Narkuzîr I (N)
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Time period
T.A. 763 - T.A. 854
Nîlûhîn (N), Zimrubêl (N)
Artârik I
Daughter (N), Barûthhîn
Narkuzîr I (A. "Eagle-friend") was the tenth king of Bellakar, and presided over a period of intense religious debate within the kingdom.
Narkuzîr was born in T.A. 763 as the elder son of King Nîlûhîn, the first king of the Third Entail of the Tumakveh dynasty. His mother was Queen Zimrubêl, the daughter of the last king of the Second Entail.
In the reign of his father, the might of Gondor began to dominate the southern realms. As part of a cautious diplomatic move, he was sent to be a companion to Tarannon Falastur, son of King Siriondil I. He was known as Thorondil in Quenya, and became a close friend of the heir to Gondor.
In his time in Gondor, Narkuzîr came to appreciate the solemn religious practices of the Númenórean Faithful rather than the syncretism of Bellakar. In T.A. 795 word arrived that his father had died, and he returned home. During his reign, he declared that the worship of Ladnóca was to be banned as she was a false idol, which caused distress among his people. His brother Artârik tried to put a positive spin on the judgement by saying that her worship was being made more exclusive, even though that was not the intention of Narkuzîr. As a result, he was made to marry Zâirinzil, a woman of Adûnaic heritage whose family were patrons of the goddess Ishtra (Nessa).
The king and queen had two daughters, the younger of whom was named Barûthhîn. The king's intention was that his daughters should learn to only know Eru as god, but the queen imparted her love for Ishtra on her daughters. In T.A. 830, the king announced Barûthhîn's marriage to Tarannon of Gondor, where she would become Queen Berúthiel. With the two realms now bound by marriage, the king declared his intention to purify the worship of Eru in accordance with the Gondorian custom, with the marriage alliance now securing Bellakar's safety from any other Black Númenórean realms, as well as any rebellions within the realm. This was opposed by both his brother Artârik and Queen Zâirinzil, the latter of whom schemed with lords in order to foster rebellion.
In T.A. 840, Berúthiel was expelled from Gondor and her name erased from the Book of Kings in light of their loveless marriage and rumours about her dark practices. With the alliance between Gondor and Bellakar now over, the Qarsag, Tedyin, and Aukang used the opportunity to raid into southern Bellakar. The king commanded Artârik to take control of his forces. Around this time, the king either experienced a loss of faith or realised that his vision could not be imposed on the realm, and abdicated in favour of his brother. He died fourteen years later in T.A. 854. As Artârik had no heirs of his own, he was eventually succeded by Êruzagar, Narkuzîr's grandson through his elder daughter.
- MERP: The Realm of Bellakar