Unsibias or Strays
The Strays (N."Unsibias" WRh."Unsibbi") or Northman Outlaws were a strange culture of unbound wanderers. During the Balchoth-Warsm Northman Outlaws from Mirkwood supported resistance against the Easterlings and attacked settlements of Sauron's minions. Although usually homeless wanderers the Strays, descendants of former Bond-slaves, were known to have established several steady havens, including Raider Hold on an island on the River Anduin, a Bandit lair in the Brown Lands and Strayhold in eastern Rhovanion. The Freemen of the Wold had, by the time of the War of the Ring, allied themselves with the Khundolar-Easterlings, or had become subjects of the Necromancer. The Stray-Clans were often led by an Elder or Leader known as the Fadar.
Known Clans[]
- The Fire-Makers
- Corsecharings
- Free Men of the Wold
- The Quickstrings