Orig was one of two large Hill Trolls deployed to Blogath's Vale in central Rhudaur by the angmarean sorcerer Ethacali in T.A. 1409.His comrade was Cadnuir.They mainly served to provide some muscle if necessary and lived in a cave in a ravine of Blogath's vale.Both had been captured from the wild while very young and had been thoroughly trained to act as guards. Although neither was noticeably brighter than the average Troll, both the tall Orig and the stocky Cadnuir were very good at following orders. Neither was fond of Orcs, and Orig positively loathed Grashûr, though not for any particular reason. Orig would even have betrayed the Orcs, if he would have been convinced that this was Ethacali's secret wish. Cadnuir could not be subverted and would have stopped Orig from any treachery if he could.Orig and Cadnuir were diligent watchmen and hard workers; few of their kind merited even that much praise. They would try to roll boulders down the narrow cleft near their lair onto anyone incautious enough to approach that way. If they were losing a fight, the Trolls were just bright enough to attempt to warn the Orcs of the intruders, though Orig might have chosen not to do so.
- MERP:Dark Mage of Rhudaur