The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

The Nenescëlië (Q. "water-rustle folk", sgl.Nenescël also Q. "Nenixali", "water-shadowcasters" sgl."Nenixal"; W. "Nixies") were a special Group of River Fays. The Neneskelie of Rivernayve were a small clan of these water-dwelling and water breathing Faerie creatures. These fairies had the appearance of smallish Silvan Elves partially transformed into frogs. Their composture on land was a semi-squat; when moving alternate between running , hopping, and trotting on fours. In the water they were as graceful as a trout, their grey-green clothing and skin blending with the murky waters so that only their large, pale, white eyes gave away their' location. For all their animalistic features, the Nixies of the Fairwater were astonishingly beautiful in appearance.So much so , in fact, that mortals meeting them had to halt great strength of will to avoid believing and trusting in anything they did or said. The Nenixil dwellt in small family "hallows " hidden under riverbanks or within old muskrat houses.A hallow gave the appearance of being as simple as a den , but the interiors were ten times the size one might guess from an exterior view, having as much space as a goodsized farm-house . The faeries had no metal or other goods, save for what they stole along the river, but made enchanted hunting weapons, clothing, lamps such out of woodland materials and magic and so led relatively comfortable and secure lives. The Nenixil had long ago allowed a band of Eriadorian adventurers to build homes along their river out gratitude for their heroic deeds and in exchange for token rent of one gold coin per year.Later inhabitants of the rivemayve however had lost all memory of agreement, and the Nixies were plotting their revenge. Each could change form at will into a single riverine animal, including such things as frogs, fish, otters, or herons, creatures native to the area and by nature dependent on the river for life and sustenance. Each Nixy had a specific totem animal, and typically made friends with other Nenixil partial to that same creature. The nixies'body weight and volume did not change with their shape, so any fisherman who saw three 20 lb green frogs sculling information through the water could be fairly certain to be witnessing a supernatural occurrence.


Original forms in MERP: Neneskelie = Nenescëlië, Nenixil = Nenixali


  • MERP:The Shire