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Vacation in Mordor

Vacation in Mordor


The name of no land conjures up more fear than that of Mordor (S: "Black Land" or "Dark Land"). Even Angmar and Mirkwood cannot inspire the dread associated with the barren volcanic plateau of Gorgoroth and the dry reaches of Núrn. Once the home of Sauron, Mordor was now an arid and unfriendly place, overrun with Orcs and other foul creatures.

Other names[]


The Black Land, The Dark Country, The Dark Land, Land of Shadow, The Nameless Land.

Other languages[]

  • AzhârûnAd. "The Dark Realm"
  • GâshnarAd. "Land of Ashes"
  • MoriondëQ. "Land of Darkness"
  • Naragthûl - Kh. "Black Terror"
  • ZaurûnAns. "Land of Wrath"
  • TzharunHar. "Land of Fire and Ash"
  • ShârûkOr. "The Stronghold"
  • GorbagûlMo. "The Land of Hate"
  • Ashûrz-kûrzBS. "Land of Eternal Fire"
  • Gazar-VuldUl. "Land of the Meadows"
  • ChernigorIo. "Land of Black Mountains"


  • Type: Volcanic Plateau.
  • Area: 117.200 square miles.
  • Elevation: average: 3.100 feet; lowest point: Morannon (S: "Black Gate") 850 feet; highest point: Orod Rauveleg (S: "Mighty-demon Mountain") 9.032 feet.
  • Climate: average annual precipitation: 5-20 inches; mean annual temperature: 80-90°F; average low: Girithron 25°F; average high: Ivanneth 120°F.
  • Composition: The entire plateau of Gorgoroth is of volcanic origin, as is most of the land of Nurn to the south. In many places, the furnaces of the earth are still active, filling the air with noxious fumes and occasionally hurling chunks of rock and lava for many miles. Basalt is the most common rock type, giving the region its black appearance. The landscape appears jagged and cracked, the result of powerful volcanic activity and millennia of unchecked erosion.
  • Notes: While Gorgoroth is as dry as death, some vegetation is present in Núrn. Unfortunately, little is known about Núrn, for the last Men of the West to travel there were the scouts of Elendil during the siege of Barad-dur at the end of the Second Age. Old maps depict a great inland sea, which some journals describe as "salty and unpotable." Still, fresh water must exist in Núrn, for Sauron fed his vast armies from foodstuffs produced there. Current expeditions into Gorgoroth never have any pleasant details to report. By all accounts, the plateau is arid, nigged, and Orc-infested. It is a haven for fugitives from Gondorian justice, though surely the gallows would be preferable to a life in Mordor.

Mordor in T.A. 1640-1650[]

  • Political Organization: Occupied Territory (by Gondor) under military rule.
  • Rulers: Dringir, Captain of Durthang; Veantur, Captain of Cirith Ungol; Dorgilatar, Captain of Cirith Gorgor.
  • Administrative Organization: Gondor's military holds the only legitimate and stable authority in Mordor. Command is divided into three districts, each centered around one of the citadels in the Ephel Duath. This leaves most of Gorgoroth and all of Nurn unadministered (and unoccupied), but the risks are too great to act otherwise.
  • Population: 75,000 Orcs (mainly in Nurn).
  • Military: Durthang: 200 Gondorian soldiers; Cirith Ungol: 100 Gondorian Soldiers; Cirith Gorgor: 300 Gondorian Soldiers; Conquered Host: 11.000 Orc Warriors; 2,170 Uruks; 750 Warg-riders; 100 Trolls.
  • Products: No exports.
  • Symbol: The White Tree of Gondor.

In ages past, according to mournful Elvish songs, Mordor was once a pleasant and verdant land, as fertile as Ithilien, but the eruptions of Orodruin following the creation of the Ruling Ring by Sauron in the middle of the Second Age turned the plain of Gorgoroth into an arid wasteland. The region known as Nurn is not as desolate as Gorgoroth, but the perils of traversing the waste of Orodruin prevents Gondor from exploiting the iron mines and fields around the Sea of Nurn. Orcs hold the area in increasing numbers, and their organization improves (by means of secret orders imposed from Dol Guldur). The scattered tribes have formed themselves into six confederate groups, apparently under the influence of some outside powers. Only the most foolhardy of explorers venture very far from the Gondorian outposts in the region. Not even the army travels deep into the Orc-held lands without a sizeable host. The Gondorian garrisons were established at the request of Isildur, who wished to ensure that the hordes of Mordor would never again trouble the West. However, pressing problems on Gondor's eastern and southern borders caused her gaze to wander away from Mordor. The Orcish population grew, even as the Kings slowly reduced the size of the garrisons to free troops for more immediately ominous campaigns. The Plague further decimated the number of Gondorian soldiers who kept watch on Mordor, for their numbers were not replaced. Contact with the outpost at Carach Angren ended soon after the Plague, and the Captain of Durthang has recommended that evacuation would be the wisest course of action in light of the citadel's precarious position. Mordor became a territory of Gondor after the Downfall of Sauron at the hands of Isildur, but it remains unexploited. The lack of easily obtainable resources cooled most interest in the region, and most Kings were content to leave only a small garrison in the wasteland to keep watch on Sauron's legacy. Raids by Orcs are common, and only in the Dúnadan citadels are Men safe. Travel between the fortresses usually occurs in large and well-guarded caravans. Garrison duty in Mordor is an assignment most soldiers are loath to pull. More attractive is the garrison at Minas Ithil, where a soldier can campaign against Orcs for one week and relax in the city for another. Terror keeps most casual visitors out of Mordor, and the lack of easily available resources keeps most serious investors at bay. The ruins of Barad-dûr remain undisturbed since the fall of Gil-galad and Elendil, but there are none with the courage to brave an extended expedition into Gorgoroth. King Tarondor would seriously consider subsidies for settlement in Mordor if he could be convinced that the parties concerned were well-armed, well funded, and determined. He has received no such offers, however. Instead, his advisors counsel him to abandon his citadels in Mordor, for they provide no useful function to the kingdom in a time of great crisis. Were Gondor to intensify her operations in Mordor, however, the King would eventually notice that the increase in Orc population is not a result of ordinary growth, but of a constant inflow of reinforcements from Dol Guldur in southern Mirkwood. The Orcs travel in secret, using hidden tunnels to bypass the watchful eyes of the Gondorian garrisons. They have orders to prepare Mordor for the return of its master, and they busy themselves out of the eyes of the garrisons, building cavern complexes and infernal machines of war. A number of the Nazgûl have arrived secretly in Mordor to direct them in their tasks. Their presence is not suspected even by the Wise, for Sauron has no desire to reveal himself openly before his agents find the Ring.

Regions and Bodies of Water[]

Agarnaith; Arandor; Batakh Inâ; Baugatsor-i-Sauron; Caranduin (Mordor); Ceber Dúath; Chain of Blades; Chaydash; Cirith Dúath; Cirith Gorgor; Cirith Morgûl; Cirith Ungol; Cracks of Doom; Culduin; Dath Nethryn; Den Núrn; Dor Amarth; Durthang-Spur; Ephel Dúath; Ered Angûrath; Ered Lithui;Eregwath; Forest of Carnan; Gaer Dûrlith; Ghâshghurm; Ghurzun; Gorgoroth; Grip of Sauron; Grishbalt; Gurthrant (Dûaduin); Gwathiraug; Haidh-i-Naug  ; Huk Saromis; Hutel-Hara Sands; Imlad Morgûl; Lhingris; Lithlad; Maegond Spur; Mesha Omûr; Mithram Spur; Mokál Rukh; Morgai; Nargil River; Naur Trench; Núrn; Núrnen; Orodruin; Orodruin's Western Foothills; Parth Daenarth; Perth Ulmyn; Ruinen; Sirilith; Talath Úrui; Udûn

Borderlands: Dagorlad; Dead Marshes; March of Caradhram; Nan Girith; Teshgol Boundary

Settlements and Places of Interest[]

Adambel; Adzamon; Agarnaith Camp; Akûlug; Amon Amarth; Amon Darthir; Amon Fuin; Amon Gorgor; Amon Rûth; Amon Thaur; Amondhol; Angathrai;Anglach; Angûrath; Antimony Mines; Ash Watch; Ashronk; Barad Ungol; Barad-dur; Barad Feren; Bar-Lithryn; Barad Núrn; Barad Othnir; Barad Perras; Barad Silme; Barad-wath; Barad Wethrin; Bardúath; Barthost; Barrows of Mordor; Baur Kasak; Bhol Rûdh; Black Hand Fortress; Blozronk; Burkh Núrn;Bûth Ovaisa; Carach Angren; Caragor's Cave; Caran; Carndil; Carvarad; Carchost; Cirith Dúath; Cirith Gorgor; Cirith Helkond; Cirith Núrn; Copper Mines;Court of Horror; Cracks of Doom; Dar-ghûrum; Dâr Mauzur; Den Núrn; Dimrost; Díngarth; Dol Naeg; Dragon's Lair; Durthang; Eastern Guard; Echan-in-Edhil; Ennyn Ûr; Faltor Gâm; Fennas Gost; Fire Mountain; Fort Morn; Fushaum Bal; Fushaum Tûm; Gakhronk; Garmagoum; Gelebrin; Ghâshgôr; Gold Mine; Gorneihal; The Gorthaur; Grop Kodar; Gûldag; Hallorn; Hallras; Haudh-i-Naug; Hightower; Iant Angos; Iant Ruin; Iol Shale Mines; Ironmine; Kaalezh; Kal Nargil;Kala-gijak; Kâm Lagúrz; Kála-murg; Katund Akûl; Kermandûr; Khargukôr; Kra-Búrzum; Krulronk; Kûl Tarkorûl; Kurvasagh; Lag-Angren; Lag-Dagûr; Lag-Digturmarr; Lag-Fhauga; Lag-Flaksharbtur; Lag-Ghurzûn; Lag-Hundur; Lag-Kirithgal; Lag-Konzi; Lag-Lithlad; Lag-Mayakûl; Lag-Malmabuz; Lag-Scara; Lag-Shermat; Lag-Uyakdagûl; Lag-Ûlurikon; Lag-Vrasfhotak; Lag-Zayarzot; Lair of the Gloom-lord; Lhugdol; Linnica; Lug Ghurzûn; Lugarlûr; Lûghash; Luglûrak; Lugshar; Lugvarg; Magh Ashtu; Magh Groth; Magh Hátur; Magh Nûl; Magh Urro; Magh Vadok; Marmaegon; Matum Graz; Maudhúl Ghûg; Maudhúl Târ; Maudhúl Vôr; Minas Dûrlith; Minas Morgûl; Mokh Darga; Mokh Shapat; Morannon; Mordath; Morgoth's Scar; Morigost; Mormaegon; Mornaur; Murvarg; Naerband; Narchost; Nargroth; Nauronk; Nebûrkha; Nehirin; Nelegroth; Núrnen Fishery; Núrngost; Núrumurl; Oraishapek's Mound; Orduga Aivaisa; Orodir; Orod Rauveleg; Ostigurth; Outcast Camp; Ram Raedas; Rath Cail; Raven Vale; Rhûd Vorn; Rog Angren; Rogkalúr; Rûl Rustrond; Samkara; Sammath Naur; Sárronk; Seregost; Sharkburz; Sharmat-Dûr; Shindrâm; Silent Haunt; Strand of Fire; Sturlurtsa Núrn; Teshgol Camp; Thaurband; Thorzhaf; Tir Bannor; Tir Obel; Tissen; Torech Ungol; Tower of the Mouth; Udûn Foothold; Urlurtsu Núrn; Uruk's Hollow; Vaarfest; Virk Ulgath; Viznak's Hideout; Zagronk; Zarôk Ioriag


Caran Road; Demon Road; Devilish Cross; Doom Road; Fell Road; Ghâsh Road (Sauron's Road); Great East Road (Mordor); Khand Road; Moroth Road; Mulburz Road; Nargroth Road; Núrn Road; Seregost Road; Sirilith Road; Southward Road; Thaur Road; Tribute Road


Orcs: Gusmûras; Lesser Orcs; Uruk-Hai

Trolls: Cave Trolls; Graugs; Hill Trolls; Olog-Hai; Stone Trolls

Animals: Angusaiweli; Ants; Apes of Mordor; Ash-claws; Axebeaks; Battle-Cats; Beaded Lizards; Beetles; Black Erbain; Black Goats; Black Lizards; Black swans; blood-slug; Bog spiderlings; Boroc; Bugs of Mordor; Burrowers; Caragath; Caragors; Carrion-flies; Cave-bears; Cave Lions; cliff-bats; Cliff buzzards; Death shrews; Deep-claws; Deer; dire-horns; Dire Wolves; Ducks; Eagles; Ebon-serpents; Echo-hawks; Falcons; Fell Fowl; Finches; fire-crawlers; fish; flame-tongue Salamanders; Flyers of Mordor; Gnats; Gore-Crows; Gorgoroth-Crawlers; Gorgoroth toads; Gorgoroth Wormlings; Great Bats; Great Beasts; Grey wolves; Grodbogs; Ground bees; Gûlscaru; hill-breakers; large wading birds; leeches; lesser Hell-Hawks; Hornets; Lice; Locusts of mordor; Mabelmaikli; maggots; midges; mole-rats; Mordor-Bats; Mordorian Cat; Mordor Cattle; Mordor draught beast; Mordor Horses; Mordor Rats; Mordor salamanders; Morgai Bees; Morgai flies; Morgûl Bats; Morgul Spiders; Morungol; Mules; Mungos; Norbogs; plague-flies; plague-rats; plateau-avancs; rift-crawlers; Rock Vipers; Ruins-bats; Mordor Scorpions; slag-slugs; Slugs; red-eyed crows; Snakes; Sparrows; Spawners; Spiders; stone-shells; Stone-splitters; Sulokil; swamp-boars; swamp-serpents; Swine of Mordor; Toads; toxic froglings; tree-rats; Udun-bugs; ungol-maggots; ungol-preys; vale-crawlers; venomed serpents; War-wolves; web-crawlers; Winanbar; Worms; Zûrmi Cats

Monsters: Ash drakes; bog-lurkers; Caerogath; Cave-Worms; Fell-beasts; fell spirits; fire-drakes; fire Grim; flame-spirits; flame-worms; Giant Spiders; Glamors; Huorns; Morroval; rock-worms; Rogmuls; shadow grim; shadow roots; Wargs

Undead: Banner-wights; Barrow-Wights; Darkwaters; elf-wights; Ghashgurm; fell spirits; Flames; Ghosts; Ghouls; Ghûls; Groping Dead; Gúrzyul; Shades; Skeletons; Specters; tower-spirits; wandering-glooms; Werewolves; Zuzarhî

Other: Awakened Trees


Alfirin; Athelas; Azuradan; Bleeding saplings; Blight Mushrooms; Blue Milk; Brambles of Mordor; Carandôl; Earthbread; Elgaran; Eregwath-wort; Galenas; Gorgoroth Cactus; Gorgoroth Nettles; grey grass; Gwînuial; Hithlas; Lothrond; low scrubby trees; Mallos; Mordor briars; Mordor vines; Morgai Thorns; Morgûl-Moss; Morthond; mosses; Naugrimbas; Niphredil; Núrn-Trees; Orchamarth; piked Shrubs; Pungent flowers; Remmenthond; spewing mushrooms; Thorny vine; Weeping reeds


Men: Alashi; Donaen; Donan; Edain-i-Morgûl; Outcasts of Udûn; Guruthal Urgurnk; Khundolar; Nurnhoth; Odhriags; Rangers of the Black Gate; Nêbh Rûdh (Red Sky Clan); Sûhalar; Thandrim; Variags; Black Númenóreans


before T.A. 1640
Drepa-Hai; Duruk-Burniz; Goth-Skrigurz; Halraendir (or Homhurzig); Rumarzgi Scara-Hai (or Orcs of the Green Claw); Skugga-Strigz; Snagaghash; Snaga-Ong; Thrakognir; Urgdug; Uruk-Burzrik; Uruk-Ghashavir; Uruk-Guniga; Uruk-Ongrum; Uruk-Rakshi; Uruk-Snarka
T.A. 1540 - 1975; T.A. 2002 - 2460
Dâgûlhî; Dark-Tribe; Feral-tribe; Machine-Tribe; Marauder-tribe; Mystic-Tribe; Outlaw-Tribe; Skuggák-Hai; Slaughter-Tribe; Terror-Tribe; Under-folk; Uruk-Burzmal; Uruk-Hrizg; Uruk-Morgûl; Uruk-Rafshat; Uruk-Udûn; Uruk-Zôkon; Warmonger-Tribe
T.A. 2460 - 3019
Bloodless; Durghaz-nar; Fushaum; Ghash-Hai; Gorgoroth-Orcs; Kala-gijak; Lithlad Orcs; Lugvarg; Morannon Orcs; Morgul Orcs; Núrn Orcs; shadow clan; Shakfut; Stained; Udûn Orcs; Ungol-Orcs; Zhavar-Hai
Núrnish Orcs: Gorugoltur; Jarnkakog; Samundlugûth


Mornaugrim: Firehorn Dwarves; Stout-axe Dwarves


Black Council; Black Guard of Barad-dûr; Chosen; Order of the Eye; Dauma; Gúrzyul; Vat-keeper Guild


Bal-gûjâb; Black Speech; Daumaprap; Haradaic; Jûgflas; Lufûsflas; Nî-gûjâb; Varadja


Ainur: Balchiar; Borangos; Blood-blade; Carnán; Carrog; Gaurhir; Gorkasak; Guinfirin; Khílnat; Kulgrú; Lairathin; Lhaereth; Nakhtsum; Ruthragon; Sauron; Shakrum; Shelob; Sudden whelmer; Tar Goroth; Zaghar Shar; Zaken

Dwarves: Dreri; Eitur; Freki; Grarnath; Gorvin; Nath; Slarnur; Spakorth; Stethi; Sversting; Threlin; Torvin; Vaskmun Greytooth; Zedrokk

Elves: Celebrimbor; Celedhring; Hendolen; Thelaron

Men: Abdahkil; Abrazaphel; Aganbar; Angûlion; Aram; Asgon; Ashburgnul; Ayorzén; Azra; Ballath Gondil the Beastmaster; Black Hand; Ciryaher the cruel orc; the cruel woman Crúmgam; Crúmgraru; Daurazar; Dírhael; Effern; Elvir; Eryn the frail man; Frolum; Golodhros; Halgon; Hallas; The Hammer;Herumor; Hirgon; Huya; Ioreth; Kâwon-weni-Khûrs; Khirgi; Khokali; Khopol; Khupol; Krûsnak; Kurtil; Lachir; Lairathim; Lithariel; Lomazar; Malatuk; Márwen; Mordú; Morgalad; Ninko; Ortakûl; Rabokhor; Talion; Tarcil; Thang; Tónn Varthkûr; the Tower; Turgon; Ugrukhôr; Ûrîkhôr; Ûrzahil; Vakalabath; Veantur; Viddis; Viosiol; Wulfrun; Yadêphal; Yordam; Zoreth;

Orcs: Aarlok; Argdush; Badzurz; Baghrat; Baugar; Bazghûr; Bazk; Bâzkû; Blan; Bolingul; Bolvag; Brogmaush; Brug; Bug; Bukra; Bulmus; Burz; Craklásh; Danghát; Daumdorût; Dharpush; Dror; Durzkha; Felgrom; Fha-Korlash; Flug-Dush; Gaballol; Gaghoth; Gartor; Gashdrak; Gashrûk; Gazbag; Gazbug; Gazgash; Gazhorn; Gimbrakh; Glupronk; Goragâsh; Gorbag; Gorbug; Gordmúl; Gorlúk; Gorshag; Gorûl; Gorzag; Gothmog; Gradragh; Grashneg; Graimael; Granesh; Grarbag; Grishnákh; Grobag; Grongut; Grushat; Gugru; Guritz; Holdor; Kardush; Karg; Khur; Krag; Kralshanack; Krúrglok; Kumai; Lagduf;Laglug; Lagrad; Lazdrag; Leegrash; Lob-Zagh; Luftak; Lugbol; Lughak; Lughorn; Lugor; Lúksu; Lurd; Lurz; Malkon; Maúl; Maukatish; Maushak; Mauthak; Moog; Mornok; Mozgog; Mudbag; Murgash; Muzgash; Muzlun; Nagrad; Nagzag; Narg; Narghásh; Nazhdrag; Nazog; Nog; Nugrat; Nûzu; Ongdragh; Orthog; Párgrub; Poka; Práguk; Pugraft; Radbug; Radlag; Radnag; Rashkûk; Raskal; Ratbag; Róglarg; Rhukskâ; Sárnazt; Shag-rurz; Shagram; Shagrat; Shag-Rûrz; Shardul; Sharuk; Shaturro; Shíkurz; Shukhúr; Silent one; Skargnakh; Snaga; Tarbûrz; Thak; Thauk; Tug; Tzerlag; Uklurg Ironfangs; Ufluk; Ufthak; Ulurilz; Urgai; Urzot; Ushkbal; Uthlug; Utsar; Uunk; Virsh; Viznak; Yizrag; Yod; Zaboth; Zagmuz

Trolls: Araudâgûl; Azgûrath; Baltab; Bolvag; Buktavul; Bulrakur; Gorzum; Gothmog; Grakoraz; Gûrthlug; Khoshug; Kruxtôgg; Mollock; Nughorg; Rogrog; Sapakar; Sharlag; Shogmog; Thorako; Thormurg; Tormog; Ulkaur; Urulok; Uthmag; Zhólug

Undead: Angûlion; Ard; Ashburgnul; Bawâbnaru; Dwâr; Grangath; Guarthoth; Hôarmûrath; Indûr; Khamûl; Khôrahil; Kathanul; Krassa-phursa; Krusnak; Lugbol; Ren the Unclean; Sorthog; Tindomûl; Ulurgroth; Urudanî Stonemaiden; Ûvathar;

Other: Gamnakur; Gristlebite; Irongrasp; Murgzot; Nuzdum; rotwing; Saernaston; Spitpyre; Wûran;


  • MERP: Gorgoroth
  • MERP: Middle-earth Adventure Guidebook II
  • MERP: Middle-earth Campaign Guide
  • MERP: Northwestern Middle-earth Campaign Atlas
  • MERP: Teeth of Mordor
  • MERP: The Tower of Cirith Ungol and Shelob’s Lair
  • Wiki (archived, latest available)