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Location of Nirlann-dôl (MERP)
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Nirlann-dôl (SW Av. "Mountain of Fiery Pools") was a citadel of the Court of Aranórë located in the dense rainforests on the borders between northwestern Talirân and Tantûrak.
It was said that in the distant past, when the Valar wrestled with Morgoth in the forming of Arda, the tormented world erupted in volcanic explosions. It was one of these places, still hot, flowing with lava, that Iarillë the sorceress chose to make her home. Situated in the hills west of Kôronânde, it was a complex of tunnels and halls of dark grandeur. Delved out of solid rock and modified natural caves formed by lava now long ago, violent volcanic activity was minimal, but there was constant flow about the great chamber in the lower hall.
Bilig-lann Bil-nirr Durclax Iarillë Ilidîaond Linsûl
Original form in MERP : Naurlindol → Narlinndol = Nirlann-dôl
Some of the Fanmodules group's work and other derived material related to Other Hands and Other Minds magazines reconsidered many of the original places and locations of Ardor and relocated "Naurlindol" in the land of Tûmag instead.
- ICE MERP #2500: The Court of Ardor in Southern Middle-earth (Campaign Setting, 1E)