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The New Notion Club Archives

Nargothrond (S."Underground Halls of Narog"; Q. Narokondo) or Nulukkhizdîn, was the hidden city and stronghold of the Noldor in West Beleriand, founded by Finrod Felagund, as a capital of his kingdom in First Age. Situated in a vast underground complex of caverns along the banks of the river Narog, the city was modeled after Menegroth, the Thousand Caves of Doriath. Built with the help of the Dwarves of Belegost, Nargothrond was known for its artistry and defensive secrecy. Initially a bastion of stealth and strategic caution, the city’s policies shifted under the rule of Orodreth, after Finrod's departure on the Quest of the Silmaril, ultimately leading to its downfall in F.A. 495 when it was destroyed by the dragon Glaurung.


Called originally Nulukkhizdîn (Nargothrond) had a dwarvish origins as same as Sharbhund.

This ancient site was established by Petty-dwarves who were the first to cross the Ered Luin in the First Age, and locate strongholds before the Elves arrived.

Nulukkhizdîn was founded in the First Age in the Y.T. 1141 (F.A. - 3440).

In Y.T. 1369 (F.A. -1255) the halls were abandoned by the Petty-dwarves; most likely becauseof population decline.

Much later - in F.A. 52, Finrod Felagund started to build his stronghold of Nargothrond in the abandoned halls. 

Finally - in F.A. 60, enlargement has been completed and city-fortress started beeing occupied by Noldors.

Places of Note[]

  • Barracks
  • Bridge of Narog
  • Caverns of Narog
  • Celebrimbor's Quarters
  • Celegorm's Quarters
  • Curufin's Quarters
  • deep gorge
  • Doors of Felagund
  • Edrahil's Quarters
  • Finrod's Quarters
  • Dog-Kennels
  • Feast-Hall
  • Great Dome
  • Halls of the Mîrdain
  • Halls of Nulukkizdin
  • Hidden Towers
  • Lúthien's Chamber
  • Market-Hall
  • The Mines
  • Nargothrond Dungeons
  • Narog-Ginglith juncture
  • Narog rapids
  • the Narrow path
  • Orodreth's Quarters
  • Outer Fortifications
  • Outlying fields and gardens
  • Outer Terraces
  • Royal Halls
  • Smith-Halls
  • Stables
  • Treasury
  • Túrin's Quarters
  • Warrior's Hall
  • Well of Ringwil


Adanedhel Bëor the Old Beren Ercharmion Celeborn the Wise Celebrimbor Celegorm the Fair Curufin the Crafty Edrahil Finduilas Faelivrin Finrod Felagund Galadriel Gelmir son of Guilin Gil-galad Gildor Inglorion Glaurung Guilin of Nargothrond Gwindor Haldir son of Orodreth Huan Ibûn Inglor of the House of Finrod Khîm Mîm Ornil of Nargothrond Orodreth of Nargothrond Túrin Turambar


  • ReadLotRI412.462;SUl14-15.120- 147.151-2.156-7.160.168- Ch. XXI passim. 230-;UT25.34.38.40-2.51-2.54,87. 92. 100.108-9.111-14.116-17.119-20.124-9.135.144,146.148-50.153-5.158-
  • Other Minds, issue 4, 2008: A Brief History of the Dwarven Mansions