The Nômari (OE."Roaming ones") were Dwarves native to Emêr. They were stocky with complexions ranging from grey-white to ruddy to red-brown and largely lived reclusive in labyrinthine underground enclaves. Men believed they came out of the very stone, while the Nômari believed too much contacts with the long-legs from the surface was corrupting their race. The Nômari were divided into four separate tribes.
The Nomari originally are the Dwarves of ICE's Rolemaster Background.
If adapted to a Middle-Earth setting, the Nomari should be treated as eastern Dwarves, each of the four tribes corresponding to one of the four eastern Tribes of the Khazad.
- Rolemaster: Shadow World: Master Atlas, third Edition, by Terry K. Amthor
- Rolemaster: Shadow World: Player Guide - The World by Terry K. Amthor