Black marsh-hawks Blue Sheep stonefeet Brown bear Brown foxes Brownfrogs Bukandas Wolves Buntings Bush-crickets Buzzards Camels wasp-carp Steppe-Carchadils cattle skullbird cheetahs Cobras Crakes Cranes fat-wasps Cuckoo Dark giant-horsefly Deathstalker deer gulp-lizards calmturtle Desert Buffalos Desert falcon sandfishlizard Desert mole-rat Desert dogs Desert wolves desmans Dogs suffer-mole Donkeys Doves Ducks Dun-colored Rabbits Dune-frogs Dune-snakes Eagles Easterling Goats easterling ponies Easterling sheep easterling short-horses emerald-birds longlizard Falcons Fell-beasts Finches Flamingos Fleas Flesh-slugs Flies Forest Ravens foxes Gazelle geckos hundredpeg Giant Elk Golden Eagles Golden Jackals covertbag Great boars of Rhûn Great brown bats soothsayer-ant Great Warrior Ants ground squirrels Grouses Gulls Hairy rhinoceros Hamsters hare Harriers hedgehogs Hopping Unbirds Horses Hounds of Dansart fire-rat hyaenas Ibis Insects break-lizard jackals heelgrabber joyous bird Jumping spiders riverhorror broadsnout tense giant beast Larks Larn Hornets lemmings riversnout Horror-neck leopards lizards Long-grass-swine lynx Mabolmaeglim longlizard lizard-hen mutter-rat little striker Merisc Tyka Mice Migratory locusts minnows darkback baboon-bat Mongoose mouflons skulker-rat Muskoxen drizzlebird Natharin lizard-rat Nightingales grizzle-leg lizardpeltbastard othertooth otters Owls panthers Pards Partridges Pelicans Perch Peregrine Falcon scorpionlizard well-monster Pigeons Pigmy Cormorants pigs Plague-flies Plagueworms Plains-hounds Plains Shrews polecats cattle-slinger Prairie-dogs Prairie-rats firstborn-devourer evil-gazer wide-skull brute-walker clumsy-newt Quails Rails rats Ravens Red Bees Redstarts bighead bigtooth River-otters Roadrunners Robins rock-doves rock-slugs roe Sand-asp Sandcats Sand-norbogs hinting-maw Scorpions Scrub-lizards Seals Sheep shrews Shrikes longsnout-vole skinks Snake mackerel Southern Crows Sparrows Spiders Spirit-Owls squirrels Stag Starlings Sticklebacks Steppe-elk Steppe-wolverines stoats Stone-claws Stone-turtles Storks Sturgeon furrow-seamonster fastswimmer Swans pigtooth large-wormlizard Thrushes halflizard Tigers Tits toads tortoises Tracker dogs Tree-bats Trilkhun Tundra-bears Tundra-eagles lowskull lowlizard Undarlaif lizardskullfish Uster Hawks wish-skull innocent monster venerable lizard Voles Vultures Warblers Water-buffalos Water horses weasles Woodpeckers White oxen Wildcats Wild eastern beasts Wild fowl Wild Horses Wild Kine of Araw Wind-mountain Vultures Winanbar Wolfspiders wolves Wûkh volerat Yaks Zurafy


Arkasú Arnúminas Asgûrash Athanar Black Iris Bursthelas Dagmather Elben´s basket Finhereg Galathrían Grelnixar Gûrsamel Hên Kaktú Klagûl Harlindar Hôak-fôer Lasdol Merrig Órn Oroluin Orrain Phôroz Rúmareth Shankû-nut Shírolos Silmírë Sîriëna Tear-grass Thindolluin Tûkamûr Vemâk Vinúk Yanúk-ty Yaran


  • In "The Nature of Middle-Earth" J. R. R. Tolkien stated once that the march of the elves from their places of awakening to the western coasts of Beleriand was about a length of ca. 2,000 miles which would locate Cuivienen on the western shore of the Rhûnaer.A second time however he stated that Cuivienen was located about 450 miles east or southeast from the eastern shores of the Rhûnaer.If Rhûnaer was roughly at the same location as the northwesternmost bay of the Black sea, that would locate Cuivienen roughly at the Black sea's northeasternmost bay in modern day southern Russia.Either would drastically reduce the size and area of Palisor and make all earlier versions of Middle-earth's geography largely obsolete.
  • Apart from MERP and Rolemaster sources used to flesh out the little described lands of central Middle-earth include: graeco-roman historiographies, prehistoric animal life of inner asia (Yes, the unfitting scientific names WILL be replaced by better suited ones as i move on! I am well aware that Tolkien called his great wolves "Wargs" and not "pleistocenic megalupus" and will follow similar patterns), turk and mongol mythology, fairy and folktales.
  • Useful RPG sources: the Hordelands of D&D forgotten realms, Earthdawn: Barsaive, Conan RPGS : Zamora and Shadizar,7th sea:Ussura, the east, Dark Eye :the Shadowlands,Orkland. Computer and Videogame: Ishar Series, Gothic 3.Outside Rpg: Conan Comics ,Stories set in Turan and Hyarkania (don't worry, i WILL rework those beasts unfit for Arda to better suit the cosmology... there will be no serpentmen, centaurs, Satyrs, cyclopses or dog-people in middle-earth... they will all be refitted into proper Ainur, demons, Orcs and Trolls same with the mythologies, the Hizir, Peri and Neme "will" become fairies or elves, the Canavars, divs, mangqys etc. tolkienian Orcs, trolls and Ogres, albeit with a certain local twist).

