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Nenya (Q. "Water", White Ring of Water, Ring of Adamant)

Like the other two of the Three Elven Rings, Nenya was forged by Celebrimbor alone, and so is unmarked and uncorrupted by Darkness. Nenya, the Ring of Adamant, of mithril set with a clear gem like diamond, was given by Celebrimbor to Galadriel and kept by her through the end of the Third Age . It was also called the Ring of Water. In appearance, Nenya was an elegant, delicate band of mithril holding a clear, multifaceted gem of adamant, a crystalline material of great beauty and harder than diamond.

Nenya could appear almost invisible, or at least unnoticed to others, though Ring-bearers could see through the illusion. Galadriel used Nenya to preserve and enhance the ancient beauty of Lothlórien. After the destruction of the One Ring, Nenya's powers were lost, and Lórien's beauty began to fade gradually, being deserted within the century. Galadriel bore the now powerless Nenya on a ship to Aman with Elrond, Gandalf, Bilbo Baggins, and Frodo Baggins.

Powers: Like all true artifacts, Nenya's power is a function of its wielder. The Elven Rings were made to aid their wearer in learning, healing and understanding, not only for him or her, but those around the bearer. They had the power to hold off the Shadow, and in fact keep at bay the decays of Time itself. Each ring was the center of an Elven haven where the passage of days was not felt, and Time flowed in strange ways. This was especially true in Lórien, where Galadriel held sway. 
