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Planet Exambar

Planet Exambar

An anciente mappe of Fairyland - newly discovered and set forth (15868801335)


Aman or Exambar map

Aman in Exambar

Otherworld (Q. Exambar; S. Haeamar) was a term sometimes applied to the World of Aman or the Lands of the West, in contrast to the World of Ambar. In the aftermath of Númenor’s downfall, the Valar, wary of humanity’s ambition, removed Exambar from the circles of the world. While its name is tied to Aman, Exambar is not synonymous with the Undying Lands; instead, it is a realm of liminal existence, a place both near and far, neither wholly within nor entirely beyond the physical universe. Men also called it the Magical land (Ad. Aglarithâni; Har. Abwarad)


Exambar defies conventional understanding. While its presence is felt near the edges of , it eludes the grasp of mortal geography. It is said to lie near Ambar, the world as mortals know it, yet its very existence operates on principles unknown to human minds. Sailors who stumble upon its hidden straits report seeing alien constellations above its skies—stars both familiar and profoundly altered, as though viewed from a vantage that is both adjacent to and beyond world of Arda.

The paradox of Exambar is that it exists simultaneously "close" and "distant." Mariners recount tales of setting forth from its northern edges, only to find themselves inexplicably returned to its southern shores. Its oceanic expanse seems to fold upon itself, a place where the infinite and finite collide.

Planet Exambar aka Otherworld

Planet Exambar

The term “Otherworld” reflects not only its separateness from mortal lands but also its nature as a reflection of something greater—an echo of Eru’s first thought, unmarred by the passage of time.
