The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives


The Nardhrim (Av."Soldier-folk") were an Easterling-people of the First Age, possibly eastern relatives of the Baradhrim or easterlings of Beleriand.The Nardhrim had vanquished to the Second Age, having been scattered by the Shrel and Ioriag.The Bothar, Thuulkan and Uldragor possibly were remnants of the Nardhrim.Their descendants were known as Rhûnaer-Easterlings or Sea-Easterlings after the first Wave of Ulgath Migrants arrived in the Second Age.

They were primarily inhabitants of the great mountains and hills fringing the sea of Rhun. In battle they were among the fiercest and bravest warriors known, and indeed their ancient Nart epics glorified a successful combatant hero above all else.

Nardhrim were distinct from other easterlings, and indeed many scholars had suggested that they were not actually related to the later "Easterlings" of the Third Age at all. Their language and culture were very different and surmised a much more ancient origin. Linguistically they had no relation whatsoever to the tongues of the Talataerim, though it had some similarities with later Labba dialects.

Their descendants had declined into tribes known to outsiders as Bothar (Nard. shapsug), Thuulkan (kabarday) and Uldragor (ubykh). Self discipline and martial values were ´prized above all else in this culture, along with a sense of freedom and personal responsibility. The Bothar were a folk-moot governed people while the other groups had a more or less feudal system.

