The Orgothra (Ah."Cold stone-folk") were an Aharian-speaking people native to the land known as Orgothrâth.
Society and Culture[]
The Orgothra were bronze-skinned, dark eyed and mostly medium in height by Easterling standards. They were very devoted to their superstitious gods and worshiped them throughout battle, love life and ingestion of the many hallucinogenic plants growing in the rain forests on the slopes of Ered Harmal, which brought forth effects of fervor, ecstasy and adrenaline, which they believed them to help them to get closer to their gods.
Most of the Orgothra lands were situated in the humid valleys and forests adjacent to Khey Sârt. The potent watersources source in the plains offered the Orgothra the possibility of growing various crops for their livelihood, however, the adjacency to the mountains of Ered Harmal also provided them with mineral resources, and they had learned to forge iron and steel like no other people of Aharian speech. The Orgothra dominated the northern side of the Gap of Khy and controlled the traffic of goods between the realms of Harad and the Dark East earning them great wealth. Foraging allowed the preparation of perfumes, incenses, inks, potions, aphrodisiacs and valuable spices.
In war they were a potent resource of mercenaries. The Orgothra seldom had to defend their territories, but always looked for battle to worship their warrior gods. They sold their swords to numerous kingdoms from the east and west, north and south. Their wrath in battle made them very valuable, and there was no Orgothra who fled combat while under the effect of their traditional medicines.
Later most of the Orgothra were absorbed by the great Aharian-speaking confederation known as the Kul-Ahar.