In the Second Age, at the height of their power, the Númenoreans managed to develop ships that would sail in the air of breath. While all these crafts were highly experimental and often considered quite immature, they were able to fly, by means of combination of Wings, propellor, sail and gasbags.These ships, also came prominently into use at the exploration of the New Lands and the Farthest East and contributed to the Númenóreans perception as living gods by the Lesser men.
While these craft were still rare and designs often could vary considerably with each single ship there existed four major design types:

- the Lammanazâd (Ad. "Hummerhorn") was a relatively small and fast craft, two-wheeled, one-propellared and with biplane -wings and a tiny cabin with a fixed harpoon-thrower or stationary crossbows.
- The Minalîwe (Ad. "Sky-fish") was flat, almost fish- or rocket shaped, with four wheels, two engines, two large and broad wings and a steering back-fin.It's wide main deck included a light catapult.
- The Phânahâtta (Ad. "Cloud-javelin") was similar to the Minalîwe in general shape, but included six wheels, two bi-plane wings, a larger steering-fin, three masts, two large side-engines and could also include a small catapult, crossbow or harpoon-throwers or explosive air-bombs.
- The Zêbethtûnga ("Air-hulk") resembled a four-masted and four-winged hulk with eight roller-like heavy wheels.It's huge ship-body was used to transport either large amounts of goods or even armed troops.
With the Akallabêth the Survivors discontinued the building of such dangerous and perilous crafts due to lack of resources, abolishment of sauronic technology and general loss of the secret knowledge and lore and fear of the consequences of the sheer existence of such craft. Single experiments to revive the technology and rebuild such craft mostly went wrong, the only known example of later ages being the rare Airboats of Amon Lind.
J. R. R. Tolkien briefly mentioned númenórean flying ships but never described them in detail. The articles fantastic ship designs are inspired by the video game Storm Master by Silmarils games, whose game-world has many inofficial crossovers and inspirations from Tolkiens works.