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Ogres (Or."Drangu") were a mysterious race of Old. Their origins are debated among loremasters, with some attributing them to the designs of Melkor, others viewing them as a corrupted offshoot of Giants, and still others connecting them to the Boldogs, Maiarin spirits that took the forms of monstrous Orcs. The first of their kind, according to ancient lore, was the Ogress Fluithuin (Ulbandi), a being of immense power who was favored by Melkor. Like Ungoliant with the Great Spiders, Fluithuin is said to have given rise to the Ogres. Two tribes or breeds of Ogres were known in the old days, the northern Hongwir and the Sarqindi, from Dark regions or Fire mountains in the South.


Ogres were massive, humanoid figures, standing taller than Trolls but not as large as true Giants. Their features were twisted, blending elements of Orcs, Maiar, and Trolls, with leathery skin, tusks, and jagged claws. They were described as having eyes that burned with a dim, malevolent light and voices that could shake the very earth. Some scholars suggest that their brutish physicality concealed a deeper spiritual malice, as certain accounts link them to the Boldogs, Maiar spirits who inhabited Orc-like forms.

Their intelligence varied greatly, with some Ogres serving as mindless berserkers while others, particularly the Sarqindi, acted as generals or sorcerers among Morgoth's armies. Unlike Trolls, they were not turned to stone by sunlight, suggesting a deeper spiritual resilience.



Ogres, Demon-Trolls and Orc-demons in MERP[]

Although not standard creatures demonic Orcs and Trolls are mentioned briefly in the MERP Books. The term Ogre is not applied to them. However, the strange Half-Troll/Half-Giantess Skessa was called an Ogre by the Northrons. Demonic Orcs like Storlaga and Bolvag are implied to descent from twisted Noldor-Spirits.

Ogres in LOTRO[]


An Earth-Kin, or Tree-Man

In LOTRO Ogres are maybe identifiable with the strange people known as the Earth-Kin or Jorkyn. They are possibly inspired by the short mentioned Tree-men or giants seen by Samwise´s cousin Hal near the northern Borders of the Shire.In LOTRO the Earth-kin or Ogres are interpreted as Giant-kind, living near Forochel and some of them peaceful but others, as the Rauta-lehmä Tribe, lured into the service of Angmar.Within the game Ettins are considered a subgroup of the Stone Trolls.

Ogres in the Hobbit Movie Trilogy[]


Ogre from the Grey Mountains

In the Hobbit Movie Trilogy Ogres appear as part of Bolg's host from Gundabad.They are depicted as something in-between of Greater Orcs and smaller Trolls.

Other Hands Magazine[]

In Middle-Earth Down Under: An Antipodean Campaign, Norman Talbot mentions Cold-Ogres and Ogre-Mages, as inhabitants of Southernesse.


In Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor and In Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, creatures named "Graugs", seemingly akin to Demons and Trolls appear as inhabitants of Mordor.


  • Tolkien linked ogres with norse Þyrs (Giant, Ogre) and old english Eten (Troll, Ogre) hinting to a possible connection between Ents, Ogres, Giants and Trolls, and to a connection of the Ettendales to Trolls and Ogres.He also compared Morgoth himself to an Ogre, again hinting towards a demonic origin and a connection to the Underworld.