The Misty Mountains
This majestic mountain range was also known by the Sindarin name Hithaeglir (S. "Peaks of Mist"), also "Mountains of Mist" and "Towers of Mist". It was thrown up fairly late in the history of the world, possibly at just the time of the Elves' awakening in Cuivienen. Its effect on the local topography was dramatic: the lands on both sides of the range were lifted and torn by the violence of the event, leading to the creation of broken, eroded fells on the western slopes and sheer precipices on the east. The flanks of the Misty Mountains had never been heavily populated at any time in history.
- Type: Mountain Range. Length: 865 miles from Carn Dûm in the north to Methedras (above Nan Curunir) in the south.
- Elevation: average peak elevation: 10.000-12.000 feet; lowest peak: Faeras (S. "Spirit Peak") 7,983 feet; highest peak: Caradhras (S. " Redhorn" ) 16,002 feet.
- Climate: average annual precipitation: 80+ inches; mean annual temperature 32-42°F; average low: 15°F; average high: 65°F
- Composition: The Misty Mountains were composed primarily of limestone and granite with significant igneous intrusions of basalt and granite, particularly near the middle of the range. Igneous activity at the southern end of the range resulted in the creation of the glass volcanic rock known as laen. Even where Dwarves and Orcs had not been at work, the mountains were full of caverns and tunnels. The establishment of Moria by Durin resulted in the discovery of mithril in Middle-earth and resulted in the mining of many precious metals. The Dwarves of Moria mined no small amount of gold, copper, and silver from their halls, along with some gemstones and many less precious metals. To the north and south of Moria, copper and iron ores were plentiful. The western foothills consisted primarily of dark red sandstone, while the eastern valleys were filled with an oily black shale.
- Notes: The Misty Mountains created a formidable barrier between Eriador and the lands of Rhovanion. Indeed, the Elves stated that Melkor raised the chain to hinder them on their Great Journey to the Sea. Only a few passes crossed the Hithaeglir, and foul weather rendered even these paths unsuitable for many months of the year. Most of the higher peaks (above ~11,500 feet) retained snow throughout the year, especially at the northern end of the range. Glaciers and permanent snow fields were prevalent. The tree line varied from ~4,000 feet near Angmar to over 9,000 feet as one approached the Gap of Calenardhon. The Dwarves reported that a complex of Under-deeps laid beneath the roots of the mountains, far below where even the Dwarves and Orcs feared to tread. Legends held that the Under-deeps were filled with horrors which had never seen the light of the Sun.
Regions and Bodies of Water[]

The central Hithaeglir
Aes Ruin Anduin Sources Angirith Anorras Azanulbizar Back Door Bruinen Celebrant Cirith Caradhras Cirith Formen en Andrath Cloudpass Cloudyhead Dîn Lhûg Dungirith Eagle's Eyrie Eikhall Dale Fangorn Pass Fearas Forbidding Heights Front Porch Frosthyle Pond Gap of Rohan Giant Trace Glanduin High Pass Hithaeglir Foothills Imlad Norn Isen Lake Hyord Langwell Limlaith Lhúchir Mammoth Valley Methedras Misty Passes Mitheithel Mitheithel pass Mountains of Angmar Nan Angmar Nan Curunir Nan Gongarag Nanil Ruin Nimrodel (River) Old Pass Orglob Glacier Overhanging Rock Pass at the sources of the Gladden River Redhorn Redhorn Gate Rocky Crags Silvertine Sirannon Sîr Ninglor Snarskrith Dell Southern High Pass Whitcleft Wolf Gate
Settlements and Places of Note[]

The central Hithaeglir in TA 3019
Built before the Third Age and lasting in some form throughout:
Angrenost (Isengard) Carn Dûm Khazad-dûm (Moria) Mount Gram Orthanc
ca. T.A. 1640: Brin Coch Carn Dûm Ceberon (The Spire) Eagle's Eyrie Geann a-Sruth Giant's Isle Glin a-Faich Gollum's Cave Goblin-Gate Gundabad Hawrim Taigh Hrithur's Haven Iorbar's Peak Iskeld's Lookout Lag-lhach Lag-orod Lag-sharak Lag-thrugrim Moria Mount Gram Mukargs last refuge Nanduhirion Orod Laden Rakhas-Bizar Ugilai Ugtilai Zarak-dum Zaugurz
ca. T.A. 3018: Akûltot Bergel's Notch Bitter Stair Black Crack Blind Falls Bruinen Source East Bruinen Source North Bruinen Source West Caldwell Pool Ceber Los Cirith Daur Cirith Imladris Dómstoll (Giant’s Throne) Erforgh Cleft Everwind Frosthyle Pond Gabilazan Ghâshru Giant Halls Giant's Needle Glimmering caves Gloin's Camp Gnome's earth chalet Goblin-town Great shelf Greybough End Halmur Stoneshaper's Tomb Helegrod High Crag High Passes Hrimbarg Hríthur's Haven Iorbar Iskeld's Lookout Lornstone Men Helch Mountain's Throat Nordinbad Northtarn Orod Laden Pinnath Fenui Rakhâs-bizar Refuge of the Shadow-Witch small bridge Snowreap Starkhath Stonecaller's Circle Taragaer Vindurhal Whitcleft Writhenbores
Dwarves: Broadbeams; Dourhands; Ibûnites; Longbeards
Men: Men of the Misty Mountains
Orcs: Orcs of Angmar; Goblins of Goblin-Town; Gundabad Orcs; Moria Goblins; Orcs of the White Hand
- Dragons:Drogoth Turukulon
- Dwarves: Draimmer Gorin of Nordinbad Nordri Steppin
- Eagles: Beleram Gwaihir Landroval Meneldor
- Elves: Ringhul
- Giants: Cluag Orad Ridorthu
- Men:Beadula Bera Beusobaira Cwén Atheldrith Gallius Grimmbalth Mardrash Rhiwal
- Orcs: Ashrak Azog Druzhag Durburz Gorkil Groblog Great Goblin Malkur Mazog Mozgog Rolbog Shardakh Volog Yazhgar Zharkû the fat
- MERP: Angmar Land of the Witch King
- MERP: Dunland and the Southern Misty Mountains
- MERP: Moria - The Dwarven City
- MERP: Mount Gundabad
- MERP: Northwestern Middle-earth Gazetteer
- MERP: Trolls of the Misty Mountains
- LotRAG: Over the Misty Mountains Cold
- LOTRO: The Misty Mountains
- Questgame: Mines of Moria