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The New Notion Club Archives

Two independent realms co-exist beneath the eaves of Mirkwood 's trees. The Silvan Elves of King Thranduil wander the northernmost reaches of the forest (the Woodland Realm), while the rustic Woodmen occupy the regions bordering the Men-i-Naugrim. The southernmost portion of Mirkwood was ruled by the Necromancer of Dol Guldur.



  • Type: Mixed Forest
  • Area: 77,400 square miles
  • Elevation: Average - 1,012 feet. Lowest point:  Tauraelin (S. "Forest Marshes") 617 feet.  Highest point:  Amon Lanc (S. "The Naked Hill" ) 5,266 feet.
  • Climate: Average Annual Precipitation:  20-40 inches. Mean Annual Temperature:  45-55°F.  Average Low - Ninui:  10°F average high. Urui: 90 °F
  • Composition: The rocks which lie underneath the great forest of Mirkwood are primarily sedimentary strata of limestone and shale. There is some evidence of volcanic activity sometime in the past, notably the cinder cone of Amon Lanc and the Mountains of Mirkwood, which are a huge projection of granite through the surrounding sedimentary layers. The Mirkwood Elves have mined some gems from these mountains in the past. If any significant finds yet exist remains to be seen.
  • Notes: Mirkwood is a great forest of oaks, maples, elms, conifers, and a countless variety of undergrowth. Though Mirkwood is a part of Rhovanion, it is so imposing a feature on the map that it merits special mention.

Mirkwood holds a number of communities, from the Orcish servants of the Necromancer, to the reclusive Woodmen, to the graceful Silvan Elves. Since around the year T.A. 1000, a Shadow fell in the southern reaches of Mirkwood. There, the trees grew twisted and evil, allowing little light through their gnarled boughs. Trolls, fell beasts, and giant spiders made  their homes in this part of the forest, and Men gave the region a wide berth. The forest is less dark to the north, but a heavy aura of gloom nevertheless permeates the air among the trees. Only three paths cross through the forest, and travellers who stray off them may never be seen again. Travellers in Mirkwood should go well armed and in a large group.


Ainur: Enna San Sarab Radagast the Brown Sauron


By T.A. 3019: Tindri Bofri Son of Bofur


Aerandir the Short Argaldor Arhendhiril Arien of Mirkwood Avaralas Bladorthin of Edhellond Camaron Camthalion Eglavirdan Elorn Firnaithon Falastor Galion of Mirkwood Gondnith Gwendil Huinen the Seer Indossa Itaril of Mirkwood Kae Vin Legolas Lianna Magoron Nimloth Ohtar of Celebannon Ormal the Lampmaker Oropher Ringlin of Ceber Fanuin Silinde Tauressar Tauriel Taurion Thranduil


By T.A. 1640: Berubaur Beruvacar Barku Barnbinevia Karall Weisswintha Dâsakûn Alliso Gorovod of Dol Guldur Grimburgoth Grimmbalth Gundramma Golden-hands Marhliuga Meonid-Ito the Assassin Taladhan Hulmogaisi Rauthiasath Wulfila of Vidubaurg

Between 1640 and 2941:


By T.A. 2941-3019: Arcamir Beadula Beorn the Skinchanger Brander Ceawin the Generous Dolwin Eradan Fram Framson Gisolph Gouma Grimbeorn Grimburgoth Gwina Halbrech the Wine-Seller Nathir Odovacar the Woodman Sorceress of Mirkwood Wacho the Bold Taladhan

Orcs: Ashrâk Athdurub Athgrat Âthruk Bokdankh Bolgbarz Darúk Drûzhag Durkam Durshâtaz Fektalgh Fikthrug Fotak Gazkhlát Goblok Gormuk Grashûkh of Dol Guldur Grishbugud Grumk Hagrakh Juithrech Marlurg Mauhukh Morsharpat Morsháti Muggrath Nulfríb Orlag Shatog Skoralg Snakfrúm Talûntûm Tímurzgrat Ukhurk Ukrish Ulkúrzlam Yagrash Zagfra


Fradûrag Tumag I Tumag II Urnik


Bel-bilinc Blackbole Forest Dragon Sentinel Oak Wolf's Daughter

Note on naming over the Ages:[]

  • First Age and Second Age: Greenwood the Great or Great Greenwood (S. Eryn Galen)
  • Third Age: Mirkwood (S. Taur-nu-Fuin [Forest under nightshade]) or the Forest of Great Fear (S. Taur-e-Ndaedelos)
  • Fourth Age: Wood of Greenleaves (S. Eryn Lasgalen)

Places of Note[]

By T.A. ca. 1640-50:

Amon Bauglir Amon Tamró Aradhrynd Bell tower Brugath Thraim Burh Darni Buhr Widufiras Burgar Stath Caras Amarth Ceber Fanuin Celebannon Cor Angaladh Cor Tauraglor Cor Taurmallor Dol Guldur Dol Guldur moathouse Dolentir Dúrond Guroth Fenbridge Castle Flahoz-Blogrum Galadbrynd Galbrethin Galor's Kep the Grotto Haudh Hollow Dwellings Hrigg Vidukuni Ilmaryen Leovidukas Long-spring House Lughâsh Maechelburg Morwatha's Tower Sarn Goriwing Skauril's lair Smallug Stoorharbor Uruk-Torg Vidus

By T.A. ca. 3018/19:

Agistath Amon Angened Ânghum-maudhûl Ânug-stazg Aradhrynd Ashúrz Maufulug Audaghaim Barad Angol Barrows of the Northmen Beacon Tower Black Tarn Burgûl-stazg Bûrzkala Chasm of the Great Vampire Dannenglor Dol Guldur Durbúrz-stazg Echad Glamodúd Echad Mothelen Echad Sirion Elven Shrine Eryn Dolen Estolad Mernael Fállug Fenbridge Castle Fennas Guldur Forest Barrow Forest Gate Gaol of Sauron Garmadh-maudhûl Gath Ulunn Gâthlata Great Forest Web Gostannon Hall of Ghosts Haunted Inn The haze Helethir Hongoi Iavassúl's Watch Krul Lugu Kúfuzg Lagúrz Lug Lugdúmp Maudhûl-ulur Minas Celebolf Minas Gîl Minas Raug Mirkwood maze Mithechad Naur-hoit Woodland path storage-cave Ost Galadh Ost-in-Gil Parliament of Spiders Plinth Queen's chambers Shadowy quiet glen Rhosgobel Roaring Falls Ruins in the south Ruins of the Refuge Sâd Doldúr Sâd Gúlnir Sâd Morangol Sauron´s graveyard Sauron's Harrow Sentinel Oak The source Spider Cave Spiders' Ring Sucking Mire Thangúlhad Tirnhirion Tyrant's Hill Undermountain Seals Vile Spider Lair Warlock's Hold The well Woodland Hall Woodmen-Town


Aelinann Marshes Angaladh Amon Lanc Ashenlades Aur Esgalbar Cor Tauraglor Corpse-Woods Dark Parts of the Forest Deadly Bogs Dourstocks Drownhold East Bight Eaves of Mirkwood Emyn Guldur Emyn Lum Emyn-i-Thang Finger Lakes Forest Bower Forest Grove Galbrethin Vale Gathburz Haunted Hills Heart of Mirkwood Hollow Mirk-eaves or Eaves of Mirkwood Mountains of Mirkwood Mountains of Mirkwood pass Nan lanc The Narrows Nivrim Northern Mirkwood Oak-wood Grove Scuttledells Southern Mirkwood (Taur-e-Ndaedelos) Taur Morvith Tauraelin



the western realm of Dol Guldur

Vale of the Golden Tree Woodman's Glade


Bats Blackbirds Black Emperors Black Forest Bats Black Squirrels Cavern Guardians Crows Eyes of the Forest Forest Flies Forest Spiders Gorcrows Great Bats Great black Bears Great falcons of Mirkwood Great Spiders Forest Wolves small lizards Snakes Sparrows Guldur Statues Mirkwood Bats Owls Ravens Small falcons Squirrels Undead vile spiders Werewolves White Statues Wild Dogs Wolves Wraiths


Awakened Trees Din Fuinen Furry Oak Giant mushrooms Great ferns red berries White trumpet




  • wiki
  • MERP:Northern Mirkwood - the Wood-Elves Realm
  • MERP:Southern Mirkwood - Haunt of the Necromancer
  • MERP: Mirkwood - The Wilds of Rhovanion