Núrn - the Sad Land
Núrn (BS."Nurza-Shukh"), the "Sad Land," constituted all of southern and eastern Mordor. A semi-arid plateau, it served as the breadbasket of Sauron's wicked kingdom. Its numerous Hildo inhabitants, most of whom were enslaved, included the Mordorin- and Nûradja-speaking tribesmen indigenous to the Núrn Basin.
Regions and Bodies of Water[]
- Auducar Núrn
- Caradhram Núrn
- Culduin
- Den Núrn
- Ered Angurath
- Ered Glamhoth
- Forest of Carnan
- Ghurzun
- Gurthrant
- Maegond
- Nargil
- Nargil Pass
- Núrn Basin
- Núrn Plains
- Núrnen
- Slave Fields
- Tol Núrnen
- Bar-Dúath
- Barad-wath
- Burch Nurn
- Buth Ovaisa
- Caran
- Cirith Núrn
- Eastern Guard
- Garnagom
- Kaalezh
- Kûl-Tarkorûl
- Lug Vrasfotak
- Luglûrak
- Núrgost
- Nurumurl
- Nurza-Shûk
- Ost-Núrnen
- Rûl
- Rûm
- Samkara
- Sturlurtsa Núrn
- Tegarmaglûr
- Thaurband
- Virk-Ulgath
- Zarok Ioriag
See also[]
- Núrniags
- Tribesmen of Núrnen
- The Wild Lands South and East, Gazetteer by Pete Fenlon (archived, latest available)