Odhriag Horsemen

Odhriag tribal shield
The Odhriags were an easterling People in southern Rhûn, close to the Mountains of Mordor.
the Odhriags in 1650 TA[]
Like the Asdriags, the Odhriags also have in them a measure of Ioriag blood. In their case, however, Ioriag ancestry has been combined with the Aharic traditions of the Otyassi,forming a unique cultural mix. The Odhriags prize independence from foreign influence as their greatest asset,and guard their lands jealously from encroaching neighbors.Their history is largely one of resistance. They have consistently resisted attempts by servants of the Shadow to bring them under the influence of the Dark Lord. They have resisted the momentum of mass-migrations out of the east,which has threatened to displace them several times throughout the ages. They resisted the mandates of Gondor,which demanded an opening of their lands for the passage of Minalcar and Vidugavia's armies in T.A. 1247. Though they paid dearly for this defiance, they were never wholly conquered by the western army, and have since grown to reclaim the ranges that were stripped from them.The Odhriag homeland lies along the northern slopes of the Ered Lithui, between the Warwater and the Surubeki watersheds. While much of Odhriag culture comes from their Ioriag forefathers, they are also the only group of Easterlings with their own set of formalized laws. These laws, known as the Vasagh, have their roots in the ancient Aharic laws which were brought into Rhun by the Otyassi in the Second Age.The laws were again formalized by Khorgul Hotun at the end of the Second Age. This occurred after the defeat of Sauron's army at Dagorlad. In celebration of the end of Mordor's oppressive treatment of the Odhriags, Khorgul had the Vasagh carved into the sheer side of a peak which towers over the main Odhriag settlement of Khurvasagh (Od. "Placeof the Law").
later times[]
The Odhriags were subjugated by the Pultai Dynasty from Kykurian kyn and became part of the Balchoth.
- Fan Modules: the Inland Sea, by Mike Campbell, Luke Potter and Justin Morgan-Davies.