Minas Brethil
(Rhudaur) | |
Location of Minas Brethil (#3) in the Vale of Brethil
(Guild Companion) ©2000 Phillip Gladney | |
Location of Minas Brethil (MERP)
| |
Castle (Fortress)
The ruins of Minas Brethil (S. "Birch Fortress"; Du. Caer Bedu) stood in the southwestern corner of the Angle of Rhudaur, in the Vale of Brethil, on the eastern bank of the Mitheithel, with a view of the Hagavorl, the Cardolanian border-hedge just across the river. It was long the citadel of House Melossë, the last of the old Dúnadan noble families to rule in Rhudaur. They were driven off in the late 13th century (Third Age) and their tower destroyed, but the site was so sufficiently strategic that a new one had always been built there.
Minas Brethil in T.A. 1640-1650[]

Minas Brethil in Third Age 1640-1650 according to The Guild Companion adventure Expedition to the Haunted Vale. Refer to the floor-plan at right:
- The remnants of the two barbicans that once defended the main gate are now hollowed-out shells. The entire outer sides of both were destroyed in the Great Northern War when orcs of the Witch-king's armies overran the fortress. The inner walls remain, however, as do portion of the stone floors. In the left tower, behind what is left of the wall, gives access to the third level by means of a tall ladder. There is also a ladder leading up to the catwalk on the other side of the opposite tower.
The ground in between the towers is littered with broken masonry and rubble, yet there is no formal barrier. These stones serve to impede or at the very least slow down anyone entering through the main gate. A wooden barricade, made from a log crisscrossed with sharpened stakes, can be moved quickly into position to bar entry. This barricade stays hidden behind the tower to the right. - This tower, much like all the others except for the armory, is half ruined. Below, in the courtyard, stand two new wooden sheds.
- A sturdy corral. Rising directly behind it is one of the outer towers of Minas Brethil. It suffered heavy damage in the attack that preceded the final assault and is considered unstable. Some minor repairs have been done to shore up the weak spots.
- A large pile of rubble stands where a statue of the founder of the Melossë House once did. After the sack of Minas Brethil, an altar was set up here for sacrifices and remnants of this abomination can still be seen. If adventurers dig up this rubble they will find several skeletons left behind from the grisly rituals two centuries before.
- All that remains of the old keep is the ground floor and half of the second level. Rising approximately 25 feet, it is now dwarfed by the old armory which reaches a height of 40 feet. Several stone steps provide a means of access into the ground level. Stairs to the left circle up to the second floor.
- The Armory Tower is detailed completely in the next section.
The Armory Tower[]

- Lower level: The only means of access to this tower are two doorways. One, on the third level, has a door of iron-reinforced wood and was for the sentries who patrolled the walls. The other, on ground level, is secured by heavy, iron double-doors. It is the normal entrance into the Armory tower and the halls delved out underneath. These doors can be barred from the inside by an oaken beam, which usually stands to either side of the entrance awaiting use.
There are two steep stairwells, one leading to the upper levels and one disappearing into the darkness below. Otherwise this entire level is empty and dark, having no windows of any kind to illuminate it. - Second level: This was the main armory in days of old. Weapons, new and old, hang on pegs or stand in racks all along the wall. Interspersed between each weapon rack is a thin cross-shaped arrow loop. This window-like opening is only a few inches wide and allows archers inside the tower a clear field-of-fire directly outside the walls. In turn, it provides the defenders excellent cover from which to fire their missile weapons.
The number of weapons stored in this second floor room is quite sizable.
This room is locked (Medium, +0) and is usually unoccupied. Due to a lack of light sources and the extremely thin embrasures, this room can get quite dark. - Third level: At the top of the stairs is the third level. The stairs themselves end in a landing, which features two wooden doors and an iron ladder leading up to a trap door in the ceiling. The ladder is old and rusted and is the only means of access to the roof. The door to the immediate left leads out to the catwalk along the wall. It can be locked from the inside by a simple latch. The door directly opposite the stairs once led to the quarters of the Captain of the Guard. It is now home to Alcaur the Animist.
The first thing one notices upon entering this room is the horrific smell. The odor of excrement wafts from a corner to the left, where a small rookery has been built. A bed of thatch, a small table and a chest fill out the room. There are heavy woolen curtains covering all of the embrasures, to keep light from shining out during the night, and an unused fireplace in the corner beside the rookery. Due to the line of bird waste leading to it, it is obvious that this is how the birds, actually Crebain, enter and exit the tower. There are always between 20 and 30 of the oily creatures present and a chorus of loud squawking will meet any stranger.
Alcaur himself is almost always in this room. He has two pet wolves that stay with him constantly. They are very large wolves and will protect the priest with their lives.
Alcaur's duties on this mission are twofold. He is responsible for communication with their superiors in Angmar. He does this with the use of messages in Black Speech flown northward by his Crebain. He also sends his Crebain out for reconnaissance flights fairly frequently. His first responsibility, however, is healing. To this end he has a quantity of healing herbs locked (Hard, -10) in the chest. In addition, quantities of poisons are stored here. There are no labels on any of these containers; Alcaur knows every one by heart. He also keeps his monetary wealth in a cloth sack in this chest. His items of power he keeps with him. The strongest of which is his rod. Topped off with a bird skull and decorated with feathers, this magical item allows its user to communicate freely with birds through telepathy. It's also a ×3PP Channeling multiplier that can cast "Glide" ×3/day (Alcaur will use this power to flee out one of the windows if threatened). His mace is magical (+5) and he has an amulet showing his allegiance to the Witch-king (×2PP multiplier). - Roof level: The roof of the Armory Tower is now the highest point among the ruins. It is also one of the four guard posts along the ancient walls. A stool sits up here for whichever soldier has guard duty, so he can remain practically unseen as he peers westward out over the battlements.
The Lower Halls[]

- This landing in the stairs serves as a guard post. From this vantage point, any entrance into the lower levels will be heard.
Situated in the alcove are a simple three-footed stool, a sconce for torches, and various rubbish. There is nothing else of value here. - This large chamber once served as a commons for the kitchen laborers and their families. Tiled and vaulted, it rises twenty feet to three large iron chandeliers. It is obvious to anyone with masonry skill that more time was spent in the construction of this room than in the others, for there are images of mountains and trees carved in bas-relief on the stone walls. There are also many shelves cut into the rock that hold an odd assortment of candles.
Currently there are two large, freshly made tables dominating the center of the chamber. There are also two half-barrels filled with oil hanging directly above the main entrance. They are connected by a board which in turn has a rope tied to it. This rope travels along the north wall and is meant to pull the barrel halves over when yanked. This will douse anyone underneath with a significant amount of flammable liquid. The individual so doused will then be the target of several flaming arrows. These said arrows are covered with oil-soaked rags and kept on a shelf close to the doorway to the dungeon and a nearby torch holder.
Leading out of the common chamber are four hallways and one set of large double doors. The doors are old, but look as if they have been repaired recently and always stand open. - A door once stood at the bottom of the small flight of stairs that lead to this room. It is now missing and one can enter unhindered into the old wine and ale room. A collection of new barrels (compliments of the set-up raid) now stands in one corner waiting to be imbibed. Other foodstuffs of lesser value (mostly grain) are also kept here since it is dry and cool, as well as three barrels of oil for the torches that light the lower halls. There are cobwebs in the corners and the remnants of broken barrels lying on the floor.
- This chamber houses five warriors much like it did centuries ago. They sleep on five, rough-hewn, handcrafted cots. This room is very similar to rooms #5, 6 & 7.
- Similar to room #4.
- Similar to room #4.
- Similar to room #4.
- This small room once quartered two sergeants. Broken cups and plates, a table with one chair and a filthy makeshift bed. One curious distinction to the quarters is the wooden board leaning up against one of the walls.
- Various tools and raw materials fill this room. Wooden planks, nails, a few bars of iron and excess mining equipment all litter the room in a haphazard fashion.
- The old chambers of the master smith. The back room contains a handmade bed and a very small chest. The chest is locked (VH -20).
The front room has a large table, two chairs, and various maps on the wall. A complete diagram of the caverns below almost completely covers the table. This would be of invaluable assistance to adventurers contemplating further exploration in the caverns below. - Quarters in this room just like the one next door.
- Similar to room #11.
- This large chamber serves as the craft hall. An anvil and several worktables allow the craftsmen to ply their trade. Tools hang on the wall ready for use and a few unfinished projects lie on the table waiting for completion. An ancient forge and bellows, which have been repaired. There is nothing of value in these double rooms except for the tools.
- The old kitchen still serves in its original purpose. The kitchen itself is dominated by a large hearth.
- A. Suites. The front room is the sleeping chamber, while the back room serves as a trysting chamber.
- B. The old servants quarters.
- This room served as a guard post, barring entry from above. In one corner is a wooden box.
- What was once the dungeon of Minas Brethil. It is filled with relics of Dark worship, such as candle holders made of human skulls (recently collected), a bronze basin, grossly decorated sacrificial knives and iron-bound books. Two black tapestries cover the wall opposite the entrance. They are covered with brutal depictions of sacrifices and torture and go all the way down to the floor. Behind these tapestries is a small staircase that leads down to the cells.
A niche in the wall is hidden behind one of the tapestries, and holds (among other things) a small leather-bound grimoire with leaves of human skin. Naturally, it is written in Black Speech, and if one can transcribe its contents, they will find notes, hints and rules on the art of Necromancy. It also contains a complete set of runes of the Necromancy List up to 20th level. Some of the runes have been burned up, but at least half are still in place. The runes contained in the book have been used to control the existing Undead and create a small number of newer, weaker Undead. - The dungeon cells of Minas Brethil were one of the few areas of the lower halls that the craftsmen did not repair. The ancient iron-reinforced wooden doors lie broken on their hinges and the grime of two centuries adorns the ceiling and walls.
Located in each of the smaller side cells is one Ghoul. They still wear their old armor and carry the weapons they did in life. They fight with heavy arms and little skill, but the occupants of the last cell are a different matter. The four Skeletons residing there hold the captive spirits of Celebindel Melosse and his three sons. Doomed to an existence in the Netherworld by the long-dead priests of the Witch-king, Celebindel's actions are now controlled by the magician, Turamac. He and his sons still have some of their original skill in arms and if commanded to fight will prove implacable foes. However, if Turamac is eliminated and control over the Skeleton Lords is lost, they will attack the Angmarrim, principally any spell-users, with a vengeance. The other Ghouls will continue following their last commands. Celebindel and his sons have been given one-handed melee weapons and simple shields, but otherwise have no possessions. On a tactical note, a primary use of these dead warriors would be to overrun barricaded enemies. - Down a set of stairs and to the left is the treasury of Minas Brethil. Its great iron door is one of the many repaired by the smiths, but its strength is a mere fraction of what it once was. Kas Horva has chosen these quarters for himself due to the secret chamber Othir uncovered when the group first moved in. It was never discovered in the original sacking and still holds the greater percentage of the Melosse family's wealth. The Logath aristocrat has appropriated this wealth and added the expeditions strongbox to it. There is now a significant amount of money in the secret storeroom.
Kas's bedroom contains a primitive canopied bed, a trunk full of expensive clothes and a table and chair. Various weapons hang from iron pegs and an extravagant carpet covers most of the floor. The weapons on the wall are not Kas's, but instead the weapons of his more successful conquests. None of these has any bonus. Kas's personal arms and armor are always with him. His chain mail, shield, short bow and spear (which barely fits in the room) are all +10. His primary weapon, a jewel-studded scimitar, he brought with him from Rhovanion. It is +15 (magical) and causes an additional Puncture Crit. of equal severity. On his neck hangs a beautiful pendant, looted from an Arthadan nobleman. It protects against Essence magic (+25 to RR vs. Essence) and is an heirloom from the House of Myrranor, one of the 56 Lesser Houses of Arthedain. Kas is unaware of this benefit even though it has saved his life once.
The leader of the mission covets his privacy and usually leaves his bedroom only for official duties. He eats and enjoys the company of the slave women in his room. There is no money in this room, since he put it all in the secret room. This might have been a mistake, as adventurers searching the room may be curious as to why the leader has no money and search the room when they might not have. - This room contains most of the Melosse family's wealth. It is Extremely Hard (-30) to discover and the door is activated by pulling down and then to the right on the sconce located on the same wall. The door will then retreat a small distance back into the wall, allowing persons to push the door all the way back on its hinges. Behind the secret door is a low-ceilinged, narrow hallway that leads to a small rectangular room. Inside this room resides three large, ancient chests, one smaller new one and various cloth-covered items leaning against the wall. The large chests all have new locks on them (VH -20) as does the small one. Under the cloth pieces of art have been stored. Paintings, small sculptures, carpets and ornamental vases all lie under years of dust. They have been disturbed only recently; the perceptive will notice boot tracks on the stone-carved floor.
- The secret door at the top of the stairs leading down into this cavern is now kept open for ease of movement. The orcs rarely travel through this chamber, but the Angmarrim who supervise the mining do so frequently. If alerted to intruders, one of the guards' duties in room #15 is to come and close this secret door. It will then be Hard (-10) to discover.
The cavern itself is quite large, with the ceiling rising at least forty feet. It is also quite empty. In the beginning of the expedition, this room served as a sleeping area for the Orcish contingent. They have since moved on to bigger and better holes farther into the cavern tunnel. Yet there are still traces of their occupation, one being the foul stench. There are also the remains of two fire-pits and a few bones (mostly sheep). - The Angmarrim metalsmiths have repaired a gateway in the narrow defile here. It serves no purpose to the expedition and is not even guarded. It is operated by a simple latch. There is a horn of kine hanging from an iron peg in the wall. This is to be blown if a large force is moving towards the castle and the orcs are needed to help defend the walls. It is also the responsibility of the guard from room 15.
- This is the cavern that the expedition is working to enlarge. It runs east to west, and its width varies between 40 to 60 feet. There is an abundance of stalactites and stalagmites covering the floor and ceiling. Echoing out of the distance is the forbidding sound of water slowly dripping into a hidden pool. The walls of the cavern shine from the water exuding out the very stone. If one travels eastward down the cavern they will notice a faint trail marked in the floor. If adventurers continue on this path the cavern will end after one mile in an ancient stone door. If they open this door they will emerge in a clearing. This was the old secret escape and rocks and vines hide its exit.
Unfortunately, two centuries ago when the castle fell in the Great Northern War, the last assault was so sudden that Celebindel and his sons did not have time to get to the Armory and its secret exit. The Orcs came through the main gate with such force and speed that they, along with most of the remnants of their army, were trapped in the main tower. Thus they met their end and the secret exit never served its original purpose.
The Caverns[]

- Approximately one mile from the lower halls of Minas Brethil is the entrance to the Orc warrens. The tunnel from the ruined castle descends continuously at an angle of around 6-8 degrees, yet is safe for travel. Unlike the segment of tunnel beyond the Orcish settlement, this stretch of cavern is dry. The grotto where the orcs from Carn Dûm have taken up residence is a natural occurrence with a few minor embellishments. Some of the caves and passageways have been enlarged upon as needed, but for the most part this lair looks as it has for the last millenium. The entrance is always guarded by two orcs from the Larag-mosh tribe. Pieces of rock from the mining have been stacked together to form a quasi-wall that extends halfway across the cavern. The orcs here are not very alert (Perception bonus, +0) and can be surprised by resourceful individuals. If they do notice intruders however, they have a killing field (an area with no cover for opposing forces) of at least 75 yards and can pepper them with arrows from their shortbows while calling for reinforcements. At any time there will be at least 7-10 orcs who can respond to an alarm within 10-15 rounds.
- This low-ceilinged cave is the repository for all of the rancid meats that sustain the Orcish garrison. There is also an assortment of mushrooms and tubers in small barrels, as well as grains for an Orcish form of waybread. This room stinks beyond most people's ability to withstand (PC's must make an RR vs. level 1 or be nauseated for 5-50 rounds) and the half-rotten sheep (among other things) hanging from the ceiling are enough to make even the strongest of men turn their head.
- Carved from a natural fissure, the quarters of Haeg reminds one of a gaudy bordello. Thick red carpets, candles and a comfortable bed are the most prominent features in this room. Hedonistic to a fault, the Dunman has supplied his room with a keg of strong liquor, a quantity of the illicit drug Tortella and one of the young captives. He uses a table in the front room to hold papers, mostly drawings of the excavation and guard rotations for the troops stationed in the ruins. A few magical scrolls, from lists Haeg is working on, are scattered among the other relatively worthless papers.
These include:
There is also a high-backed oak chair, from which Haeg dictates his commands to the orcs and workers. Separating the two rooms is a black curtain. Behind the curtain are Haeg's large comfortable bed and three chests, two of which hold an expansive collection of expensive clothing. The other chest is locked (Hard, -10) and holds Haeg's' wealth, which is quite considerable. Over the years the sorcerer has amassed a small fortune; it includes over 400 pieces of gold and many gems and jewels. Coming from an impoverished family of shepherds, Haeg has developed an affinity for the finer things in life. He hates coins of copper and other small denominations since they were all he knew as a child. Haeg's other items are kept close to his person. His staff of highly polished black wood is an x2pp adder that can cast "Deflections" and "Bladeturn" each 2x/day. An iron ring, designed to show his allegiance to the Witch-king adorns his right hand and is also an x2pp adder. His dagger (+10, magical) is mostly ceremonial, but will cause a secondary Puncture Crit and is usually loaded with a non-fatal poison. Lastly, Haeg has acquired a palm-sized sea blue sphere that can cast 20 PPs/day of spells off of the WATER LAW spell list up to 10th level.
The sorcerous Dunman will be in his quarters 85% of the time (he is inebriated 20% of the time also). If he is not here, he will be supervising the work and generally terrorizing the orcs and slave workers (he does this through frequent use of the various "Pain" spells). Understandably, discipline among the orcs is very good. The first few orcs he slew served as an excellent example to the others. Haeg prefers to remain in the caverns and will only go up into the castle on the explicit orders of Kas Horva. He was furious (although he hid it quite well) when command of the expedition was given to Kas, instead of himself. Due to this, Haeg will stay in the company of orcs for in the caverns below there is no master other than him. - Two alcoves have been enlarged on either side of the cave passage. Each contains one Larag-mosh orc warrior who acts as a guard for the primary orcish enclave. They will be the first to respond to any alarm and, like the guards behind the rock wall, have shortbows and bulging quivers.
- The Larag-mosh orcs of the company dwell in these four cave branches. There are markings on the wall where the tight corners were enlarged, but otherwise there is little of value in this section of the caves. The orcs sleep on assorted blankets over beds of hay and grass. Unfortunately, this has created an insect problem (notably mites and ticks), yet the orcs do not care (they can be tasty with the right amount of salt). There are fifteen Larag-mosh orcs barracked in these caves.
- This is the cavern where all of the orcs, Trupalog and Larag-mosh, gather to eat, gamble (crude games usually involving pain) and socialize. There is a large firepit in the center and because of this the room is always smoky. During orcish waking hours (which are totally opposite of the Angmarean troops) 5-10 orcs will be arguing and fighting here and all of them have their weapons close by and can respond to an alarm quickly. There is nothing of any real value here.
- Three Trupalog orcs sleep in each of these caves. They keep none of their money in here, untrusting of one another as they are, and are here only when resting.
- The home of Nhurash, the Turpalog Greater Orc leader of the orcish contingent, this cave is much like the others. A blanket lain over leaves and grass serves as a bed and there is a small keg of orcish liquor in one corner. Nhurash is rarely here, as he is frequently down in the part of the tunnel where the mining is being completed. His money (19 gp) always accompanies him in a non-descript leather pouch on his weapon belt.
- Down a set of carved steps lies the complex's temple. Chiseled into an oval shape, this room has a stone altar dominating the center. There are bloodstains trailing down the sides, but it is obvious that this is a relatively new shrine. During religious ceremonies, the orcs gather here to worship the Dark One. These are loud, raucous affairs, which always involve bloodletting. There is a 2% chance that one is taking place during orcish waking hours. If there is no ritual taking place this room is absolutely empty.
- Two racks created for the punishment of slave's stand against the cave wall. They serve two purposes: that of intimidation of the remaining slaves and that of entertainment for the orcs. The slaves are usually well behaved because of the hostages being held in the lower halls of Minas Brethil, but small infractions do occur and there is almost always at least one slave tied up here.
- Lurking behind an iron grate operated by a simple winch, are the expeditions wolves. Ten large wolves are housed in this rather large cave. Every now and then they are released to feed or serve as mounts for the orcs on one of their nocturnal patrols. Any non-orc who approaches the gate will be met by growls and snarling. If an alarm is raised one orc will hurry to this gate and frantically raise it. The wolves will then join any fracas on the side of the orcs.
- The deepest point of the orcish subterranean complex is home to the slaves. Eighteen desperate men sleep or lounge here in a circular pit when not enlarging the tunnel. They are a despondent group consisting of farmsteaders, shepherds and caravansaries. The tunnel from the main area ends in a rock shelf from which a ladder can be lowered so the slaves may exit. There is no guard posted here, but the slaves will not assist in any escape attempt unless they are shown some proof that the hostages above are safe. Some might even call for the guards in fear of retaliation against their loved ones. The ladder lays along the rock shelf when not in use.
- This part of the tunnel gradually gets deeper and deeper. There is more water dripping from the cavern roof and the floor can get incredibly slippery in places. The excavation has actually proceeded beyond the river and they are beginning to delve upwards. At the end of the tunnel lies all of the equipment used to mine the rock. Picks, shovels, chisels, hammers, wheelbarrows, etc. are all present. When the slaves are working, three Trupalog and three Larag-mosh orcs watch them.
- Branching off from the main tunnel leading towards the Hoarwell, this underground passage winds its way to the surface. It gets rather steep in places and one can easily notice carved steps in certain sections along this passageway. This tunnel ends up in an enlarged cave on the surface and is constantly guarded by two Great Orcs of the Trupalog tribe. Greenery has been cut and laid over the entrance to serve as camouflage and it serves its purpose well, it is an Extremely Hard (-10) maneuver to notice the entrance. At night, the wolves that accompanied the orcs from Angmar are let out to scour the countryside for any intruders. Occasionally, orcish patrols will also exit the caverns through this cave and patrol the nearby valley.
Characters (T.A. 1640-1650)[]
Men Alcaur Carathin Descarr Haeg Wilum Kas Horva Leoric Moiric Othir Rakk Turamac
Orcs Nhurash
Undead: Celebindel
Other interpretations[]

For other interpretations of Minas Brethil, see:
Seeking Solis MERP Resources[]
- Minas Brethil (preview at right)
- Minas Brethil Keep (preview at right)
Middle-earth Fan Modules[]
From the MERP Fan Modules archives (floor-plans translation key in file comments):